I'm well aware of the inherent toxicity in the "there's only one way to read this" argument. And still, despite being aware of that toxicity, I still only see one valid way to look at the question. It's either the DMSO + blight toxin has a different resistance mechanic but the same effect as "straight" blight, or DMSO + blight has a different resistance mechanic and a different but unstated effect. Sorry, but as much of a pompous ass it makes me sound like to say it, but there's no logical way the latter can be the truth.
Er, the stated effect is Stun Drain...which, since it can't be bypassed (for a time) by a patch, is significantly more powerful than Stun damage. Narcoject, by comparison, ONLY does Stun damage...and it's one of the most powerful injection toxins in the game.
As for worries about game changing nature of blight:
1) on one hand, I *welcome* that game changing paradigm. Wow, you can't just mop up a whole patrol of guards by siccing a spirit on them? Call it an *improvement* to the game in my mind.
I'm not a big fan of countering a known problem by introducing a new problem. High Force spirits are a problem, and I feel Neo-Tokyo at least tries to counter this with the Magic Surveillance section of the FAQ. A caster that drops a Force 9 spirit on a group of guards is like a Street Samurai using a grenade launcher to take out the same guards - not subtle at all, and inviting a huge response from the NTMP.
as for the threat to characters:
2) SRM already has the 1st and 4th blanket rules.
And yet, we still need a 90+ page FAQ. I've seen enough SRM GMs (and module authors) break Rule 1 to know why.
3) Blight may be a miracle of chemical engineering, sure. But dovetailing with why I think there's only one way to read the rule... it still obeys the general toxins rules. When mixed with DMSO it has a contact vector, which means your chemical protection rating will add bonus dice to the drain test. Honestly, if I were to break blanket rules 1 and 4 and target a player's fun, I wouldn't add capsule rounds with DMSO+blight to an NPC I'd add a dart weapon w straight blight. I've seen way too many cases of fully soaking 12 drain to trust it to take away your magic.
Nothing in certain with dice, but on average you'll need 36 dice to soak 12 drain. Even rolling well (1 hit per 2 dice), you're going to need 24 dice...which is doable with experienced mages if you build for it, but not trivial.
4) I played a Decker thru season 8 of Chicago. Nothing to hack. I still had fun because I built a character that wasn't one dimensional. It's true you're encouraged to play what you want in organized play, but color me unsympathetic if you make a character that can't do anything if your primary schtick is denied.
I played a combo decker/face for Chicago, who only drew his Colt Agent Special (9 dice, including smartlink) if there was absolutely no other option. Some of those modules for Chicago should have (at a minimum) had some OOC warning telling people that if they're playing a dedicated decker, they're not going to have much to do. I have to roll my eyes on the rare occasions we finish a module without a combat, and someone complains they didn't get to fight...
Regardless, I'm not a big fan of countering a known problem by introducing a new one.
5) An antidote patch costs 50¥. It's not like it's hard to remove a toxin that affects your character.
Does an antidote patch restore your connection to the manasphere, or remove Stun Drain (which, to my knowledge, only recovers with natural healing)? It's at best +6 dice to the roll, and can't counter an immediate effect toxin unless it was used in the 20 minutes
before the attack.