bnc's basement

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« Reply #90 on: <09-02-18/1147:24> »
Anna grinned "...and I did not have to blow you, send me the drawing, it is really good...! You sure you never drew before? It is me, and yet it is an interpretation rather than a photo. "

She added "This kind of things is how I paid for university. It combines really well with Singularity... It also helps that you are naturally gifted in these things. Would be harder with most physical tasks I assume... Then again, you have James for this kind of tasks. Sadly, my mojo only works on people. "

« Last Edit: <09-02-18/1153:04> by gilga »


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« Reply #91 on: <09-03-18/0659:24> »
bnc beams. "Nope, but one day I might still ask you to do it anyway." She giggles. "The relationship to you might well be the most awkward I ever had. You'll certainly be the first one to give me a blowjob ... Anna, do you realize that you might be the first person ever to give a girl a blowjob? Isn't that exciting?"

She then sends Anna the photo, making sure to copy it for herself to. She really was impressed.

"Hm, it might not work on James, true. But it'll still work on me and I'm the one steering him. Maybe we just need to think around the corner ... I'm not sure, however, how this would work. We'll find it out, however."
"normal speech"
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« Reply #92 on: <09-04-18/0342:28> »
Anna says "Technically, you'll be the first girl to physically enjoy a blowjob. I assume that plenty of girls received and gave one to each other... you know strapons and their ilk are perhaps with us since they invented belts....

It is strangely exciting though, kind of arousing even that you go to this length to experience it with me."


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« Reply #93 on: <09-05-18/1402:35> »
"Bah, it's not a blowjob if it's a strap-on. No more than using a dildo is having sex. This, though... This is supreme. Chemistry, medicine, cybertechnology, neurobiology, psychology and raw desire ... all the ends meet up to one of the strangest thing ever.
But back to the skillwires!
What do you say: Shall we bring this bag of meat back to my flat, enhance my spirit with whatever spells might work and then see whether or not I can get James dancing like a pro?"
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« Reply #94 on: <09-07-18/0400:54> »
She replies "Kind of awkward now... Wouldn't you rather make the first impression as yourself"


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« Reply #95 on: <09-07-18/0414:23> »
"To whom? Some strangers at a club? Why?"
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« Reply #96 on: <09-07-18/0947:20> »
"I was hoping to introduce you to my friends and stuff..."


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« Reply #97 on: <09-07-18/1145:32> »
"Don't you think it's even more exciting?
But no, patience. I want him to be finished before I unleash him to mankind. Okay, let's rock!"
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« Reply #98 on: <09-09-18/0211:38> »
"The Underground", is a large goth-themed wine cellar, that seemed to have been specially renovated for the party. Many of the patrons are dressed in goth or vampire-like decorations, and the drinks names are themed similarly. It is a 'pop-up' party, a place renovated to house a party one day and would be unrenovated by morning and returned to its original use. The cool air is naturally warmer than the outside, and as the two
The music is currently a loud filler with some hypnotic periodic trance.  It is quite early, and the place is not yet full, the place clearly was not there yesterday - as the place used to be a wine cellar. The oversized wooden kegs are astonishing. The place seems to somehow instill a sense of danger, on the occupants perhaps in some low-level magical effect. The AR decore is subtle and adds blood stains, as well as eyes that moves with the occupants at some of the large-scale portraits that seem to emerge from the oversized kegs.


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« Reply #99 on: <09-12-18/1342:49> »
# May I assume that they went home to put on some make-up, redress and stuff?
# What size is Anna, by the way?
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« Reply #100 on: <09-13-18/0620:35> »

# Sure, sorry for jumping too fast. size as in cup size? She is a D.


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« Reply #101 on: <09-13-18/0845:17> »
# :-D size as in size (height/weight)
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« Reply #102 on: <09-13-18/1021:22> »
I envison her as 70 kilograms and 175 centimeters tall. bnc is shorter and skinnier I imagine.
« Last Edit: <09-13-18/1023:23> by gilga »


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« Reply #103 on: <09-16-18/1744:38> »
With a little help - yes, bnc was in such a high spirit that she even let Anna help her with the make-up - bnc turned herself into a goth girl as good as she can ... which is not as good, considering that bnc doesn't even have dresses, let alone corsages or anything like that.
Still, they do what they can manage. bnc borrows a dark mini-skirt from Anna, as well as a partly transparent black shirt under which she wears a crimson push-up. Her hair is a full mane of black with a single white stripe. She paints her fingernails black and also uses a dark violet lipstick. For her cybereyes, she downloads a blood-red overlay, and the bio-tattoes appear as barely visible vines, growing out of her decolleté and a single trail of black streaking down her left eye, as if she had been crying.
She also programs a little AR finish touch: Every now and then, little spiders crawl along her arms or into and out from her clothes.

# not really smaller. I thought she'd be 1,74. But definitely skinnier, and with no boobs at all.
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« Reply #104 on: <09-19-18/1525:14> »
Anna starts with her second skin, which gives her skin a shade of extra natural paleness as would be expected from a vampire, she also throws a bunch of thematic goth-themed tattoos on her hands, back, and shoulders. Mainly a sizeable horned daemon on her left arm and a spider web with a skull on her right. She adds fake fangs, to complete the look and then slips some beautiful black lacy undergarments. She invests much attention in these, perhaps hinting her plans for the rest of the night. Finally, she puts on a simple black dress with a generous cleavage.  Once dressed, she makes an effort for her face to match the general vibe she tried to achieve with her body as mistress of the night.

"You should show me that spider thing, it is cool... " She comments, and asks "How do I look?"
After a short pause, she adds "I got a surprise for you!" with excitement.  In response Anna pulls out the Blood mage's ring and tosses it to bnc, "Recognize it from somewhere?"  she asks.