Forbidden Arcana: Hermetic Elementalists and Astral Reputation

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« on: <08-16-18/1214:48> »
I recently began trying to wrap my head around SR5, after a 10-year hiatus from the game. So far, I think it is far more balanced and streamlined, in general. However, the editing sometimes leaves something to be desired. My latest question involves hermetic elementalists. I did a few searches and have not found an answer anywhere.

From Forbidden Arcana, p. 181:
When a mage is created as, or becomes, a hermetic elementalist, they gain an Astral Reputation score of 6. This may be reduced in the usual way. Taking Paradigm Shift again to leave this path will not reset their Astral Reputation, but it is the first step to take before they can.

Does this mean a Hermetic Elementalist can reduce their Astral Reputation or not? It sounds like it could be interpreted either way: (1) yes, or (2) only after the character uses Paradigm Shift to stop being a hermetic elementalist.

The reason I am curious is because I am going to run a continuation of my old 2050s campaign, and back then hermetics  could only summon elementals. However, the rule above means hermetic elementalists cannot effectively banish spirits or ever summon a sprit ally unless they can reduce their Spirit Reputation. I suppose I could retcon things a bit to allow summoning to work “normally” per SE5 rules, but I wanted to save that until after Haley’s Comet. Thanks in advance for any help.
- Saliador


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« Reply #1 on: <08-16-18/2017:07> »
There are many ways to reduce your Astral Reputation. I think what this is referring to with "Taking Paradigm Shift again..." quote is using Paradigm shift to change to a favorable Astral Reputation will NOT include said bonus. (The hit to your Astral Rep is a price of being a Hermetic Elementalist - forever!)


There is something you may not know about, given your long absence from Shadowrun. (I am assuming you played 2nd from your post).

Universal Magical Theory: Is now the prevailing magical line of thought and came out (If I remember right in the middle of 3e). The basis of this is that while magic is expresssive of the individual, if follows a universal formulae, and to this point neither Hermetics or Shamanics got it all right...

Basically, it was an "In Lore" reason for the condensing of magic, traditions, spirits, and everything else "mumbo-jumbo" into an easier rule system....

So now, Hermetics that used to just summon "Elements", now summon "spirits".....
And Shamans don't summon a Spirit based on location, but on its activity/type....

SO, the Astral Reputation that a Hermetic Elemetalist suffers could be from forcing his perception of an elemental on a Sapient Spirit.... and that stain remains even after he changes his views (Paradigm Shift)   
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.


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« Reply #2 on: <08-16-18/2033:23> »
Yes, I played 2nd, and 1st, and 3rd. I completely missed 4th and have no plans to explore it beyond the sourcebooks and adventures at some point.

I’ll have to explore Universal Magical Theory and see if I want to include it in my campaign by retconing or with a gradual or sudden event of some kind.
- Saliador