Is it fun?

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« Reply #15 on: <03-25-17/2104:23> »
The only reason that one card crushes you is, more likely than not, you've played badly prior to it coming up. Having said that.... there is one hell uv'a learning curve. You pretty much have to know what each card can do and it helps if you play with the same people. It is not a casual game despite it's core mechanic being relatively simple. I've played/watched well over 100 games and am still finding new combos (I may be slow).

In addition the new scenarios that come with HCO ease you into it more so than just playing the Crossfire scenario over and over.


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« Reply #16 on: <03-26-17/2044:49> »
The only reason that one card crushes you is, more likely than not, you've played badly prior to it coming up.

I disagree.

The card where every wounded target is replaced by a new one is PAINFUL.   (Reinforcements?, IIRC?)
When your 2 turns away from finishing & the last 5 points of damage needed is suddenly turned into 20+ that hurts, A LOT.

Also the card where you draw 2-3 added cards & apply their affects can royally bone you (Mad Minute).

The Crossfire deck & the Objectives decks could both use a serious look at balancing.

We played again today for 4 straight losses, 3 in the 3rd scene, but 1 in the 2nd scene, because it was just that nasty a combo of cards flipped over.


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« Reply #17 on: <04-18-17/0116:23> »
The only reason that one card crushes you is, more likely than not, you've played badly prior to it coming up.

I disagree.

The card where every wounded target is replaced by a new one is PAINFUL.   (Reinforcements?, IIRC?)
When your 2 turns away from finishing & the last 5 points of damage needed is suddenly turned into 20+ that hurts, A LOT.

Also the card where you draw 2-3 added cards & apply their affects can royally bone you (Mad Minute).

The Crossfire deck & the Objectives decks could both use a serious look at balancing.

We played again today for 4 straight losses, 3 in the 3rd scene, but 1 in the 2nd scene, because it was just that nasty a combo of cards flipped over.

Agreed. This is perhaps one of my favorite games of all time. This is a highly rated game amongst solo players. I played this game about 60 times. I barely play other games more than 3.

That being said the Crossfire deck needs to be rebalanced. This is perhaps the only game i ever played where I looked at a card i drew and I was like "Ha! Nope. You are going into the box and will never be played again".

I wish the crossfire decks stuck with the theme that it caused chaos on both sides. There are a few cards that basically could hurt you or could help depending on the situation. Like shifting all enemies to the right. Thats cool. It could go either way. But healing all wounded enemies or doubling enemy damage is just brutal.


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« Reply #18 on: <08-21-17/1945:13> »
The only reason that one card crushes you is, more likely than not, you've played badly prior to it coming up.

I disagree.

The card where every wounded target is replaced by a new one is PAINFUL.   (Reinforcements?, IIRC?)
When your 2 turns away from finishing & the last 5 points of damage needed is suddenly turned into 20+ that hurts, A LOT.

Also the card where you draw 2-3 added cards & apply their affects can royally bone you (Mad Minute).

The Crossfire deck & the Objectives decks could both use a serious look at balancing.

We played again today for 4 straight losses, 3 in the 3rd scene, but 1 in the 2nd scene, because it was just that nasty a combo of cards flipped over.

Agreed. This is perhaps one of my favorite games of all time. This is a highly rated game amongst solo players. I played this game about 60 times. I barely play other games more than 3.

That being said the Crossfire deck needs to be rebalanced. This is perhaps the only game i ever played where I looked at a card i drew and I was like "Ha! Nope. You are going into the box and will never be played again".

I wish the crossfire decks stuck with the theme that it caused chaos on both sides. There are a few cards that basically could hurt you or could help depending on the situation. Like shifting all enemies to the right. Thats cool. It could go either way. But healing all wounded enemies or doubling enemy damage is just brutal.

With the rules changes coming with the Prime Runners edition this should be mitigated quite a bit. It was when playing Dragonfire and they will be using the same rules set but with some different terminology. For the folks who found it too hard this should fix that.


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« Reply #19 on: <08-23-17/1704:08> »
After playing Dragonfire I'm really looking forward to the rule changes in the Prime Runners edition.  We played a few rounds of Crossfire after playing Dragonfire and Crossfire just felt a lot more brutal and soulcrushing.

Quote from: Tarislar
ArmTech MGL-12: Nothing says love like a 3 round burst of HE Grenade to hit something for 32P
Nuff said.  :-X


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« Reply #20 on: <08-23-17/2232:24> »
After playing Dragonfire I'm really looking forward to the rule changes in the Prime Runners edition.  We played a few rounds of Crossfire after playing Dragonfire and Crossfire just felt a lot more brutal and soulcrushing.

I thought that was part of the appeal  ;)

The Tekwych

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« Reply #21 on: <08-24-17/1031:54> »
The fact that it is so hard to beat is a big reason why we love to play it. Getting our butts handed to us is often prompts discussion and builds teamwork attend the table


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« Reply #22 on: <08-24-17/1628:16> »
I enjoy it very much.


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« Reply #23 on: <08-28-17/2316:59> »
I'm alrteady drawing up our Dragonfire inspired house rules to improve Crossfire. 6 player, doesnt end when one player is down..there's really room to take advantage of what Dragonfire improved on


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« Reply #24 on: <08-29-17/2234:17> »
You can go up to six?


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« Reply #25 on: <08-29-17/2307:22> »
you can in Dragonfire. Got inspired how to do it in Crossfire from how they manage it.


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« Reply #26 on: <08-30-17/0648:07> »
How's that work out? Fun, good?

