@SSD: For me, the issue of cheating/making drek up is pretty straight forward - are you doing it to make the Mission/fight/game experience better, or to punish a player for making an efficient character? The first is ok, the second is not.
I try to make efficient characters. I resent GMs who imagine when and where to 'help' out- unless they have audited all of the characters ahead of time
and can
ad-lib, on the fly,
what needs to be changed and
when in that Mission. A big problem with this is that many GMs haven't had the time to read the Missions before they come to the table, and could not audit characters anyway.
Lots of advanced players/characters sandbag, quietly try to assist newbies, or just wait until they may be needed (if at all). Very few, in my experience with Missions (70+), have been blatant upfront.
I have seen overpowered character types of all kinds at Missions tables, not just Mages. Whereas my own Mage is overpowered, it's with Spellcasting rather than Summoning. I don't believe I had Summoned a Spirit higher than F6 until in one of the PMs.
I like the idea of a Spirit Index. If a GM might ignore it, he might also ignore Notoriety and Public Awareness. Goodness knows, my character has used a disguise for some time, and bought off mucho Notoriety.
If I were a 'Dick', I could have come to the table with double digit Notoriety... for years. If Missions mechanics need to be changed, it's to look at players coming to the table with Notoriety that they could easily have bought off much earlier.
(Magic + Initiate Grade)x2 is the maximum total force worth of spirits you can have in use at any one time (material AND astral plane).
Magic + Initiate Grade is the maximum force spirit you can summon
Unless you are going to modify/limit
all of the other classes, I oppose this... even if I can use my Power Focus in the equation too.