[SR4] House Rules

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« on: <09-03-10/1752:30> »
So, you think you know better than the guys that get paid the big bucks*? Or you just don't agree that a Dragon should take any damage from a rocket launcher?

Well, here's a place to put your money where your mouth is. What are some of the house rules you use for the game.

Over at Dumpshock, I recently started a thread on giving free Build Points during Character Creation to make sure everyone, even the surliest, ugliest, meanest trog, can have a Contacts even if they blew their BP on gear/resources.

A common rule for the PBP was to give the characters Charisma x 2 BP for free to use to buy Contacts. I upped it, thinking that you should get (Charisma + Etiquette)*4 free BP for contacts.

So, discuss this, add your own rulings, but play nice kiddies. Hate to sic Cap on ya.

*Personally I think the developers are some of the best in the world, and deserve the big bucks** they make.

**If they aren't making big bucks, why don't you go out and buy some books so they CAN make big bucks?


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« Reply #1 on: <09-03-10/2341:05> »
It's really *REALLY* easy to make overpowered contacts if you plan ahead.

A 6/6 politician for example could logically be (or after doing jobs for him, promoted to be) an ambassador. Which means in nearly every major city you can run into a consulate, and anyone who chases you has committed an act of war.


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« Reply #2 on: <09-03-10/2356:12> »
It's really *REALLY* easy to make overpowered contacts if you plan ahead.

A 6/6 politician for example could logically be (or after doing jobs for him, promoted to be) an ambassador. Which means in nearly every major city you can run into a consulate, and anyone who chases you has committed an act of war.
Hell yeah! I like how you think girl!

How about a 6/6 Corp contact. Just a small Vice President of Ares. Or MCT. That way you get the BFG's and access to delta clinics.


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« Reply #3 on: <09-03-10/2357:15> »
But but but....People in power are busy.  A politician has to be careful with how he acts, or he may just be the target of a wetwork, or at least be voted out in the next election as he will make an enemy.  Politicians don't like enemies, at least enemies they can't make look bad.  And who says Mr important is going to be around when the runners call?  Important figure heads don't always answer the comm.  And they want to be caught and hacked at a rally for Mothers for Metahumans talking to shadowrunners?  Yeah right!  ;D

In my game I make it clear:  if they have a connection of 6, that means more eyes are on them and the higher the number, the busier they are.  That means it will be harder to contact them when the clock is tickin'.  If they have a loyalty of 6, that means they're your best bud.  Unless you and the contact are like peanut butter and jelly, you can only go DOWN.  Best friends don't charge best friends for info, and if they have to, they give a good discount.  AND the runners aren't always going to be the ones asking for help.  Friendship and contacts is a two way street, you know!  If the runners refuse to help, the loyalty decreases.  If the contact helps the runner through his connections and he has to stay "cautious" for future "favors," his connection rating goes down.  This makes most of my players stay at least by the "4" area.


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« Reply #4 on: <09-04-10/0000:53> »
Well, yeah. It definitely means doing a run or two here & there for them at no-charge. But if you get all the benefits of being an official spokesperson for the high & powerful contact...

Hey, it's just another way to sell your soul.

Speaking of which, I still miss Hatchetman.


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« Reply #5 on: <09-04-10/0111:54> »
House rule I've used is no contact above a combined rating of 10. So a 6,4 or 4,6 at the highest. This allows for roleplaying advancement of the contact and gives good reason for the GM to restrict unbalancing advanced items from being available too early. The key I've always found to long term gaming is to give players enough to feel rewarded (and have that cool new toy!), but not to let them have all they want.


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« Reply #6 on: <09-04-10/2014:12> »

Speaking of which, I still miss Hatchetman.



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« Reply #7 on: <09-05-10/0314:25> »

Speaking of which, I still miss Hatchetman.
He will be missed.  Let's raise a glass to him.

<Drinks scotch>
There is no overkill.

Only "Open fire" and "I need to reload."


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« Reply #8 on: <09-05-10/1129:36> »
Maybe keeping it to charisma x 2BP is a better solution, might give everyone someone they need, but not powerful enough to cause any problems for you in the future. For my part I always give my players one Fixer, usually something around connection 3/loyalty 2, someone who helps newbie shadowrunners but that keeps it business. If they have bought a better fixer, good for them and they can concentrate on buying a contact that can be used for something else, like a fencer to buy things of the smuggler.
(>) ...and I would have made it too, except for those nosey kids & their stupid dog...
(>) excerpt of The Smiling Bandit's taped deposition, Knight Errant casefile #E385h-0516


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« Reply #9 on: <09-05-10/1437:22> »
Well, with the new Group contacts rules in Runner's Companion, (Cha+Eti)*4 makes it lot easier for Faces to have multiple group contacts.


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« Reply #10 on: <09-05-10/2115:13> »
Well, with the new Group contacts rules in Runner's Companion, (Cha+Eti)*4 makes it lot easier for Faces to have multiple group contacts.
Didn't know about group contacts, i'll go take a look, thanks.
(>) ...and I would have made it too, except for those nosey kids & their stupid dog...
(>) excerpt of The Smiling Bandit's taped deposition, Knight Errant casefile #E385h-0516


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« Reply #11 on: <09-06-10/0102:44> »
I currently running the home group through all the adventures ever written so I'm mix some 2nd ed rules with 4th seem to be working well.

If I had the drive I'd probally go through all 4 versions and make a new game of it useing what rules I feel are best for an overall game.
"If at first you don't succeed blame someone else"
Joel "Casazil" Rogers
Catalyst Demo Team Shadowrun Special Agent #251


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« Reply #12 on: <09-06-10/0204:26> »
A few years after 3E came out, when the d20 OGL was available, I created my own home-rules based Shadowrun d20 creating classes and such. Of course, I don't think I was the only one...


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« Reply #13 on: <09-06-10/1738:38> »
EWWW!!!! D20 Shadowrun thats Thats Blaspheme
"If at first you don't succeed blame someone else"
Joel "Casazil" Rogers
Catalyst Demo Team Shadowrun Special Agent #251


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« Reply #14 on: <09-06-10/1811:59> »
EWWW!!!! D20 Shadowrun thats Thats Blaspheme
Hey! I was trying to convince a bunch of gamers that refused to learn a new system to play SR.

