[SR4] House Rules

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« Reply #75 on: <09-10-10/1311:10> »
Yea, I was aware of the secondhand modifier, and the delta clinic thing and most of the fluff stuff. But I was hoping that I had just missed a paragraph somewhere. Seems like that would be ripe for a house rule. I mean, yea, cred is king and all that, but getting your hands on a Beta version of wired has got to be harder than finding a Standard version of the same ware. I would probably say A=+1, B=+4, D=+10. These numbers would represent a combination of the difficulty in finding both the ware itself, and a clinic to put it in. Of course, the Delta ware clinic would also be limited by the GM allowing it in the 1st place in game, in addition to the availability check modifier.

Unless.... I suppose you could explain it away as "the reduction in essence cost is due to a better Doc/facility rather than a difference in the ware itself", that would at least explain why it's just as easy to get the ware itself. But then you would need to figure out some rules for determining how good the doc/facility is, etc. And, you would have to ignore that little tidbit where the book says that "Beta and Delta are designed, modified and customized to better fit the original/intended user" as well... probably not worth the effort.

Anyone else have an opinion on this matter?
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« Reply #76 on: <09-10-10/1333:13> »
There isn't a modifier for availability for Beta or Delta upgrades, nor should there be.  If your character manages to get access to a Beta or (Ghost forbid) Delta clinic, then the run that they performed to find/earn from a Johnson is the availability modifier.  Those grades of cyber or bio should not be handed out just because someone had the face roll some dice and PING they get it.  That is what happens if you make it an availability check.

If the characters get access to one of those clinics, then they really don't need to roll anything for availability, now should they?  If the clinic doesn't happen to carry it in stock at the moment (represented by base availability as a guidline) then they can manufacture it within a few days, ready to be slapped into your precious meatbag street sam ASAP.

As for Alphaware, that stuff is available off the shelf just like the regular stuff.  Think about it like getting a generic Wal-Mart brand cordless drill vs. a DeWalt cordless drill.  The store probably has both, but we all know DeWalt will have higher quality and cost more.
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« Reply #77 on: <09-11-10/1414:03> »
Thats a pretty good point. I had kinda viewed it like that, and that is how I run it as well, but it just seemed kinda odd that there wasn't a hard and fast rule for it. But yea, I completely agree with you nut. Good call. =)
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« Reply #78 on: <09-12-10/1012:34> »
Yea, sometimes people forget the roleplaying part of it (everyone does, I've done it, too).  Making it a straight dice roll takes a lot of fun out of getting new 'ware.  I'm sure you just hadn't considered that angle, yet.

Of course, had you done so in game, you would have seen the Face become reaaaalllyy popular reaaalllyyy fast.
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« Reply #79 on: <09-12-10/1446:48> »
There isn't a modifier for availability for Beta or Delta upgrades, nor should there be.  If your character manages to get access to a Beta or (Ghost forbid) Delta clinic, then the run that they performed to find/earn from a Johnson is the availability modifier.  Those grades of cyber or bio should not be handed out just because someone had the face roll some dice and PING they get it.  That is what happens if you make it an availability check.

You mean the Availability 24/1 week Delta Clinic the face can just roll some dice and Ding, you get access?

(Seriously, check Augmentation, page  122.)

I think there is a disconnect between 2065 and 2070 in terms of availability of Delta Ware.  Before 2070 Delta was ultra rare, there was maybe 50 or so delta clinics world wide.

Now? Delta's just a very hard to get and very expensive. It's not some mystic thing whispered of only in the shadows.
It's just a rare, expensive thing that only a few people could afford.

Sort of like going from a top secret prototype car to a limited run production model.


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« Reply #80 on: <09-12-10/1454:19> »
Makes you wonder if there's Omegaware out there somewhere...

Doc Chaos

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« Reply #81 on: <09-12-10/1457:49> »
Makes you wonder if there's Omegaware out there somewhere...

Cybermancy, anyone?
SR4A Limited Edition [german] - 0478/1100

Captain Chaos

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« Reply #82 on: <09-12-10/1807:52> »
Makes you wonder if there's Omegaware out there somewhere...

Cybermancy, anyone?

Only 12 delta clinics in the world can do that!

Doc Chaos

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« Reply #83 on: <09-13-10/0038:00> »
Makes you wonder if there's Omegaware out there somewhere...

Cybermancy, anyone?

Only 12 delta clinics in the world can do that!

So that's a "yes".
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« Reply #84 on: <09-13-10/0857:50> »
Y'know, 12 clinics... figure 6 months to create a cyber-zombie... that's 24 CZ's a year.

Think about that, next time you wanna hit a AAA headquarters.

Doc Chaos

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« Reply #85 on: <09-13-10/0912:52> »
Gee, thanks, like my shrink didn't have enough to dig out of my head already...
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« Reply #86 on: <09-13-10/1724:30> »

Please note that the majority of the linked files are incomplete.  Further, some files may contain House Errata that was later altered after playtesting.

The intent of this House Errata is to balance the game without limiting options, effectively making any character concept a viable choice mechanically, while removing "must have" options. A significant portion of these rule alterations are made under the assumption that the House Errata is being used in it's entirety, and may not function correctly if used as a stand-alone rule.

While every rule has undergone analysis and found to work as intended, not every alteration has had appropriate playtesting, and as such may be changed once used in game.

The linked files will be updated to current House Errata documents when (if) I fully update and finish my personal copies; as I am not currently in a game (let alone one using these rules), there is no timeframe for when this will be accomplished.

"Believe? In a deity long dead? -
I would rather be a pagan suckléd in creeds outworn;
With faärtytales fill'd up in head;
Thoughts of the Book stillborn."

Theatre of Tragedy
And When He Falleth


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« Reply #87 on: <02-22-11/2006:26> »
I really think this thread should be stickied.


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« Reply #88 on: <02-22-11/2112:54> »
I use a fair number of them.  I'll list a few of the more important ones.

Emotoys exist but they can only help a player with a teamwork test.  A hacker can alter the code to allow it to export it's raw emotion software feed, however.  This hack cannot be done during character creation and must follow all the programming rules found in Unwired.

SnS replace damage with a static 6S(e), no hits adjusting the damage.  Though I have reconsidered it a while back and will likely change it to +0S(e) -half AP or (maybe -1S(e) -half AP, I need to playtest it and see how each work out) up to 6S(e) -half AP, but will wait until the current campaign is completed to not change the ruling midway through.

All spirits have a built in vulnerability (per Running Wild rules, bypasses ITNW and +2DV) that is specific to their tradition.  Examples include Hermetic: Silver, Shamanism: Bone, etc.  Main reasoning is to provide a way to beat ITNW, but only if the characters in question do their research or if they just happen to use silver bullets all the time they'll get lucky every now and then.

Learning Knowledge Skills only takes half the interval of learning Active Skills.  This is to encourage investing karma and downtime into them.

Spirit Burn (Redlining Spirits):
Available to all Possession spirits.  A Simple Action may be spent by a Possession Spirit to allow it to exceed it's vessel's Augmented Maximums.  Physical Attributes may be increased to the spirit's Force.  This is stressful to both vessel and spirit and will cause 2x the amount of raised attribute values each combat turn to both.  Use body to resist, tracking vessel and spirit tracks separately.  Spirits will almost never Burn willingly and must usually be ordered with use of a service, this counts as spirit abuse in most cases.

All purely mundane characters have 7 essence rather then 6.  Anyone with a magic or resonance score (or a future magic or resonance score as the case with latents) has the standard 6.  This is just to give the purely mundane a little love.

At character gen, characters get free contact points equal to 2x their Cha score.  The contacts they make with the free points are capped in Loyalty by their Etiquette (minimum 1), and capped in their Connection by Negotiation (minimum 1).  Contacts bought with BP do not have this restriction.

Increasing the DV of Direct Spells with Net Hits will modify the Force of the spell cast, but not be subject to overcasting rules.  IE:  Magic 6 Mage casts Powerbolt at F6, gets 3 hits.  If he uses them to increase DV then the Drain Value will be calculated at F9 but be Stun damage as the original spell was not overcast.


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« Reply #89 on: <02-22-11/2123:55> »
Isn't the last one RAW already since the net hits on a direct spell only increase the damage and drain DV but don't increase the actual Force of the spell?