I like the concept. With the level of surveillance in the game no one could run. We already have a level of buy in that certain things are going to slide past. So the buy in that people don’t see through your clever rocker cover is not really different. Hey 21 seasons in team rocket still fools ash and crew with their disguises.
Hair, make-up, clothing, and lighting effects can have a big impact on how a person looks. Go and google "celebrities without make up," it can be virtually night and day for actors... Given some of the outrageous looks that musicians can sport, it can be even more drastic. Especially if musical acts in 2080 are anything like the visual kei, glam rock, eroguro, goth, industrial, and/or black metal genres of today and the recent past.
Would you recognize Lady Gaga if she was wearing no makeup, dressed in tactical armor, carrying a submachine gun, and having a running firefight with a SWAT team? Probably not.