Mato isn't sure what AM is worked up about. So what if it's a porn movie? Maybe AM is one of those, whaddyacallit, prudes. Or maybe she used to be in pornos herself. She seems to carry some sort of big regret around with her, although Mato doesn't know what it is. He does know that she's in debt, and that porno actresses often have to buy themselves out of their indentured servitude. Or was he thinking of bunraku puppets? Either way, he immediately constructs an elaborate history for AM that nobody would really care about unless it involved something really unseemly, like animal husbandry drones.
He goes to get dressed, swapping his fluffy robe for his armor jacket before deciding that it looks too bulky.
"Hey, Jawsey, can I borrow your armor vest? No use having cyberarms if you don't show them off, ne? Don't worry if it's too small; it'll just make my arms pop that much more."
He grabs his ballistic mask, thinking it would look pretty boss, but then has a better plan.
"Hey, AM!" he calls out, before remembering that she's in VR. <<Can you work up some of that personality mojo? Maybe some of that salon magic too. I'm thinking some stubble, a mohawk, maybe sharpen the eyebrows a bit. We want to put our best face forward, ne? You can do that, right?>>