Pretty final, finally.
Note: karma spent: 10 on attributes, 24 on qualities, 3 on bonding a focus, 13 on skills.
== Personal Data ==
Street Name: Jawsie
Name: Guujaw Thompson
Movement: 8/16 (2m/hit)
Swim: 3 (1m/hit)
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Composure: 13
Judge Intentions: 13
Lift/Carry: 5 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 10
Nuyen: 319
== Priorities ==
Metatype: C - Elf
Attributes: A - 24 Attributes
Special: D - Mage (2 magic, 1 skill at 2 (assensing), 3 "spells"
Skills: B - 36 Skills/5 Skill Groups
Resources: E - 6,000¥
== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 4
REA: 4
STR: 2
CHA: 8
INT: 5
LOG: 5
WIL: 5
EDG: 4
MAG: 2
== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 6.00
Initiative: 9 +1d6
Rigger Initiative: 9 +1d6
Astral Initiative: 10 +3d6
Matrix AR: 9 +1d6
Matrix Cold: 10 +3d6
Matrix Hot: 10 +4d6
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 11
== Limits ==
Physical: 4
Mental: 7
Social: 9
Astral: 9
== Active Skills ==
Asensing (aura reading) Base: 6 Pool: 11 (13)
Astral Combat (wf: blades)Base: 6 Pool: 11 (13)
Computer Base: 1 Pool: 6
Con Base: 6 Pool: 14
Disguise Base: 4 Pool: 9
Etiquette Base: 5 Pool: 13
Gymnastics Base: 1 Pool: 5
Impersonation Base: 1 Pool: 9
Leadership Base: 5 Pool: 13
Melee (Swords) Base: 1 Pool: 5 (7)
Navigation Base: 1 Pool: 6
Negotiation Base: 5 Pool: 13
Perception (hearing Base: 1 Pool: 6 (
Running Base: 1 Pool: 3
Small Arms (M.Pistols) Base: 1 Pool: 5 (7)
Sneaking Base: 4 Pool: 8
Spellcasting (manip) Base: 1 Pool: 3 (5)
Summoning (Man) Base: 1 Pool: 3 (5)
Swimming Base: 1 Pool: 3
Tracking Base: 1 Pool: 6
== Knowledge Skills ==
Haida Base: 4 Pool: 10
Japanese Base: 6 Pool: 12
Lakota Base: 6 Pool: 12
Russian Base: 6 Pool: 12
Spanish Base: 6 Pool: 12
Sperethiel Base: 4 Pool: 10
Architecture Base: 3 Pool: 8
Faerie Courts Base: 4 Pool: 9
Private Investigator Base: 4 Pool: 9
Seattle Free Spirit CommunityBase: 1 Pool: 6
Seattle music scene Base: 2 Pool: 7
== Contacts ==
Bowdash; (Seattle Downtown) Fixer (C4, L2)
Green Toes; (Seattle, Courts) Free Fae Spirit (C2, L2)
Mr. Jabowski; (Auburn); Mafia Lieutenant (C3, L2)
Adeline Peters; (Seattle) KE Forensic Magician (C2, L3)
Zwipe (Touristville) Ganger (C1, L3)
Free Contacts
Lysander; (Seattle?) Info Broker (C3, L2)
Five-Fingers Gao & Fenghuang; (Seattle?), Talismongers, (C3, L4)
== Qualities ==
Addiction, mild, Psyche (4)
Creature of Comfort (Middle)
In Debt ( 5)
Low-Light Vision
Method Actor
Quick Healer
Records on File (MCT)
== Lifestyle ==
Medium (shared)
== Tradition ==
Shamanic, Resist Drain with: 13
== Spells ==
Astral Armor (mana, LOS, sustained, drain = F-2)
Levitate (physical, LOS, sustained, drain = F-2)
== Spirits ==
Spirit of Man (B+1, A+2, R+2, S-2, I+1 / Accident, concealement, Confusion, Enhanced Senses (low light, thermographic), guard, influence, search. / Optional: Fear, Innate spell, movement, phychokinesis)
== Armor ==
Armor Vest 9
Good Suit 0
== Weapons ==
Glock 51
+ Ceramic/Plasteel Components
+ Laser Sight
Pool: 5 (7) Accuracy: 6 (7) DV: 7P AP: - RC: 2
Mortimer of London ‘Belgrave’ Sword Cane w/personalized grip
Pool: 5/6 (7/8) Accuracy: 6 DV: 5P AP: -2 RC: n/a <== Meat
Pool: 12/13 (14/15) Accuracy: 6 DV: 10s/p AP: -2 RC: n/a <== Astral
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 3 Accuracy: 4 DV: 2S AP: - RC: n/a <== Meat
Pool: 12 Accuracy: 9 DV: 7S/P AP: - RC: n/a <== Astral
== Commlink ==
MCT Blue Defender (rating 3 ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 5)
+ wrist-band formfactor, Commlink Functionality [Camera, Micro, Chip Player, Credstick Reader, Earbuds, GPS Guidance System, Micro Trid-Projector, Music Player, RFID Tag Scanner, Shock- and Water-Resistant Case, Touchscreen Display]
Sony Angel (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 1)
== Gear: Equipped ==
Ammo: Gel Rounds (Machine Pistols) ×30
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Machine Pistols) ×60
Black Panther (2 doses)
Earbuds Rating 2
+ Sound Link
+ Select Sound Filter Rating 1
Fake SIN (Hector Vega) Rating 4
+ license (machine pistol) 4
+ license (blade) 4
Glasses Rating 3
+ Flare Compensation
+ Image Link
+ Magnification
Psyche (2 doses)
Reagents, per dram ×25
Tool Kit (Disguise)
Weapon Focus (Bonded Foci) (Mortimer of London ‘Belgrave’ Sword Cane) Rating 1