AM: The firewalls on the links part for you like the Red Sea, and you begind digging around their files and old messages. Most of it is either drivel or not pertinant: a few messages sent to other gang members about their activities or new tattoos, a desperate plea from a shop owner behind on payments, that sort of thing. You can find where thwy live, though - one resides in the tenement building, and the other has a shitty squat a few blocks away.A few of the messages from today are about a nova rich hostage that was brought in last night - the kid is definitely here somewhere. One medsage does seem odd, a memo that was sent out this morning to several gangers.
-"If you're checking on the kid, make sure to grab two steaks - that thing devours them fast. Madjack only brought one on the way in, and took some burns on the way out."
Mato: Traffic is regular but slow along the road. You aren't certain you can avoid being seen, but this is the Barrens - your prettt sure you saw a guy running from a ghoul on the drive here and jo one blinked, so its really a matter of not being seen bu the wrong people, and that you can manage. Your jacks launch you into the air towards the edge of the roof, but as your fingers reach for the ledge, you find gravity pulling you back down. Reacting quickly, your toes find purchase where a brick has fallen from the wall, and you are able to kick back up, scrambling your way onto the rooftop.
There is a boarded up maintenace entrance up here, and not much esle but a cooling unit and a lot.of old debris. Staying low, you make your way swiftly and silently to the southwest corner. The guys beloow you are oblivious, and currently seem to be engaged in a heated debate over whether the Jet Black cover band indoors is hot drek or just drek. Eventually, ome of the gangers tosses is hands. "You wouldn't know good music if I blasted it up your hoop. I'm gettin another drink." He step indoors, momentarilly leaving the other guy alone in the lot.