Interest check for a PbP by a journeyman GM.

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« Reply #135 on: <08-24-18/0037:33> »
The setting sounds good. I'm happy to be operating out of Touristville. It's the part of Redmond closest to Bellevue so corpers and rich kids go slumming there.

Suppressive fire is by far the best use for s small dice pool. It's not subtle, but even a pool of 6 to 8 dice can meaningfully contribute. I'm on my phone so just make sure your gun has the ammo capacity to support it. Tasers are good because they're legal, but their range sucks and it's hard to connect with a modest dice pool.

Consider hardcapping Charisma instead of Willpower. I figure you have WIL for Astral Combat, but you have many more skills linked to Charisma. Your drain pool will be the same either way.

I think final lifestyle cost is ¥1,841 a month. Are we thinking a ground floor office with living space upstairs?


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« Reply #136 on: <08-24-18/0253:07> »
@Beta+ Tecumesh
Charisma also plays a role in astral combat. +1DV is also not bad, more likely to one-shot a spirit. 2 hits in astral combat would kill anything, so the question is how close are you to get them in one? +1 charisma might make you more effective.

P.S I do not see mage skills in your sheet, didn't you want to take like 1 point of spellcasting?

@All - I am fine with turistville - with our massive debt the extra security may mean that no common criminal would interfere as the Mafia/other crime syndicate are invested in our business.

« Last Edit: <08-24-18/0255:48> by gilga »


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« Reply #137 on: <08-24-18/0729:09> »
Thank you for the save Gilga!  Between home and two different work places I was working with a lot of different scraps of paper and chummer saves, and it looks like in one of the copying events I lost the magic.  Bugger.  Well, that explains why Jawjaws disguise and perception were better than I'd been expecting ...

I have to head out currently, but will update the skills, and add the spell and spirit, later today.

I might also change his street handle I was going with Jaw jaw as in the usage of 'jaw' for 'talk.'  But it just hit me that it sounds quite a bit like 'Jar-Jar' and that isn't a name association that I need in my head.  Will try to come up with something new by the time I update.


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« Reply #138 on: <08-24-18/1215:46> »
OK, character updated/fixed (in the original post, and also copied over to obsidian portal at:

I made the change to charisma 8 / Will 5. I'm a bit worried, as will is also astral soak and resistance to most spells that can be cast in the astral ... but it flat out makes him a better face which will more frequently be his role.

I downgraded his commlink from  Hermes Icon to an MCT Blue Defender ("the cop wristband 'link") in order to afford a disguise kit, which I'd been missing earlier.  That also let me fiddle with a few other minor things.

Do any of you, by any chance, have the German "State of the Art" book?  I'd chosen a machine pistol off of Chummer without realizing that it came from there.  Without knowing any issues raised in the text I'm not so comfortable using it, so will switch out to the trusty Steyr TMP unless one of you has the source book.


After increasing Charisma, I have three more contact points to spend.  Contacts are currently:

-Bowdash; (Seattle Downtown) Fixer (C4, L2) <-- always good to have a fixer

-Green Toes; (Seattle, Courts) Free Fae Spirit (C2, L2) <-- needed at least one spirit contact

-Mr. Jabowski; (Auburn); Mafia Lieutenant (C3, L2)  <-- who Jawsey owes 25nY.

-Lt. Adeline Peters; (Seattle) KE Forensic Magician (C3, L3)  <-- every PI needs a cop contact!

Free Contacts

-Heather Huxley; (Seattle?) Street Doc (C3, L2) <-- generally good to have, might want 'ware some day.
-Five-Fingers Gao & Fenghuang; (Seattle?), Talismongers, (C3, L4) <-- with loyalty 4, you can sometimes buy alchemical preparations from them.  Given our limited magic coverage, might be useful?  And reagents and focus had to come from somewhere.

Is anyone feeling like they have holes in their contact coverage that they'd like some help on?   Jawsey has more room to move points around and fill in gaps than any of the others, I suspect.  (if we are otherwise good I'll probably add the classic street kid or snitch or something like that)


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« Reply #139 on: <08-24-18/1426:33> »
I think we're good to go as soon as the agency gets a name, then.
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« Reply #140 on: <08-24-18/1552:37> »
Do any of you, by any chance, have the German "State of the Art" book?  I'd chosen a machine pistol off of Chummer without realizing that it came from there.  Without knowing any issues raised in the text I'm not so comfortable using it, so will switch out to the trusty Steyr TMP unless one of you has the source book.

Yupp, I do. Nothing special about it. It's a pretty good design without being overwhelming. Cheap, considering it has plaststeel components.

As for the name of our agency: United Researchers, Mages and Manhunters Agency. - Short: UR MAMA sent us...

talk think matrix

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« Reply #141 on: <08-24-18/1635:05> »
Do any of you, by any chance, have the German "State of the Art" book? 

Yupp, I do. Nothing special about it. It's a pretty good design without being overwhelming. Cheap, considering it has plaststeel components.

Thanks!  I'll leave it be then (I just wanted to avoid something that was only used by one corp or such oddness)

As for the name of our agency: United Researchers, Mages and Manhunters Agency. - Short: UR MAMA sent us...


But then again, I've failed to come up with any ideas I like ...


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« Reply #142 on: <08-24-18/1646:29> »
I don't know if you're trying to spread out your Contacts intentionally. I already took Heather Huxley, but I don't have any objections to doubling up. If you still have points, then maybe some Touristville connections? A joygirl or some gangers or the like.

Also, I think everyone else took Lakota as a language. I know it wouldn't be native for you but I imagine it would be easy to pick up with three roommates who speak it. I thought I would mention it in case you wanted to switch up some of your language skills.

What about ”Seattle Investigative Operations - Undercover Experience", or SIOUX for short. Or just SIO.


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« Reply #143 on: <08-24-18/1650:05> »
Yeah we can go with that :D

(In my defense: It's been a long day)
talk think matrix

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Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #144 on: <08-24-18/1730:39> »
-I swapped Cantonese for Lakota, so we can all talk together and really appear like a NAN terrorist cell!

-Added Zwipe, a local ganger, as a contact

- Swapped the street doc for the info broker (Lysander) in the free contacts.
@Lorebane: Lysanders' services paragraph seems to cut off suddenly?
"Services – Lysander's primary service is information.  He is a treasure trove of seemingly trivial facts, and he knows more than a thing or two about who's-who in Seattle and what they're getting their grubby little fingers into.  He has made a profession of this, though he finds currency for information "  Is there something missing?

-All: I made an Obsidian Portal 'campaign' just to store things in like character sheets, if anyone else would like to stash theirs there for easier linking. (if I'd been smart I would have reserved a post on the first page of the thread and put the character sheet there)
« Last Edit: <08-24-18/1743:51> by Beta »


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« Reply #145 on: <08-24-18/1819:08> »
Yeah, Lysander's entry should finish "he finds trading currency for information rather gauche, preferring to trade secrets for secrets."
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« Reply #146 on: <08-24-18/2343:06> »
Or "Amazing Experiences: Guided Tours"...

Something that seems legitimate for a Johnson to visit, and would not frame them if someone does a light investigation. We are not a 'Shadowrun agency, private detectives... we are tour guides.

Or perhaps "Touristville: Bed, Breakfast, and Extra"


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« Reply #147 on: <08-25-18/2012:55> »
I suppose it's worth asking the GM whether we are publicly a PI agency or if there's some conceit about the nature of our work or our clients.

If are needing to clear 20K a month then we need monied clients, likely corporate, so how we would attract them (a fixer? nice Matrix site? bathroom grafitti?) might benefit from the GM's "how the world works" input.

Other questions might be how long we've worked together, which would help inform our RP and our familiarity with each other's talents.


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« Reply #148 on: <08-25-18/2138:00> »
Basically, you guys have been setup with PI licenses to keep things above board, and an office so people can seek you out to hire you (I hadn't considered marketing), but otherwise operational paramaters are pretty broad specifically so you can work as versatile troubleshooters.

I would prefer that you've been setup rather recently, like to the point where the game kicks off with your first client.
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« Reply #149 on: <08-25-18/2213:09> »
We are set up with PI licenses?  (as in, Jawsey doesn't have to have spent 800 nY on an R4 license?)