In my local SRM environment, spellcasters dominate. Not just demographics, but combat. And it's largely due to one thing: area indirect combat spells. Sustained/quickened spells and/or adept initiative enhancers contribute to the problem of "initiative is rolled: Set up the minis. Mage goes on 30 or 40 something initiative, and kills most of the bad guys before they ever act. And if the bad guys survive, they get one action at wounded penalties before being unceremoniously mopped up before they ever get a 2nd pass. Combat is over..." but amazing initiative isn't what I'm looking to get a handle on controlling. I'm wrestling with how much more effective Indirect Combat spells are than Direct Combat spells. Like, why ever even cast a Manaball levels of inferiority to Indirect Combat spells.
I played quite a bit of 1st and 2nd edition Shadowrun back in the 80s and 90s, so 5th ed has had some learning curves for me. Balancing magic in this edition is proving challenging, especially so since you can't just introduce House Rules to address power issues in SRM. I kind of suspect that the writers never expected player to play like powergamers given examples of fireballs being thrown at force 4-5. No, they get thrown at force 12-14 in my experience. A) the DV is set by the Force, B) the AP is set by the force, and C) you don't get to dodge Area Indirect spells, only indirect single target combat spells are given a dodge test, rendering spell defense dice useless vs area indirect spells.
So what would be some tips from veterans of 5th ed to GM for SRM players who's shadowrunners can throw F12+ Lightning/Fireballs 3-4 times per turn? Each? And never take drain because of course they have max casting stats and max augmented buffs from sustained/quickened spells? I'm realizing that taking the pathfinder approach of setting up a map and showing "you're here, bad guys are there" just results in bad guys dying before they do anything. Maybe not putting any minis for bad guys on the map until someone spends a complex action to "observe" to locate said bad guys would be a help? Staggering bad guys so that no amount of AoE can wipe them out in one combat round? How Kosher is it to just provide un-listed extra support (magical or otherwise) to the opposition described in SRM scenarios?