I posted this in the wrong place last time, so imma post it here instead (so yes this is a repost)
What I have for you is a little project I've been working on (with the helpful editing skills of not me, cause I suck at English). It is in part a port of earlier edition material, part new features for technomancers, and has a load of new sprites, complex forms, echoes, dissonance and qualities. There is a bit more, but I'm not gonna spoil it here.
The first version is a pdf I'll be regularly updating with edits and new features (check this thread for more details on new versions).
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By-QEedWrdNpVmVzZ2JlSFJLYjQThe second is a google docs version, which is what I would love your help with. If you have any new features, ideas, feedback or even just to catch me out on my terrible grammar, you can either post it to this thread here or post it on the google doc, and I'll be more than willing to update the google doc with the aforementioned features
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Aytrz6OdRa4N_qdTKMJp6Cnedcd-9S36AuL3o7P8Sxg/edit?usp=sharingThanks in advance Chummers!
Version 1.2
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By-QEedWrdNpdnBuYk1BZ2F1aDgThis contains a bit of editing, some formatting, as well as two new powerful additions for technomancers: Frame Forms and Daemons.
Version 1.3
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By-QEedWrdNpTjRWeGY2bUMteFEThis contains a bit of editing, some formatting, as well as fully fleshed out technosavants, Technoadepts, and editions for all, Paradigms.