I believe with the update, that link no longer shows on the page. But, here it is if you want to bookmark it!https://forums.shadowruntabletop.com/index.php?action=unreadreplies
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.
Quote from: Activator on <03-22-18/0214:29>To address a few of the other comments:.....- still looking into the 'view unread posts' function.I hope this is still being looked at
To address a few of the other comments:.....- still looking into the 'view unread posts' function.
We added a link to this from the main sidebar (below recent posts) - it's subtle as we weren't sure how prominent it used to be but it should do the trick.
Quote from: Activator on <04-06-18/1807:54>We added a link to this from the main sidebar (below recent posts) - it's subtle as we weren't sure how prominent it used to be but it should do the trick.Thank you so much! That is my usual way of viewing of the forums, so very much appreciated