Meet Amy Maka, a hybrid Anglo Sioux aspected mage. (and a bit of a decker).
Born to a Sioux father and an Anglo mother, Amy Maka did not find her place in either of the worlds. She grew up on a reservation and felt discrimination by so-called native Sioux. Her father kept in touch occasionally and would take Amy Maka with him to some father-daughter activity. Together, they enjoyed off-road driving and, target practice. Daddy loved his firearms, and Amy Maka loved her father, so she rigorously practiced driving and shooting. It gave them something to do together.
Her mother did not like that kind of influence and encouraged Amy Maka to study hard and get a real job in the computing industry. Amy did so and discovered a natural talent for hacking things and advanced computer usages. Her first job was performing extensive matrix research on various topics, for students that were too lazy or too incompetent to do it themselves. Opportunities for the SINless where quite limited, so this was as good as life could get. It was not bad, she had to parents that no longer loved each other, but the two of them liked her, and she made enough to sustain herself.
Her lucky break was in her late teens when she awakened. Such a gift offered a hope to break out of poverty, and such hoped justified going to great length. Namely, it justified sending Amy Maka away. Her mother sent her away to a nearby tribe to get some magical education. She was under the guidance of Shaman Dancing Bear. Traditional hard-core Sioux shamanism - from a tribe that refused to use modern technology. She did not fit very well in that tradition as well. First, she showed no conjuring capabilities - which was a disappointment. Second, when she finally found a totem, it was not the mighty Bear, the noble Eagle or the restless Horse, not at all it was - the Spider. It did not quite fit, and Amy Maka did not speak much about her mentor.
Maka's first boyfriend was a traditionalist Sioux man, a hunter. She loved him deeply, and the two planned to run off to Seattle and get married. Things did not end up very well for the two. Their connection was frowned upon by Crying Fox's parents. Maka being an unusual magic practitioner made it even worse, instead of a holy woman - she was foreign-alien. The family did not have it - his terrible big brother caught the two lovers together and beat Crying Fox unconscious. Maka could do something to help him; she was a sorcerer, she had a gun nearby.
She froze in terror, too naked, too ashamed and too surprised. A lifetime of training with firearms, years of magic education, and she did nothing. Worse than nothing, she ran away and hid in nearby bushes. She watched the entire drama without interfering. If there was one thing worse than looking like an Anglo and having strange magic - it was to be a coward. So she left, running away from her family from her boyfriend, and finding herself in Seattle. She suffered for being an 'Anglo' why not listen to them? Perhaps she'll find a home in Seattle...
It was difficult to stand up on her two feet; first, she needed to reach Seattle illegally, which was expensive. Second, she needed a fake SIN for the first time in her life, which was more expensive. Third, she needed work to pay off her debit, but legitimate work did not pay well enough, and she did not have the connections to do anything else. Amy Maka ended up being indebted to the people that brought her. Luckily for her, instead of killing her for being so hopeless to finish off her debit, they decided to use her and allowed her to pay the interest on the debt with shadow jobs. It was only in Seattle when Amy Maka became a real criminal. (but being a criminal was better than being a prostitute, so she had that pride.)
She found the job at an agency funded by the Sioux nation to be a lifeline to some badly needed cash and connections that could help her pay her debts. They did not need to blackmail her. The hope of breaking free from the Mafia was enough to have her intrigued. However, blackmail was on the table if she misbehaved, and Amy Maka was not sure how her father would react if he heard of her behavior. Would he disown her? He must never find out.
Also, in a way despite anything, Amy Maka was a Sioux patriot. She got that from her father, she did not plan to be such a coward. Though, if he beat his brother so severely, what would he do to her? That Wildcat brother terrified Amy Maka still, after all these years. Perhaps, working for the government, she'll prove to herself, that she was no longer a cowered. Though, she could never imagine going back.
character sheet.
== Personal Data ==
Name: Amy Maka Green Alias:
Elf, Female
Movement: 10/20 (2m/hit)
Swim: 3 (1m/hit)
50, 170 Composure: 10
Street Cred: 0 Judge Intentions: 10
Notoriety: 0 Lift/Carry: 2 (15 kg/10 kg)
Public Awareness: 0 Memory: 10
Karma: 5 Nuyen: 93¥
Age: 30 Skin: white
Eyes: Green Hair: Blonde
Primary Arm: Right
== Priorities ==
Metatype: C,2
Attributes: B,3
Special: D,1
Skills: A,4
Resources: E,0
== Attributes ==
BOD: 1 CHA: 5
AGI: 5 INT: 5
REA: 4 LOG: 5
STR: 1 WIL: 5
EDG: 2 MAG: 5
== Derived Attributes
Essence: 6.00 Initiative: 9 +1d6
Physical Damage Track: 9 Rigger Initiative: 9 +1d6
Stun Damage Track: 11Astral Initiative: 10 +3d6
Physical: 3 Matrix AR: 9 +1d6
Mental: 7 Matrix Cold: 6 +3d6
Social: 7 Matrix Hot: 6 +4d6
Vashon Island: Ace of Cups [+1] (Must be visible)
Astral: 7
== Active Skills ==
Assensing (Aura Reading) Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 8 (10)
Computer Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 11
Con Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 11
Counterspelling Base: 3 + Karma: 2 = 5 Pool: 10
Disguise Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 10
Etiquette Base: 4 + Karma: 0 = 4 Pool: 9
Hacking (Personas) Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 11 (13)
Impersonation (Human) Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 6 (
Leadership Base: 4 + Karma: 0 = 4 Pool: 9
Negotiation Base: 4 + Karma: 0 = 4 Pool: 9
Palming Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 10
Perception Base: 5 + Karma: 0 = 5 Pool: 10
Pilot Ground Craft (Wheeled) Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 10 (12)
Pistols (Machine Pistols) Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 11 (13)
Ritual Spellcasting Base: 3 + Karma: 2 = 5 Pool: 10
Sneaking Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 10
Software (Data Bombs) Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 6 (
Spellcasting Base: 3 + Karma: 2 = 5 Pool: 10
== Knowledge Skills ==
English Native
Lakota Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 7
Sperethiel Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 7
Arcana Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 11
Area Knowledge: Seattle Base: 4 + Karma: 0 = 4 Pool: 9
Art Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 6
Data Havens Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 6
Gaming Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 6
Music (Classical) Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 7 (9)
== Qualities ==
Aspected Magician
Big Regret (Not Saving Friend)
Code of Honor (Harmony With Nature)
Dedicated Spellslinger
Focused Concentration ( 5)
In Debt (
Low-Light Vision
Mentor Spirit (Spider (Alt))
Phobia (Common, Mild) (Rats)
Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker)
== Tradition ==
Shamanic, Resist Drain with 10
== Spells ==
Fling (Limited) DV: F-4
Growth (Limited) DV: F+1
Heal DV: F-4
Increase [Attribute] (INT)DV: F-3
Increase [Attribute] (LOG)DV: F-3
Increase [Attribute] (CHA)DV: F-3
Influence (Limited) DV: F-3
Levitate DV: F-2
Makeover DV: F-3
Watcher DV: Special
== Lifestyle ==
Group Lifestyle (Medium) 1 Month
+ Grid Subscription (Local Grid)
+ Grid Subscription (Public Grid)
== Armor ==
Armor Jacket 12
Vashon Island: Ace of Cups 9
== Weapons ==
Throwing Knife
Pool: 4 Accuracy: 3 DV: 2P AP: -1 RC: 2
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 4 Accuracy: 3 DV: 1S AP: - RC: 2
Urban Tribe Tomahawk
Pool: 4 Accuracy: 4 DV: 3P AP: -1 RC: 2
Walther P118
+ Advanced Safety System, Basic
+ Electronic Firing
+ Extended Clip
+ Gas-Vent 2 System
+ Safe Target System, Base
+ Smartgun System, Internal
+ Trigger Removal
+ Weapon Commlink
Pool: 4 Accuracy: 5 (
DV: 7P AP: - RC: 5
== Commlink ==
Erika MCD-1 (ATT: 2, SLZ: 3, DP: 1, FWL: 4)
+ Sim Module, Hot
+ Universal Connector Cord (Meter)
+ Commlink Functionality [Camera, Micro, Chip Player, Credstick Reader, Earbuds, GPS Guidance System, Micro Trid-Projector, Music Player, RFID Tag Scanner, Shock- and Water-Resistant Case, Touchscreen Display]
+ Vectored Signal Filter
+ Program Carrier (Virtual Machine)
+ Browse
+ Edit
+ Encryption
+ Search
+ Signal Scrub
+ Toolbox
+ Exploit
+ Decryption
+ Wrapper
+ Smoke and Mirrors
== Gear: Equipped ==
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Machine Pistols) ×28
Black Panther
Fake SIN (Amy White) Rating 3
Fetish (Earring)
Govi Rating 6
Reagents, per dram (Shamanic) ×10
Stealth Tags
Throwing Knife ×2
Urban Tribe Tomahawk
== Contacts ==
Janet (Infobroker), Dime (Connection: 3, Loyalty: 1)
Kira Black (Decker), (Connection: 3, Loyalty: 2)
Tom Jones (Go-Ganger), (Connection: 3, Loyalty: 3)
== GM contacts ==
- Johnny Morad – Arms Dealer (Connection 3, Loyalty 3)
- Five-Fingers Gao & Fenghuang – Talismongers (Connection 3, Loyalty 1)
- Fagin – Grey Market Item Delivery - (Connection 3, Loyalty 1)
Kira 'OOO' Benson Known in the matrix as triple O, or Black (due to the RGB value ofBlack). Kira is a phenomenal decker and does some teaching on the side. Kira is nowadays laying low as an electronic shop owner in Redmond's barrens. Amy Maka (AM), knows her due to a previous shadow work. She made Kira her hero, and mentor and the two often meet during the matrix so she can study. Like any relationship, Black's way of teaching is an apprenticeship which means that Kira does some decking, computer research or even provides overwatch for free. In return, she gets instruction, repairs to her deck and the ability to network with Black's contacts. She does get paid when the job is illegal or extra tedious though. Except for job, once in a while, usually after a generous payday, the two go out drinking and dancing. The two are not friends yet, but few people know Black as a decker, and out of these she finds AM as pleasant to be around.
Janet 'Dime' Butler It is Janet's job to know things, anything - information is her preferred currency, and the most valued service she performs. AM met her in her years at the Sioux and used her services from time to time when she could not find enough information herself - or when she sold stolen data. Janet likes artwork, especially AR/VR modern art. AM met her once at such virtual art gallery.
Tom JonesTom Jones (TJ) is a collector, leg-breaker, and ganger. While not strictly a Mafiosi he is in bed with them, and usually does some of their dirty work. AM met him when he beat the crap out of her for missing out on a payment.
This was one of the most traumatic experiences for AM, and she vowed that it would never happen again.
How the two grew closer? Well, being so desperate and about to be hit again AM convinced TJ to take some barter from him. She'll help him impress some girl he was after, and he'll give her some more time. AM pimped him up and added a dash of magic - and TJ kept coming and even paying for AM's services. He still required collecting the debt, but would usually give her some leeway. You could say that AM is one of TJ's contacts, tough AM sees herself capable of asking for favors - and expecting cooperation due to their now regularized relationship.
Non-contact people.
Crying Fox -
Her (almost) husband, ex-boyfriend. AM had left things unresolved between the two when she fleed Sioux and has never looked back, contacted or called. She left him, without a word, physically and digitally disappearing as if she never existed. Why? AM asked herself many times why. In part because she was ashamed, unworthy of his love. In part, because she did not want him to sacrifice his family, his tribe for her. In part because she was afraid that she would be next.
Crying WolfCrying Fox's brother, a Wildcat. AM knows very little of him, but he is the stuff of horror for her. His narrow-mindedness and stigma have ripped her away from the last (and only) time AM was happy.
Dancing Bear (Beer)Dancing Bear (also known as 'Beer') is a Sioux (full mage) shaman, and a spiritual leader of a small traditionalist Sioux community; he trained AM and taught her the ropes into developing her talent. Sadly, she was aspected to sorcery that while useful, does not carry the culturally valued. To AM he is almost a father figure a person that introduced her into a world of wonder, and awe.
He is known as Beer, due to a pact he has with a powerful spirit. That requires him (so he says) to consume a lot of beer - both in his rituals and in his offerings. He could also be an alcoholic - and the objective truth may be somewhere in the middle.
Rina GoldAM's mother, an unregistered citizen of the Sioux nation, earning her living from teaching computers at an elementary school. She grew AM up and kept her out of troubles. In a few occasions, she even bribed a lawman to look the other way when AM was caught 'existing' without certificates. Her love and dedication have made AM what she is today.
Yahto GemAM's father, married to another woman whom AM has never met, and has a family of his own. Unexpectedly, Yahto made an effort to have a connection to AM. He paid for much of her upbringing arriving at night to visit her mother, and on occasion when he had business trips, he took AM with him on long drives. He taught her to drive, and to shoot with small arms. Skills which he considered a must-have but Rina would never want AM to have.
AM keeps in touch with her parents, but they think that she is a secretary.