So maybe i am blind or this is an issue with my browser or way...
With this "new" forum Software, i see no direct way of accessing my Inbox.
I got a PM earlier, and the only reason i saw this was because i got a notification in my email account with the content of it.
Here on the forums?
Nothing visible.
Also no way to directly access the PM menu. I had to click on the user, use the "send user a PM" bullet, and in the following menu then finally saw a hint that i got a private message sent.
I also see no direct link to the profile, the only way to access it seems to be searching a forum post of my own and then clicking on my user name.
That seems to be a tad to convoluted to be intentional, but with the history of the software this board has used, you never know.
Have attached a screenshot of the page, for reference, so maybe there is something missing for me that is there for others?
Screenshot on imgur because file to big: