The meet rarely results in violence so I'm not overly worried about that. The PC can show up in whatever method of transport they have selected. They won't have any penalty to social interaction. Odds are they will have good to amazing mental attributes, and given that they probably won't be packing much in the way of physical skills they should have a decent shot at have at-least basic socials skill and probubly more. So they should be fine there.
Now in the normal course of a home game GM can split challenges, setup encounters to functions from multiple ends and tailor their runs to meet the fact that your leaving someone "in the van". Further in a home game, the PC made their choice hopefully in full understand of the dangers of that choice, and understands the consequences. So that doesn't bother me, it's not a new concept plenty of folks have made these characters.
But in missions it's newbies that cause me concern. When making a character fast to get started, its easy to look and see on disad that eats all those points. Sounds like a good idea and tries it without understanding the consequences. That's what I don't want to see. I'm perfectly willing to admit, it's not a huge deal, its just one disadd, among so many, and we have no shortage of easy select disadds, and yes there will always be unfortunate accidents with newbies, they don't understand the game and system so they tend make poor choices. But l'd still prefer to make that poor choice just a little harder to make.