With a little help - yes, bnc was in such a high spirit that she even let Anna help her with the make-up - bnc turned herself into a goth girl as good as she can ... which is not as good, considering that bnc doesn't even have dresses, let alone corsages or anything like that.
Still, they do what they can manage. bnc borrows a dark mini-skirt from Anna, as well as a partly transparent black shirt under which she wears a crimson push-up. Her hair is a full mane of black with a single white stripe. She paints her fingernails black and also uses a dark violet lipstick. For her cybereyes, she downloads a blood-red overlay, and the bio-tattoes appear as barely visible vines, growing out of her decolleté and a single trail of black streaking down her left eye, as if she had been crying.
She also programs a little AR finish touch: Every now and then, little spiders crawl along her arms or into and out from her clothes.
# not really smaller. I thought she'd be 1,74. But definitely skinnier, and with no boobs at all.