Will we see Guanyin, QUADRIPLEGIC, instinctive hack, Special Modification/Prototype Materials make into missions play?
While there is plenty of cool stuff in BtB, these are the things I'm concerned about, actions before initiative while not a new idea always proves to be very disruptive in my experience. SM/PM are likely to become standard mods in the hyper specialized world SR as it stand, and is likely result in some pretty Strong weapons. Quadriplegic and Guanyin are likely to be table disruptive.
While i'm much less concerned about Dead Sin, I do want to ask about it, as while I don't see it be very table disruptive I do think it will become very popular very quickly. We all want disads to be meaningful, but this I'm really unsure about.
Lastly New uses for Karma and street cred. Largely i don't have an issue with this, more uses for street cred in fact seem like a good idea, but karma sacrifice for bonus to influence die rolls seems like kinda ugly president to set. I don't want to see newbies ether mistakenly or otherwise talked into this at some table.