Shadow amp Drake

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« on: <01-21-18/2138:24> »
10 pts
Gives awakened.
Can change into a drake.

Gives move fly ? stats ?
+2 damage melee
9 circles armor
Breath weapon ? stats?
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« Reply #1 on: <01-22-18/1153:20> »
It looks like it might work but it looks under priced as a single Shadow Amp.

Normally Awakened is 2 Shadow Amp points though it does not take up a slot.

If you want Drake to be a single Shadow Amp, it should be built from the ground up.

1 point - Gives you the narrative quality of being a drake (maybe add fly to it since flying is a narrative quality of movement).
2 points (3 total) - Gives you the breath weapon (it's just a weapon that uses Projectile Weapons as a Skill).
3 points (6 total) - Gives +1 to melee damage.
4 points (10 total) - Gives +1 more to melee damage.

The 9 circles of armor could just be the 9 you get for free when you build your character.

Other aspects of being a Drake could be brought in with Positive Qualities or Negative Qualities.  You could also separate Drake-ness into multiple Amps, taking more slots but costing less per Amp. Perhaps one for the flying and form and one for the weapons, etc.
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  • Chummer
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« Reply #2 on: <01-22-18/2102:48> »
Thank you

Didn't know you make it one big or tiered for cost.

You gave me something to think about.
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« Reply #3 on: <01-23-18/0354:36> »
At my table, I allow players to start with several smaller amps to reduce cost, and later on fold them in a single amp, to free an amp slot.
Obviously, when they want to fold it they need to pay the karma difference, it's not free. Furthermore, only related amps can be folted together, no cyberarm-firebolt spell  ;)
My profile picture is a crop of Alfredo Lopez Jr  Mickey/Wolverine.


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« Reply #4 on: <01-25-18/1216:32> »
Base level (3 amp points a level)
Change shape (drake) takes an attack
In drake shape,
Unarmed is choice
6 point armor, drake armor heals when revert to metahuman form.
Can glide

Level two
Can fly
Dragon sorcery [used in both shapes]

Level three
Elemental attack (fire)

Level four
Natural weapon

Level five
+3 armor in drake shape

Advantages: if char has taken drake amp
heavy scales: +3 points of armor in drake shape

Need to convert wanted to anarchy.
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Mr Johnson

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« Reply #5 on: <01-25-18/1839:47> »
At my table, I allow players to start with several smaller amps to reduce cost, and later on fold them in a single amp, to free an amp slot.
Obviously, when they want to fold it they need to pay the karma difference, it's not free. Furthermore, only related amps can be folted together, no cyberarm-firebolt spell  ;)

Do you think there's a downside to just dispensing with the amp slot limits?


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« Reply #6 on: <01-26-18/0330:47> »
If you remove the amp slot limits AND allow any amp to be splitted in several sub-amps, then it vastly reduces the karma cost to get the bonuses.
My profile picture is a crop of Alfredo Lopez Jr  Mickey/Wolverine.

Mr Johnson

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« Reply #7 on: <01-26-18/0634:02> »
It's not that cheap.

Drake Fire attack is 6P + armor damage-  Amp Level 3 (1 for base spell cost, 1 for base damage code, 1 for flaming armor damage )

Improved Melee Damage= Critical Strike 2- Amp Level 3
Karma= 12


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« Reply #8 on: <01-26-18/0954:41> »
Some thoughts on this, I put the armor in.... but weapon slot in char vs drake..... need to write up that weapons, armor and equipment are absorbed in the transformation, so should martial weapons and armor be available at the first level? Then get glide and maybe elemental attack(as second weapon) at level two. At level three get fly, dragon speech, armor incress +3. Have level four be dragon sorcery?

You would still need to pay for awakened to get adept amps and spell amps.
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