From the FAQ, p.27:
Reduce limit of Social tests by Notoriety of the character with
the highest Notoriety who is present at the
Social interaction. Note this is for Social tests in which a po
sitive outcome is desired, e.g. Negotiation. As an example
Negotiation (or appropriate skill) + Charisma + Extraneous modi
fiers [Social Limit - highest Notoriety at the table].
It may also be added as a positive limit modifier to Intimidati
on tests if known (*see P
ublic Awareness below).
For example: OJ enters negotiations with Mr. Johnson. Unfortuna
tely, Tone Loco has a Notoriety of 6 and
refuses to wait in the van. OJ has to roll his Negotiation of 6
+ Charisma of 7 (elf) + 0 (no modifiers) with a limit of
5 (OJ’s Social Limit of 11 minus Tone’s Notoriety of 6). On the
other hand, if OJ and Tone Loco decide to Intimidate
a punk for some information and the punk knows Tone Loco’s Noto
riety, then OJ gets to add
Tone’s Notoriety of 6
to his Social Limit to make it 17.'
So, In Chicago Missions Events, I recall that some unenlightened/unapologetic runners would appear at a Convention Table with Some significant Notoriety (IMO), and thereby screw-up Negotiations with Mr. Johnson (and once or twice in other instances).
What, if anything, should/can/may be done for Neo-Tokyo?
Is it permitted for the rest of the table to eliminate/take-out these player characters, temporarily or permanently, as real SRs would most certainly do in RL?
What does our Missions Coordinator suggest/recommend? What do the rest of you who see this think!?