What are things to keep in mind in level building?

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« on: <12-23-18/0705:05> »
Specifically, I would like to give players more ways to approach a mission. My next run will be a research building that is hiding an underground complex that does some shady and unethical experimentation (kidnapping people and seeing how far they can cyber someone up before it loses all essence). The building above ground has some standard security, since they don't want attract too much attention; a fence, a couple of cameras, low grade guards. The goal is to infiltrate, get downstairs and flip a killswitch.

Any ideas for security, and cool ways players could exploit them? Please keep in mind, I am fairly new to Shadowrun, so even basic things could help me out.

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #1 on: <12-23-18/1036:15> »
Ok... for starters remember that if you put together a comprehensive description of the target building, the players will do something that renders most of your work moot.  And that's kind of the point... Shadowrunners are not exploring a dungeon, they're getting in and out with the least amount of fuss (meeting security measures)!

So what does that mean?  In all probability, you don't need to generate a complete floorplan of the building.  You probably don't even need a complete floorplan of the lab level; just map out the area with the "kill switch" itself.  The rest of the building only needs to be roughly laid out in your mind so that you can answer questions like "Where's the nearest elevator?" and "is there an employee breakroom on that floor?"  The players will decide for themselves what details are relevant; there's little point in coming up with a booklet to cover every aspect of the building when that'll just see 90-95% of your work go un-needed :D

Aside from mapping concerns, what you'll want to address is the three basics: physical security, magical security, and matrix security.  Of course if your players' team lacks a mage or a hacker, those respective "worlds" can be given less thought as they'll be less likely to be relevant to the players' plan.

Physical Security: No security measure is fool-proof but smart security layers measures.  As a low-tech example: sure anyone can climb a fence and anyone can cut a padlock off with bolt cutters, but fewer people can climb a fence while carrying the bolt cuttters!  From a player's perspective: Shadowrunners are overkill versus all but the most elite security.  The challenge isn't in defeating some encounter, but in doing it while limiting yourself.  For example: a cyber nut with an Ares Alpha Assault Rifle is not seriously going to be stopped by patrolmen wearing cheap armor and armed with popguns. But, walking around with an Ares Alpha Assault Rifle without anyone sounding the alarm is problematic... etc.  From a GM's perspective: generally, you're supposed to presume the players will be successful, but if you don't at least challenge them it's less fun of a game. I feel a 'best practice' is to provide some challenges that the characters are good at.  They have a locksmith? give them locks to defeat.  They have a ninja-sneak-master? Give them the opportunity to sneak past sensors/patrols. etc.

Magical security: In the sixth world anything worth defending will not ignore magical security.  At the barest of minimums, they surely have some mage on retainer who comes around periodically to keep wards going around sensitive places.  If your team has magically capable characters, by all means throw some special 'treats' their way to ensure they get to do their thing, too. How does the site defend against astral intruders: do they just rely on wards? Do they have mages of their own on-site? Bound Spirits? Paracritters? (hell hounds and basilisks are perennial corp favorites)

Matrix security: Even if there's no hacker, it'll help you to define the target by thinking about its Matrix setup.  Almost assuredly they'll have a Host running the building.  Do they have another, possibly secret, Host running the dirty stuff downstairs?  Are the security devices (locks, sensors, etc) hard-wired or wirelessly slaved to the Host? (hard-wired is of course more secure, and requires the party's decker to not stay back and hide in the Van so he can directly access anything that needs hacking)  Do they have Spiders on duty defending the host? Is the building rigged and run by a metahuman mind?

Rather than pre-planning every little detail of the target building (again since much of what you come up with will be obviated by players' actions/decisions) what I'd recommend you do is use that energy to define the adventure's plot/structure.  Published Shadowrun adventures use a scene structure, and if you have some disposable money you can throw at your Shadowrun hobby I'd recommend getting a couple SRM missions... they're short(ish) and pretty cheap (around $5 each).  Not only can you adapt those pre-written adventures for your own campaign, you can use their formatting for your own purposes.  For example:

Scene 1: The runners get a job.  Will you have them just be offered one out of the blue by Mr Johnson, or maybe one of their existing contacts? Or will they have to proactively find work and when successful this will be the job they're offered?
Scene 2: Negotiate with Mr Johnson. usually straightforward, but you never know what can happen. Maybe the meet is in a place that's challenging to get to, or requires the runners to abandon gear they're used to relying upon (gotta meet in the nude at a hot spring!)
Scene 3: Legwork: Smart runners will look into Mr Johnson and see if there's any signs that could point to a double-cross. Most runners will find ways to recon the target so that they can make their plan. If you feel it makes perfect sense for there to be locks and the team doesn't have a way to defeat locks, this is when they identify that deficiency and address it. (hire a freebooter NPC to handle it, buy the necessary gear such as a Maglock Passkey, etc).
Scene 4: Execution: Break into the building, flip the switch, get back out
Scene 5: Meet back up with Mr Johnson to get paid.  Does Mr Johnson betray them and send assassins instead to tie up loose ends?  Does the target's owner find the runners and extract revenge upon them and Mr Johnson both?

Of course, it wouldn't be Shadowrun without twists and betrayals.   Add scenes as needed for your preferred 'spice'.  Did Mr Johnson mislead the team somehow?  Is the site different than what Mr Johnson thought it would be?  Is another Mr Johnson hiring another Shadowrun team who bumps into the players during their run?  Etc.
« Last Edit: <12-23-18/1040:53> by Stainless Steel Devil Rat »
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #2 on: <12-23-18/1246:41> »
That's a great general breakdown.

I agree 100% with the idea that the challenge is less in defeating mooks who might run into you, but in completing the run as quietly and efficiently  as possible.

Unless, of course, you're opting for full on Pink Mohawk.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #3 on: <12-23-18/1330:45> »
you need to ensure you cover all the angles.

how do you know what all the angles are as a noob gm?

use this handy-dandy security checklist:

Here is my security framework with relevant online resources to generate stuff on the fly.

Anyone can use this to build their own site security for a run to ensure you have all the bases covered (or at least are aware of the ones that you didn't cover).

If the GM just fills in answers to each section they will have a complete security setup!

This was inspired by Dethstrobe's Building Better Security posts (see here:

1). Setting Background
Any background info on location or setting including physical description

1.1). Routines & Schedules.
Things will likely changing depending up what time of day or what day of the week it is. More/ less guards, bystanders, office workers, etc.

1.2) NPCs
Not just guards but anyone that’s likely to be around.

2). Security
General Security Notes

2.1) Access Control
Permissions (what weapons, armor and other items you can bring in with you) & Consequence (what happens when someone breaks the rules and is caught).
Scanners (type, rating, how they are used and where they are located).
Door Locks
Social Hacking Opportunities

2.2) Passive Measures
Structure and barrier ratings (doors, windows, walls).
Sensors (pressure, motion, trip, etc) & Cameras

2.3) Physical Security
Oppo generator:

2.4). Magical Security
Local Phenomena (background counts etc)
Wards and Barriers (every building in the 6th world has them).
Mages & Adepts (any on-site?)
Spirits (don’t forget their patrol route, trigger and response).

2.5) Matrix Security
Host (host generator:
Spiders and Deckers
Building Systems (gas, lighting, elevators, doors, HVAC, sprinklers, turrets, etc).

3) Off-site Assets
Triggers, type and response time
Astral (mage or spirit)

4). Reasons to Run Reasons why a runner team might be working here.

NOTE: This is setup as a template in my Realmworks realm. If you use Realmworks you can reach out to me and I'll see about getting the template to you.
« Last Edit: <12-23-18/1345:14> by adzling »

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #4 on: <12-23-18/1400:22> »
Core Rulebook, 2d Printing: Security in the Sixth World starts on page 351.

Matrix Threats and how to counter them starts on 354.

Magic Threats on 357, Security Devices on 358, with various locks and how to get around them on page 359.

It ends with sensors and scanners and finally automated defenses.


So, who has what?  Depends on the size of the corporation and what they are up to.  Less than AA Corporations usually don't have the robust level of proprietary security that the AAs and the Megas have.  Small businesses have very little.


Small business or easy (soft) target -

Security guards are 1-4 Paul Blarts.  Armor Jackets and Tasers, maybe handguns.  No combat drugs.  Their real job is to call the local law enforcement and indicate whether they should send a regular patrol or heavy hitters (in the case of Shadowrunner, heavy hitters).  No loyalty to the company except for what it pays them (not very much), so they aren't fighting to the death.  A single physical wound will take the fight out of one, and if one or two are down, the rest will probably stop fighting.  No cyberware.  Rarely patrol the area.

Matrix - A small host without a resident Spider, IC isn't deadly, and aimed towards apprehension, so patrol, probe, tar baby and track IC.  A few cameras at key points.  Devices on host - Locks, Cameras (if any), Alarm System all wireless.

Mages - None on site. Might have a Watcher that reports to an off-site mage who calls the cops. (Probably make a decent living, just setting up Watcher spirit rituals for various local businesses).

Locks and Barriers - Maybe a simple fence.  Simple Maglock (up to rating 4) or Keypad, Passkey up to rating 3. Triggering an alarm is loud and obnoxious.  Might have cameras... might not.


Small corp or average target -

Security guards - no better, really.  Maybe a few more.  Might have a shift lead that's a bit more competent.  Might have a mild combat drug, like cram and one or two with jazz. A bit more loyal, but still won't fight to the death.  Has a security station (a front desk or their own room where they can watch cameras).  No direct combat cyberware, might have up to 1 essence of utility cyberware (cybereyes with low-light vision).  Guards MIGHT be roving the grounds (or are supposed to but don't, really).

Matrix - Might have a Spider in the host, but still not highly likely.  More IC but not any of the particularly nasty ones. - Devices on host - Locks, Cameras, Alarm System, probably wireless, but some hardwired (such as the alarm system).

Mage - Might have one on site, if the site is an important one.  If it's not a key site, then just a Watcher spirit.  If a Mage is on site, they usually have one bound spirit with a Force equal to their magic rating (no higher than 6). Mage usually has a more rounded complement of spells, not meant as much for combat but for utility.

Locks and barriers - tall fence topped with barbed or monowire. All locks at higher ratings.  Might have anti-tamper devices, but probably not. Gate guards but they aren't visually checking everyone, only people who don't can't get gates/doors to open automatically by swiping their keycard or entering their PIN in the keypad.  Cameras pointed at entry exit points.  Might have a MAD Scanner.  Alarms generally loud, but some might be silent.  They alert local authorities.


AA Corps or hard target

Security guards are loyal to the Corps.  Armor jackets but often with added protections such as nonconductivity. Might be carrying Assault Rifles or shotguns.  Definitely have combat drugs. Better use of tactics. Might be willing to take an additional physical wound after losing half their physical track, but will probably stop after that. Will continue opposing shadowrunners. MIGHT have an elite tactical team on hand with tactical armor (not hardened), depending on the site. Up to 3 essence in cyberware, including combat enhancers. Might have adepts. Have a security office.  Guards at stations and roving the grounds.

Matrix - likely has a Spider in the Host.  All IC is possible, but less likely to have the nastiest IC.  Devices on host are Locks, cameras, scanners, sensors, alarms... all very likely hardwired. Might have secondary host for secret stuff, if so, that one definitely has a spider.

Magic - Mage on site with one or two bound spirits.  Possible Mana barriers already in place.  2 or 3 Watcher Spirits.  Might have a patrolling Spirit of X.

Locks and barrier - All locks are at least rating 4 and have anti-tamper devices.  Fences topped with monowire.  Might have an interior, electric fence. Gated entry with guard visually checking vehicles/faces for recognition (you might sneak through if you stole the VPs car, cause he won't demand that window roll down). Probably have a MAD Scanner at main entry points, other entry points harder to access and might have biometric locks and sensors. Local alarms to alert security.  Cameras at every entry/exit, and cameras that rotate at strategic points throughout, allowing for unseen movement if you know the patterns.


Mega or Insane target

Security - highly loyal, possible that some will fight to the death. Top of the line armor, YNT softweave to enable stuffing more bit and bobs in.  Places where they might expect trouble, guards in full armor are normal.  Exceptional use of tactics.  Assaulr rifle standard issue, heavy weapons might be authorized.  Elite security on site or within 1d6 minutes (elite security might have hardened armor and definitely have heavy weapons). Definitely have combat drugs, might have crazier stuff like Nitro. Definitely an adept or two. Up to 4 Essence in Cyberware.  Elite security can have full cybernetic complement. There is a locker room for security staff.  Guards at checkpoint and roving the grounds.

Matrix - Multiple hosts possible, all managed by a spider. All IC and in secret hosts, better believe it will turn your brain into goo.  Admin/Top level hosts might have wireless devices but all other hosts everything is hardwired. Some hosts may have multiple Spiders.

Magic - two or more mages on site, each with multiple bound spirits. Less likely to have watcher spirits and simply have spirits of X patrolling. combat mages on hand. Might have Astral Mages patrolling.

Locks and barriers - All the locks, all with the highest anti-tamper ratings, main entries might even have biometric, but unlikely.  Interior offices and work rooms should have biometrics. Double fences, topped with monowire, interior fence is electric (boogy woogy woogy). Gate guard requires visual facial recognition of all entrants. Have a security office. Multiple MAD Scanners, and a cyberware scanner at certain points. Cameras everywhere.  Covering most of the place all the time. Blind spots possible, and can be exploited if they get every cameras reference frame and analyze it.  Silent alarm alerts personnel to prepare for conflict or put away sensitive materials without alerting the infiltrating shadowrunners. Shadowrunners get tagged and their movements sent to elite security to ambush them.


Anyway, that's a sort of 'default' that I think of.  Obviously every location has its own quirks.  Some places may have AAA Magic protection and a single Paul Blart at the front desk.  But those are some general ideas.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #5 on: <12-23-18/1418:12> »
There is also some logistic things to keep in mind for your facility that everyone forgets (and Runners usually think of).

1: Buildings need utilities.
Water, oxygen, electricity, heat, cooling all these need to be brought into a building. Underground structures also need the following:

Gas displacement (there are a LOT of toxic gases trapped in the earth, as you dig down, you release these gases. These gases, like S204, displace the air, killing people very quickly.)
Drainage for moisture creep/condensation. the deeper you go, the more moisture will wick from the soil into the concrete, creating humidity.... and enough humidity and things break down fast (especially electronics).


So depending on the size of the facility underground, there could be a whole lot of supporting infrastructure above ground to exploit, not to mention service accesses for service work. (Utilities have to come in from somewhere, and that is usually OUTSIDE, but attached to the structure proper - so utilities can cut off service in the event of an emergency, or non-payment) - access to utility rooms is either "sewer" access (common in large cities) or found in the "back" of the building - usually hidden from view

Buildings are also built for a purpose. A "huge" underground structure sounds great... But are very expensive to build! They have to be engineered to support weight of the earth on 5 sides - instead of 4. (this is why most basements are smaller or the same size as the structure above). Now, this is could be a "re-purposed" structure... Such as a parkcade turned into a research facility - which would give you a starting point to work from. (just go to an underground parkcade and look around and make notes.)

But don't forget, Buildings have a Function!
They are laid out in such a way as to make that function as optimal as possible.

SECURITY, on the other hand is meant to interrupt that function to impede unauthorized access... In short they interrupt the flow of the work space.

One of the most common flaws in a security system is this very interruption!

I can't tell you the number of jobsites I have worked where sensitive materials, knowledge, or patents have required security. In some cases the security was incredibly tight.
(Enter a room, remove all outer clothing, electronic devices, and put on a clean room onesie. Goto the next room for a pat down. Proceed to the next room for identity verification. Then Proceed to the next room to look at the plans. A 20 minute procedure for 5 minutes of looking...)

Eventually, what happens is people start cutting corners.... usually the more invasive the security, the quicker it falls apart. (the above lasted 3 months of a 2 year job. By the end of the job, anyone could just walk in and look at the plans and leave. The reason? 20,000 billable hours for wasted labor and security.)

Corps walk a fine line between security and profit. If they are not making money, then cuts must be made...


Also, Don't waste TOO much time doing a floor plan, and mapping out every nook and cranny..... Players have a way of taking 30 hours of hard work, and crumpling it into a ball in 30 seconds.

"Guys, this sounds like a death trap. Lets just blow the water main, flooding the place! That will empty the building, fry their security, and create enough chaos that we can slip in during the confusion, get what we need, and get out!"

<GM after spending 2 weeks planning and mapping every nook and cranny of the complex>   :Bashes own face with rule book:
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.


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« Reply #6 on: <12-23-18/1553:13> »
Hey Jayde I'd like to fold an edited version of the below into my copy-pasta security primer posted above (with attribution of course).

Are you cool with that?



So, who has what?  Depends on the size of the corporation and what they are up to.  Less than AA Corporations usually don't have the robust level of proprietary security that the AAs and the Megas have.  Small businesses have very little.


Small business or easy (soft) target -

Security guards are 1-4 Paul Blarts.  Armor Jackets and Tasers, maybe handguns.  No combat drugs.  Their real job is to call the local law enforcement and indicate whether they should send a regular patrol or heavy hitters (in the case of Shadowrunner, heavy hitters).  No loyalty to the company except for what it pays them (not very much), so they aren't fighting to the death.  A single physical wound will take the fight out of one, and if one or two are down, the rest will probably stop fighting.  No cyberware.  Rarely patrol the area.

Matrix - A small host without a resident Spider, IC isn't deadly, and aimed towards apprehension, so patrol, probe, tar baby and track IC.  A few cameras at key points.  Devices on host - Locks, Cameras (if any), Alarm System all wireless.

Mages - None on site. Might have a Watcher that reports to an off-site mage who calls the cops. (Probably make a decent living, just setting up Watcher spirit rituals for various local businesses).

Locks and Barriers - Maybe a simple fence.  Simple Maglock (up to rating 4) or Keypad, Passkey up to rating 3. Triggering an alarm is loud and obnoxious.  Might have cameras... might not.


Small corp or average target -

Security guards - no better, really.  Maybe a few more.  Might have a shift lead that's a bit more competent.  Might have a mild combat drug, like cram and one or two with jazz. A bit more loyal, but still won't fight to the death.  Has a security station (a front desk or their own room where they can watch cameras).  No direct combat cyberware, might have up to 1 essence of utility cyberware (cybereyes with low-light vision).  Guards MIGHT be roving the grounds (or are supposed to but don't, really).

Matrix - Might have a Spider in the host, but still not highly likely.  More IC but not any of the particularly nasty ones. - Devices on host - Locks, Cameras, Alarm System, probably wireless, but some hardwired (such as the alarm system).

Mage - Might have one on site, if the site is an important one.  If it's not a key site, then just a Watcher spirit.  If a Mage is on site, they usually have one bound spirit with a Force equal to their magic rating (no higher than 6). Mage usually has a more rounded complement of spells, not meant as much for combat but for utility.

Locks and barriers - tall fence topped with barbed or monowire. All locks at higher ratings.  Might have anti-tamper devices, but probably not. Gate guards but they aren't visually checking everyone, only people who don't can't get gates/doors to open automatically by swiping their keycard or entering their PIN in the keypad.  Cameras pointed at entry exit points.  Might have a MAD Scanner.  Alarms generally loud, but some might be silent.  They alert local authorities.


AA Corps or hard target

Security guards are loyal to the Corps.  Armor jackets but often with added protections such as nonconductivity. Might be carrying Assault Rifles or shotguns.  Definitely have combat drugs. Better use of tactics. Might be willing to take an additional physical wound after losing half their physical track, but will probably stop after that. Will continue opposing shadowrunners. MIGHT have an elite tactical team on hand with tactical armor (not hardened), depending on the site. Up to 3 essence in cyberware, including combat enhancers. Might have adepts. Have a security office.  Guards at stations and roving the grounds.

Matrix - likely has a Spider in the Host.  All IC is possible, but less likely to have the nastiest IC.  Devices on host are Locks, cameras, scanners, sensors, alarms... all very likely hardwired. Might have secondary host for secret stuff, if so, that one definitely has a spider.

Magic - Mage on site with one or two bound spirits.  Possible Mana barriers already in place.  2 or 3 Watcher Spirits.  Might have a patrolling Spirit of X.

Locks and barrier - All locks are at least rating 4 and have anti-tamper devices.  Fences topped with monowire.  Might have an interior, electric fence. Gated entry with guard visually checking vehicles/faces for recognition (you might sneak through if you stole the VPs car, cause he won't demand that window roll down). Probably have a MAD Scanner at main entry points, other entry points harder to access and might have biometric locks and sensors. Local alarms to alert security.  Cameras at every entry/exit, and cameras that rotate at strategic points throughout, allowing for unseen movement if you know the patterns.


Mega or Insane target

Security - highly loyal, possible that some will fight to the death. Top of the line armor, YNT softweave to enable stuffing more bit and bobs in.  Places where they might expect trouble, guards in full armor are normal.  Exceptional use of tactics.  Assaulr rifle standard issue, heavy weapons might be authorized.  Elite security on site or within 1d6 minutes (elite security might have hardened armor and definitely have heavy weapons). Definitely have combat drugs, might have crazier stuff like Nitro. Definitely an adept or two. Up to 4 Essence in Cyberware.  Elite security can have full cybernetic complement. There is a locker room for security staff.  Guards at checkpoint and roving the grounds.

Matrix - Multiple hosts possible, all managed by a spider. All IC and in secret hosts, better believe it will turn your brain into goo.  Admin/Top level hosts might have wireless devices but all other hosts everything is hardwired. Some hosts may have multiple Spiders.

Magic - two or more mages on site, each with multiple bound spirits. Less likely to have watcher spirits and simply have spirits of X patrolling. combat mages on hand. Might have Astral Mages patrolling.

Locks and barriers - All the locks, all with the highest anti-tamper ratings, main entries might even have biometric, but unlikely.  Interior offices and work rooms should have biometrics. Double fences, topped with monowire, interior fence is electric (boogy woogy woogy). Gate guard requires visual facial recognition of all entrants. Have a security office. Multiple MAD Scanners, and a cyberware scanner at certain points. Cameras everywhere.  Covering most of the place all the time. Blind spots possible, and can be exploited if they get every cameras reference frame and analyze it.  Silent alarm alerts personnel to prepare for conflict or put away sensitive materials without alerting the infiltrating shadowrunners. Shadowrunners get tagged and their movements sent to elite security to ambush them.


Anyway, that's a sort of 'default' that I think of.  Obviously every location has its own quirks.  Some places may have AAA Magic protection and a single Paul Blart at the front desk.  But those are some general ideas.


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« Reply #7 on: <12-24-18/0404:41> »
Thanks all, for the great replies. I must say, I am new to this forum, and I didn't know what to expect, but it is great to see so many Chummers ready to help a fellow GM out.

1: Buildings need utilities.
Gas displacement (there are a LOT of toxic gases trapped in the earth, as you dig down, you release these gases. These gases, like S204, displace the air, killing people very quickly.)
Drainage for moisture creep/condensation. the deeper you go, the more moisture will wick from the soil into the concrete, creating humidity.... and enough humidity and things break down fast (especially electronics).

The underground facility is going to be quite small in comparison to the building above, and not that deep. Does it still need gas displacement? And what could a team of shadowrunners do with it? Isn't tampering with it only going to result in long term effects to the building?

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #8 on: <12-24-18/1221:18> »
Adzling, of course!
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #9 on: <12-24-18/1337:20> »
Thanks all, for the great replies. I must say, I am new to this forum, and I didn't know what to expect, but it is great to see so many Chummers ready to help a fellow GM out.

1: Buildings need utilities.
Gas displacement (there are a LOT of toxic gases trapped in the earth, as you dig down, you release these gases. These gases, like S204, displace the air, killing people very quickly.)
Drainage for moisture creep/condensation. the deeper you go, the more moisture will wick from the soil into the concrete, creating humidity.... and enough humidity and things break down fast (especially electronics).

The underground facility is going to be quite small in comparison to the building above, and not that deep. Does it still need gas displacement? And what could a team of shadowrunners do with it? Isn't tampering with it only going to result in long term effects to the building?

Technically, any structure with a negative grade of 6 feet needs gas displacement. You have it in your house if you have a basement - its attached to your furnace generally.

What you can do with it, depends on how big it is. (Anywhere from 4cm to 140 cm). And despite its grand name all it is, is a way to exchange fresh air for waste air.

However, on a larger structure, you could pilot a drone down it. Or reverse feed your own chemicals through it, or just block it off and suffocate people! (Ok, this would take hours to days.... but you get the idea)
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.

