Cost of more realistic drones

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Ghost Rigger

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« on: <12-13-18/1824:03> »
In Rigger 5.0, several drones are mentioned to have available variants with Realistic Features built-in (or in some cases, higher levels of Realistic Features than the default model). Okay. So what do they cost? Are there any non-English splatbooks stating these prices, or splatbooks from previous editions that would provide useful points of reference? Yes, I can calculate what they cost as modified drones. I can also list the various drones and vehicles that cost less than adding their standard features to a comparable drone or vehicle; I think we can agree that there's a precedent for standard features to cost less than equivalent modified features.

Unrelated, but how do I modify a Festo Sewer Snake so that it can bite people and inject them with venom? I have no immediate plans to assassinate someone and make it look like an act of nature, but you never know when you're going to get a wetwork job....
After all you don't send an electrician to fix your leaking toilet.

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Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #1 on: <12-13-18/1831:36> »
cost is on pg 125 of R5.

The advantage of standard upgrades is they don't cost slots rather than that they cost less nuyen.

Hrm, I believe the advantage of standard upgrades is that the drone comes with standard upgrades included in the listed price, if Chummer is to be believed.
« Last Edit: <12-13-18/1847:27> by Stainless Steel Devil Rat »
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.

Ghost Rigger

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« Reply #2 on: <12-13-18/1846:24> »
The advantage of standard upgrades is they don't cost slots rather than that they cost less nuyen.
Funny that, I have a list of drones and vehicles that suggest otherwise. The Evo Proletarian, for instance, has a drone arm (7500 nuyen, 1 MP), a rating 2 autosoft (1000 nuyen) and a tool kit (500 nuyen), yet it only costs 4000 nuyen and has only 1 MP available. On the vehicle side of things, the Dodge Scoot (3000 nuyen) has Improved Economy (3500 nuyen) as a standard feature.
After all you don't send an electrician to fix your leaking toilet.

A Guide to Gridguide

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #3 on: <12-13-18/1848:08> »
Yeah I corrected myself, looks like what I initially said isn't right.

As for making a snake drone into a toxin delivery vehicle.. you could install the Injector Pen melee weapon (Cutting Aces, pg 134) in a weapon mount, and "skin" it as being mouth-mounted.
« Last Edit: <12-13-18/1852:40> by Stainless Steel Devil Rat »
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #4 on: <02-09-19/2143:26> »
The drones have their Mod Points reduced by standard equipment and, as a general rule the gear is given a halved price to take into account that you didn't have a choice, it was already there. Anthrodrones were designed a bit differently, but the main drones should all follow that design space.

Ghost Rigger

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« Reply #5 on: <02-09-19/2152:28> »
The drones have their Mod Points reduced by standard equipment and, as a general rule the gear is given a halved price to take into account that you didn't have a choice, it was already there. Anthrodrones were designed a bit differently, but the main drones should all follow that design space.
So in your opinion, what do Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4 Shiawase I-Dolls cost, given that the price we're shown in Rigger 5 is the default Class 1?
After all you don't send an electrician to fix your leaking toilet.

A Guide to Gridguide


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« Reply #6 on: <02-10-19/0326:10> »
The drones have their Mod Points reduced by standard equipment and, as a general rule the gear is given a halved price to take into account that you didn't have a choice, it was already there. Anthrodrones were designed a bit differently, but the main drones should all follow that design space.
So in your opinion, what do Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4 Shiawase I-Dolls cost, given that the price we're shown in Rigger 5 is the default Class 1?

They're a Rating2, 3, and 4 Realistic Features, respectively. My personal suggestion would be using the same half-cost for a new one bought with said features while upgrading a standard-issue one would have the full cost. I don't know what the official errata team would say tho. Grabbing the book, off the top of my head, that'd be:

Class 2 = +2250
Class 3 = +4500
Class 4 = +22,500


I'd probably tweak it a bit to put a bit more space between 'em. Say a final tally of 25K, 30K, and 50K, but, that's just getting a bit fiddly with them.

