The Found Arcana IC

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« Reply #60 on: <09-03-18/0328:53> »
AM said "lets try to hack before combat... "
She moved  form the pilot seat in case things go bad, and plunged into VR for a short while looking to see which wireless devices are in the vicinity. With an emphasis on the two gangers.

Perception (Matrix): 11d6t5 3
« Last Edit: <09-03-18/0610:27> by gilga »


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« Reply #61 on: <09-03-18/0955:20> »
"If we want non violent, I could ask a spirit for help.  Give it a burner link, have it float up to the bar and announce that it has a call for ... Well maybe AM could extract a name for us?"

"That alone is odd enough to probably start pulling an audience.  We set the phone to project, I quickly make myself up like a drag queen and berate the guy for cheating on me.  Spirit floats up out of reach so it is hard to stop the call.  Enough of a spectacle and chance to laugh at their own that if I can drag it out long enough it should pull most people out front to watch.  Hopefully the ones working on the bike would not be the first to move."


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« Reply #62 on: <09-03-18/1514:31> »
Bobby waited patiently while his colleagues made up their mind. In his experience adding complications to the plan seldom made it simpler in execution. Still, even if he was an asshole, he certainly wasn't an idiot. So he cooled his haunches and reviewed in his mind how he could approach the fence unseen and make his way to the target.
Sneaking was after all, one of his strengths...
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #63 on: <09-03-18/2325:26> »
>>> I am thinking of a simple and mundane distraction, such as playing very loud music from one of their comlinks. Very difficult to hear someone sneaking when you are struggling to stop your comlink from deafening you.  The best distraction is simple and leaves little to going sideways. Seeing obvious magic is alarming and would have them calling for backup. A faulty comlink is not a reason to call the cavelry. Also if they use wireless smartlinks, their guns may be hacked before combat making it safer for us to surprise them. There are like 10 different ways that a social drama scene can go horribly wrong, as much as I'd love to see you in heels.

« Last Edit: <09-03-18/2327:44> by gilga »


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« Reply #64 on: <09-04-18/0754:08> »
Jawsey sinks back in his seat, mumbling "Ah, it would have been a grand spectacle"

After chewing on his thoughts for a bit he offers to Bobby "I suppose I could provide astral overwatch for the extraction.  And if it would help I could have a spirit off a bit of extra concealment or slowly levitate your target so that you don't have to carry him off in your jaws. "


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« Reply #65 on: <09-04-18/1438:43> »
You have surveyed the landscape thoroughly by aggregating the information you gathered from the overhead flight and a casual drive-by of the area.  The car is currently parked inconspicuously in the lot of the Stuffer Shack where a few cars are plugged into charging stations, but mostly people are milling in-an-out to get packs of BBQ rice chips and que-soy-rittos.  I realize I forgot the scale marker, but you can use the 30x50 lot of the bar as a frame of reference.

OOC:  I'll be posting this next part in sections, just in case something happens with the window and I lose progress.

The Bar: The bar has mostly been covered.  Three guys standing out front as doormen.  The lot with the bikes is on the western side of the building, along with a small open-air porch area that is littered with empty bottles and spent BTL chips.  A few windows are cracked on the first story, letting the sound of a Jetblack cover band creep into the streets along with a soft orange glow.  The second story offers no immediate access from the street, but with a brief window of being unabserved a skilled athlete might be able to reach a window fairly quickly by making use of some of the debris cluttered all around the base of the building (or by using hydraulic jacks!).

Icons:There are a few AR decorations, most notably the big spinning jack-o-lantern.  There are about two dozen personas projecting from the bar, but some of them could just be local junkies and drunks.  Most of them seeming to be running on fairly cheap links (rating 2), but you spot sporting more advanced Erika Elites (rating 4), and they're forming PANs that include smartlinked smgs.  Several of the halloweeners are sporting varied cyberware, but with the exception of some cybereyes and the afore-mentioned smartlinked systems, you don't see much wireless functionality to it.  You can spot the icon for the camera overlooking the door, as well as three more on the interior, and some low-grade basic BTL recording equipment.  The camera doesn't look like much, but, curiously, is part of a WAN - slaved to the host of the Stuffer Shack across the street.

There is one icon that catches your eye, both because of it's uncommon detail and because spotting it is all you can do - whoever is running this persona is better at hiding their Matrix presence than any of the other gangers around.  It's projecting from inside the bar - a French nobleman decked out in all of the pomp and foppery of the late 1700s.  He's got a powdered wig and pastel orange overcoat lined with a gold trim and glossy black buttons.  Baggy trousers terminate at the knees giving way to frilly white leggings and buckled, high-heeled shoes with the pointiest tips you've ever seen.  You're worried the face is going to show up in your dreams tonight.  It looks like someone started with a blank mass of flesh and then carved a grinning jack-o-lantern into it.  There's no bleeding or scaring around the cuts, though - simply ragged, torn flesh - like someone took a pair of pinking shears to a corpse already drained of blood.

The Stuffer Shask  This is an old one, from before the 50s when Stuffer Shacks were fueling stations/convenience stores/pharmacies before the the supercenters they've become today.  It also hasn't been renovated properly since then either, because it's still got the in-your-face Aztec aesthetic that AZT was slapping all over everything when the Nuhuatl Renaissance was still novel, so the exterior almost makes it look like the gift shop for a theme park.  The interior is stlightly more modern (dating back only to the mid-60s), but extremly run down - no one cares about keeping it clean anymore.  Paint has peeled and no one has bothered with decorative AROs, and the ballistic windows are riddled bullet holes.  It looks like someone even tried to spray a smiley face on there with a machine pistol.

Though only a single story, the building, there is a largish parking lot and a covered area for vehicle charging stations, with two old gasoline fuel pumps with signs over them that "out of stock."  The traffic is slow-but-not-dead here, and you're pretty sure that at least one of the cars in the lot is abandoned, on account of it having no wheels.

Icons:  There is a crude host attached to the Stuffer Shack, and not much else.  It's the boilerplate pyramid design that AZT rolled out onto all of their properties when the new Matrix went live, before they started getting creative with their sculpting.  There is basic wireless functionality attached to the charging stations, and they are slaved to the host.  Since grid-guide doesn't operate out here, the cars have all been pretty much locked into manual functionality, but you could still tinker with alarms, remote lights, etc...  There is a security camera looking over the parking lot, and two in the store, both slaved to the host.  You can see a few Halloweeners milling about in the aisles from out here, but none of them are showing any smartlinked or wireless gear.
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« Reply #66 on: <09-04-18/1514:46> »
Tenement: This structure looks almost like a big wall with a bunch of doors in it.  The building is essentially 25 shotgun houses stacked on top of each in a 5x5 gride.  Each unit has a single door looking towards the east and towards the west.  The eastern doors have a very small balcony that connects to a single exterior elevator (of which there are five - one for each column of apartments).  It would seem that people tire of waiting on other tenants coming and going, because many of the lower-level balconies have rope ladders rolled up on their floors.  A second, communal balcony (though only about 5 feet out from the doors) runs along the eastern western edge of each floor, and each of these grants access to the fire escape hugging the building's northern wall.  The ladder from the second floor to the ground is currently lowered, and people seem to use the scaffolding regularly to come and go, or just to sit on while they have a beer.  There is also a management office jutting out from the ground floor along the southern edge.

Icons There are some cameras in the office and one on western balcony for each floor, as well central terminals in each apartment that form a PAN for some basic amenities.  The whole system seems to be running on some dated tech, with no host attached to the building, so the cameras are slaved to a central terminal in the office.  Curiously, you note that a handful of the cameras are slaved to the host of the Stuffer Shack.

Pavilion Area: There is a run down common area outside the apartments where strung out addicts buy drugs from a Halloweener dealer.  A few benches are scattered about a large, circular area of tiled concrete that might have been nice forty or fifty years ago.  A broken fountain sits in the center, with a congealed pool of brown liquid surrounding a shattered and broken statue of some guy in a suit.

Icons:  There's not much to speak of out here.  A few personas from the people milling about, but a lot of them don't even have comms.
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« Reply #67 on: <09-04-18/1525:16> »
Abandoned Squat: This old, fairly basic apartment building has long-ago been abandoned by whoever the last landlord was.  Windows and most of the doors are boarded up, but you spy movement indoors occasionally.  There are a few meta links with out-of-the-box personas active indoors, but no other Matrix activity.  There is a trio of rusty old shipping containers dominating a small lot outside.

Rubble:  This used to be a building, but now it's not.  Whether it was a demolition project that never got cleaned up or was torn apart in riots, or simply fell apart from years of neglect, this lot is a big pile of concrete, plascrete, and rebar.  No Matrix activity here.
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« Reply #68 on: <09-04-18/1555:24> »
Jawsey sinks back in his seat, mumbling "Ah, it would have been a grand spectacle"

After chewing on his thoughts for a bit he offers to Bobby "I suppose I could provide astral overwatch for the extraction.  And if it would help I could have a spirit off a bit of extra concealment or slowly levitate your target so that you don't have to carry him off in your jaws. "

Having been given his goggles with the trodes, Bobby was able to respond:
<<Concealment would be good, but levitation is too slow. Maybe just give your spirit a can of gasoline and a lit zippo. Nothing like a burning man to get the attention of a crowd of pyromaniacs. Or drop Molotovs from on high. One thing you could levitate for me would be a sturdy piece of cloth like a blanket over the razor wire. I can get over no problem, but if I carry a man in my fangs he might get a bit scratched without something to blunt the edges.

My suggestion on how to do this: I'll sneak up close to the fence screened by the pavilion area and helped by your spirits concealment. Mato gets into position to knock our target out.
Your spirit starts some shit in the north of the parking lot - setting fire to stuff would be my suggestion - while you get ready to levitate the blanket I take with me. As soon as the distraction starts, Amy creates lots of noise with all the gear around here. Mato shoots the guy while the noise covers the shot and adds even more distraciton.
I jump in, bite the guys ass and carry him out over the fence and drag him back to the car.

Anyone got a better idea?>>
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #69 on: <09-04-18/1733:19> »
"The idea sounds grand.  Only hitch is that I'm quite new to actually summoning spirits, rather than just dealing with ones that I find wandering around the astral.  I understand that those who are better at this call up powerful spirits that will happily complete many tasks.  So far I'm at the level of being happy if the spiritual equivalent of Gus from Stuffer-Shack will do one thing for me."

After a moment he added "I should be clear: Gus from Stuffer-Shack is probably a great guy and deserving of kindness and respect, he just doesn't have the strength and cunning and power that you have, for example.  In no way do I look down upon the spirits that respond to my call, I just don't want to confuse anyone at to their potency and flexibility."


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« Reply #70 on: <09-04-18/1829:47> »
Mato nods with Bobby's plan; it was remarkably similar to one that he had come up with, but there were still holes to be addressed.

"A distraction is great, but it might not draw the attention of the doormen out front, or the dealer in the pavilion. Any of them have a good chance to spot a mountain lion trying to slink past to get into position near the fence. Same with dragging the target away. It's broad daylight for another hour.

"Speaking of which, we got this job an hour ago. We have two days. Let's do some surveillance. If these goons go home, we follow them and bag them along the way. Until then, let's keep them under observation. Anybody have a drone we can use? No? What about an directional mic? No? Well, we can add those to the shopping list once the job is done.

"For now, someone can buy a hit from the dealer in the pavilion, then squat next to the fence and listen in on the choppers. Or I can jump on the bar roof, sit in the corner, and eavesdrop. Or chummer here turns into a crow or a pigeon and does the same thing. Maybe they tell us what we need to know without even asking a question.

"What time is that Nova Rich street race in Bellevue tonight?"
« Last Edit: <09-04-18/1836:42> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #71 on: <09-05-18/1321:08> »
AM said "I am all for going fast and strong because 48 hours is not a lot of time. That said, I am not sure what we are going to do after with the ganger? where do we interrogate him? At home?! 

I can try to dig in for information in their comlinks if you like. I won't start right now as failure would alert them so I want us all to be in agreement before we take that risk. "


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« Reply #72 on: <09-05-18/1428:10> »
"Information from commlinks would be good in general, obviously anything specific to our boy is best.  But if you can get the names, or street names, of the two tearing down the bike, that might help us find them later if needed.  I was also thinking that I should go take a look at their aura's, so that I can also recognize them that way.  If our other leads dry up, I can come looking for parts, hopefully end up talking to them."

"Any objections if, after I take a look at their auras, I go take an astral look-see into their bar?  See what numbers they have in there, any awakened talent that we have to take into account, that sort of thing?"


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« Reply #73 on: <09-05-18/1430:11> »
Bobby replied:
<<@Jawsee: I can do it without concealment. Even a really weak spirit can fly a gas can over a target and set it alight. Just be careful not to get caught - those guys might have a pyromancer or some adept who can see you on the astral.
@Mato: The doorman shouldn't have line of sight - especially if the matrix distraction works. But I take your point about the daylight. Better to wait for twilight.
But waiting for those guys to go home, only to realize that they share accomodations with half a dozen other gangers doesn't seem to be a good idea. The 48 hours don't necessarily mean that the boy will still alive. Those guys aren't exactly the rational types. I can clear 40m in three seconds, probably more if I concentrate and take an hour to watch a few instruction guides. 
Eavesdropping is certainly a good idea.
But I can't do pigeons yet. To great a mass difference. I'm working on it though.
@Amy: We can interrogate him by hanging him from an overpass or any other dark corner in the Barrens. There are way to make them talk.>>
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #74 on: <09-05-18/1641:38> »
"Hang him from an overpass ... or just float him fifty metres in the air, and then start seeing if whatever pistol we took off him is accurate at that range.  My best guess is that about the time we reload for the second time he starts talking.  But if you want to be less dramatic I'll settle for hanging him from an overpass."

"But for now, a-scouting I will go.  If I'm not back to my body within a couple of minutes it is because I've been spotted and am worried about leading anyone back to our car.  If that is the case I'll take the time to lose them, and please bring my body back to our office within a couple of hours."

Trying to pretend like he's not worried about losing his body, Jawsey slides out of it sideways, quickly flits across the street, and then passes through the rubble pile, happy that it had not been there long enough to have picked up the aura Mother Earth.  Once on the far side of the rubble he soars high until he has a view of the bar and the lot behind it. 

(conditional on not seeing awakened)
Once he is confident that there are no awakened types paying attention to him he moves farther and comes lower, to get a good look at the aura of the two who are chopping the missing bike.

(conditional on still not seeing awakened). 
He takes a moment to brace himself, and another to regret that the background count here renders his weapon focus useless, then plunges into a corner of the bar building, to see what he can see from there, moving carefully through the building until he has a fair idea of the layout and has seen what occupants are in there -- unless and until he sees anyone else astrally aware.

(ooc: architecture pool 8, so can possibly guess on some of the layout details with a couple of bought successes?  (so as not to just run dead into the middle of things). 
4 successes on asensing
asensing the bar: 11d6t5 4 )
« Last Edit: <09-05-18/1729:02> by Beta »

