After our last Missions night at our FLGS those present had a lengthy discussion of our thoughts and experiences with the new season. The primary focus of the conversation was the likes and dislikes of the season thus far. I'd love to hear what other people's impressions are as well.
From much of the Columbus OH community:
- Police Presence and Response: Overall, we've enjoyed the season having stronger law enforcement vs. shenanigans. It is especially good having most of their procedures, potential outs, and penalties plainly listed so that GMs have a streamlined foundation for how to handle things that might come up., and players will know what to expect if caught.
- Magic Surveillance: Again, having a generally tighter surveillance over the public has been nice for keeping things lighter of shenanigans.
- Punitive GMs: Everyone that sat at the table had bad experiences at Origins last year. This largely came from GMs looking for ways to penalize players through the surveillance penalty system's "at GM discretion clause" towards what might also garner attention. In one incident, a mage casting fashion at Force 4 on himself before meeting the Johnson triggered a GM into sending in astral patrols, doing SIN checks, a license check on the mage for spellcasting, and even after all of that passed the officer warned the mage that "deceptive" spellcasting wasn't tolerated.
- Surveillance seems omnipresent: Tightening surveillance was great overall, but especially as relates to spellcasting, it feels overboard.
- Riggers getting the short straw when travelling: More than a few Missions in both Chicago and the new season start by limiting what and the size of gear players can bring with them. While this might be logical, when Riggers get whittled down to a single medium size drone, it really sucks the life right out of the archetype. While it is not uncommon for other archetypes to be inconvenienced (background, noise, no rocket launcher, ect.), it is typically only the Rigger who has their lifeblood (vehicles especially) significantly stripped down or taken away entirely. We'd love to see that altered or eliminated in future writing.