bnc's basement

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« Reply #30 on: <07-23-18/1511:12> »
"That's a bit difficult to explain ... it's some kind of both I'd say. When you do rigging for a while, you kind of start to rely on some automatic motions and routines intuitively. So it's not quite like actual running but it's also not just leaning back. It's the perfect symbiosis of a brain and a machine. It's just ... brilliant. And which the latest nanites I just received a week ago, the process is perfected. Basically, you could imagine that there are thousands and thousands of really small drone insects crawling through my brain and enhancing the connection between my intuitive grasp of motion and my control rig.
Anna, the 2070 are an awesome time to be rich."
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« Reply #31 on: <07-23-18/1518:35> »
Anna laughed "Well... We may need to rob another bank soon. You are living my dream bnc."
She sighed with a combination of frustration and admiration. "So perhaps I can take your meat to a dinner and then a party?"
« Last Edit: <07-23-18/1521:09> by gilga »


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« Reply #32 on: <07-23-18/1530:54> »
"That's ironic...", she says.

"Yeah, I believe that's actually a good idea. I need to get some fresh air. I've been spending days with James already. Do you have something in mind?"
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
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« Reply #33 on: <07-23-18/1543:17> »
Anna says "Do you like Sushi? There is this Japanese restaurant that I am hot for. Sunshine or something. As for a party, some of my friends are going to the underground. I take it you dig metal, I think they have a DJ for that -but I've never been there."


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« Reply #34 on: <07-23-18/1611:15> »
"I'm not sure whether or not I can digest sushi, to be perfectly honest ... uhm, let's try it. And if I don't lie down with nasty cramps, we go to the party. I hope you don't mean something like the ork underground. Although..."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #35 on: <07-23-18/1629:26> »
"Ahm... Just look it up."  She said and stood up picking her jacket. "Ready to go?"


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« Reply #36 on: <07-23-18/1633:09> »
"Better yet, let's try it out. Yep, let's go!"

bnc follow Anna wherever she leads her.
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« Reply #37 on: <07-23-18/1639:38> »
Anna leads toward a small and kind of romantic Japanese restaurant, it is dark inside the walls are spotted with lava lamps like an effect of reds and greens and large aquariums with live fish - or a disguise of such. Difficult to know in the dark, the restaurant is relatively crowded but there is room for two. The elf hostess leads them away to their table wearing some sort of robe with a circle of a sun painted on it. 


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« Reply #38 on: <07-23-18/1659:31> »
"That's a nice one. Do you know it?"
bnc follows her, feeling slightly out of place with her hoodie and her valued armor jacket. She eases herself down and looks around, as if she was in a restaurant for the very first time in her life.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
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« Reply #39 on: <07-23-18/2321:49> »
Anna replies "Let's just say that my answer to 'what would you do with a million dollars... boils down to plenty of sushi." The tables are low and there are no chairs, but pillows to sit on. Anna seats, and then browses the AR menu ignoring the physical one on the table.  She seems to know what she wants and orders her favorite combination.



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« Reply #40 on: <07-24-18/0418:59> »
"Guess it's about time to remind my stomach of his tasks..."

bnc herself orders salmon sushi as both rice and salmon are supposedly easy to digest. Or so she hopes.

"So what have you been doing while I had me sliced open like sushi?"
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
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« Reply #41 on: <07-24-18/0447:19> »
"Well, the first thing I did was asking a favor out of a contact of mine to get me connected to some local criminals.
I got a fake university student card and then rented an apartment near the university and hooked up with a bunch of party-loving students that nicked me Gurgle thanks my unjustified trust in you. There is Stephan, that thinks he is my boyfriend or something... I met him at the gym and he is a goblinized version of your beachboy. He is quite delicious but we have nothing in common, it is nice having him around at the apartment.

During the days I mostly study spellcasting and spell defense techniques. This forces me to read a lot of books -which is difficult but I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself for learning how to read so late in my life. At evenings I am usually at the gym, trying to make myself as strong as I can be. Once a week I practice at a shooting range to keep my pistol skills up to speed. All in all, it is nice not to think about money. Gives me so much more time."

« Last Edit: <07-24-18/0450:54> by gilga »


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« Reply #42 on: <07-24-18/0547:33> »
"Wow, who would have thought of this? You're actually putting your time to good use. Shouldn't you be, I don't know, wasting your time in a very Yaelish manner? Sorry for the Gurgle. Guess we're even now. How the fuck could you believe I was serious? This is hilarious."

bnc leans back and decides that the atmosphere is quite agreeable. "You're doing an ork? Wow. How is he?"
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #43 on: <07-24-18/0620:15> »
Anna laughed "I am a bit naive, I get that all the time." She shrugged "He would have a lot in common with Yael, very impulsive, lives the moment, loves passionately and intensely, and he never seems to be alone, he has a 'gang' which makes it less lonely. "

She sighs "I wish I could be like him again, but that bank job touched something deep in me. I felt like the helpless child from the Barrens again. Bad things happened and I was powerless to defend myself, my spirit sacrificed itself on its own volition a sapient being went willingly without me compelling it to great agony just to keep us from harm.  She did that for me without even knowing me. I did not tell her to do so, but had I felt less helpless she wouldn't have to.

I... could not imagine myself jumping a grenade... and I actually slept with Zola and was vulnerable to him. The man likely killed Eve just because I impersonated her. He could have just as well killed me for touching his SOK. None of you could protect me. I mean, the way he murdered these people... I...  Let's just say that sleeping with a strong orc eases my nightmares... I don't like to sleep alone."
« Last Edit: <07-24-18/0623:05> by gilga »


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« Reply #44 on: <07-24-18/1121:37> »
bnc listens, realizing that a month ago, she would have said something sarcastic. Now, she only says:
"A sleep regulator can help with nightmares, too.
But don't worry too much about the victims. They were not our fault. Quite the opposite, I believe we saved a great many lives. And you don't know whether the spirit is actually dead - or if it has even been alive. We know too little about spirits to blame ourselves. It sure was a sacrifice, mind you, but I doubt you could compare it to jumping on a grenade.
And don't say we couldn't have protected you. He tried to rip up your sorry ass, and we did protect you."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"

