The Found Arcana OOC

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« Reply #15 on: <08-29-18/0129:02> »
Mato has the MonaLisa program from Cutting Aces, so he'll try running both the father and the son through it to see if he can find their identities.

MonaLisa: This facial recognition database grants +2
dice pool modifier on Computer (Matrix Search) + Logic
Tests to identify an unknown individual’s image through
various Matrix databases.

Logic 2 + Computer 1 + MonaLisa 2 = 5 dice = 1 hit if I'm buying successes


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« Reply #16 on: <08-29-18/0213:32> »
Just giving my attempt of teamwork through intimidation.
Intimidate: 12d6t5 3
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #17 on: <08-29-18/1025:59> »
@Lorebane:. To limit how much time we spend on dialogue (always a challenge in PbP), are you ok with me moving to a summary post (" They spent some more time drilling for details, then finally haggled on price" type of thing), and a negotiate roll?


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« Reply #18 on: <08-29-18/1150:57> »
Yeah, probably a good idea.  I'll put one up after I finish up this assignment.
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« Reply #19 on: <08-29-18/1314:01> »
Lorebane, there's no built-in roller on this site so most of use Orokos.

(Not sure if you have to create an account first.)

The format for the Dice to Roll field is #d6t5 with d6 being the type of dice and the t5 for the target number of 5. Don't ask me about exploding 6s because I always get the syntax wrong; I just do another separate roll if I spend Edge to Push the Limit.

Then, once you have the results, there's a subtle "link bbcode" link below that opens up a box that makes it very easy to copy-and-paste the results into the forum here. Plus, all roll results are recorded for each user (and campaign) to prevent players from rolling multiple times and cherrypicking the best one.


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« Reply #20 on: <08-29-18/1340:39> »
Exploding dice can be got with
And yeah, you have to register. It's the only reliable roller since invisible castle went the way of the dodo

Edit: Also, my offplay suggestion is to get him to increase the price by another 7000, so each of us has 8000. After expenses everyone of us should be able to reduce their debts a bit and also renew the gear that we are pretty certainly about to damage/lose when we tangle with the Halloweeners.
« Last Edit: <08-29-18/1349:49> by Jack_Spade »
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #21 on: <08-29-18/1717:07> »
Negotiate roll:

Negotiate (8ch+5neg+5teamwork): 18d6t5 4

Sigh, got to love it when the teamwork roll gets more successes than the final roll.  A frag it, using edge to re-roll fails (we all need the money):

re-roll fails on negotiate: 14d6t5 3

For a total of seven successes.  Some days the dice just don't love ya, but in the end hopefully that is enough to improve the bid a bit.

Will try to add an IC post shortly.


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« Reply #22 on: <08-29-18/1723:16> »
Brutal rolling so far. We have 18 hits on 70 dice, or 26%. We might as well be buying hits. That's like 7th percentile rolling.

gilga is the only one who has had an above-average roll so far.


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« Reply #23 on: <08-29-18/1751:01> »
Hey, isn't that traditional (horrible luck) in the opening chapters of pulp/noir detective stories?  Orokos is just keeping us on theme ;-)
« Last Edit: <08-29-18/1805:33> by Beta »


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« Reply #24 on: <08-29-18/1803:38> »
Eh, we'll just have to do some looting to keep the lights on :D
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #25 on: <08-29-18/1857:59> »
The last time I used Orokos in a game I rolled 28% for my first 500 dice. That's 27 hits that were missing. I thought for sure the starter mission was going to kill me, especially when I rolled 3 hits on 27 dodge dice (1 hit on 14 followed by 2 hits on the 13 that I Edge rerolled).

I started to regress to the mean after that, but even after 2,300+ dice my cumulative rolling didn't even get back to 32%.

Edit: grammar
« Last Edit: <08-30-18/1327:33> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #26 on: <08-31-18/1133:25> »
So who has Killcode (I know Beta does), and what do you guys think about it?  I'm still trying to absorb a lot of it, but here are my knee-jerk reactions.

New matrix actions - I love almost all of these (I'm not sure how I feel yet about the one that lets you ignore needing marks).  I think it's cool that they give more options for hackers who want to focus more on their computers and data processing stats, which also seems like an indirect quality-of-life buff to technos.  These are pretty much all kosher.

New matrix gear - my knee-jerk reaction to this one, mostly cause they're brand new, is that they exist in the world, but aren't readily known or available, because it's mostly trickling down from corporate R&D teams and isn't common knowledge on the streets yet - most people don't even know to look for these things.  So a few NPCs may have them, but access to this gear will open up as time goes on and you unlock better/improved contacts.

Technos - Still reading.  I'm bad at spotting things that are immediately problematic, but it sounds like cyberadepts could have some issues that may need to be addressed?
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« Reply #27 on: <08-31-18/1139:57> »
I have it, but haven't gotten past the table of contents yet (I have a backlog of things to read right now, so I may not really get into it for a week or two).

Also: apologies for quite simple posts this week.  Been fighting a combination of a cold and work things, so really was making minimal posts.  Bad timing, what with negotiations being part of Jawsey's focus, but as I'd said in my first post in joining the game, these first few weeks may be a bit light from me while I'm transitioning between two jobs.
« Last Edit: <08-31-18/1221:30> by Beta »


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« Reply #28 on: <08-31-18/1141:45> »
I'm in the same position as Beta. I read PDFs incredibly slowly. I think I'm only on page 55 of Street Lethal.

I'll try to skim Kill Code today.


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« Reply #29 on: <08-31-18/1223:25> »
I'm in the same position as Beta. I read PDFs incredibly slowly. I think I'm only on page 55 of Street Lethal.

I'll try to skim Kill Code today.

For what it is worth, I found pdfs a LOT easier to read once I got a slightly-larger-than-typical sized e-reader (I think it is a 7.8" diagonal?  It is just big enough to make pdf readable.)  Not the best for looking things up, but for sitting down and reading start to end I find it far, far, more friendly than on a laptop.