Scavenger Hunt (Halloweener Style)

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« on: <03-05-17/1427:24> »
When I ended my last session, my players vehicle was broken down in Redmond near the Jackel's Lantern. I am planning on them encountering a group of Halloweeners on a scavenger hunt. The leader is a very polite mage, with a fake British accent, who asks for assistance from the Runners. They need an Elf ear. (2 of the Runners are elves.) The mage offers to remove it quite painlessly, and would be sincerely grateful for the Runners cooperation, He also says it would quite unfortunate if they couldn't resolve this matter peacefully.

The other gangers in the group are a Razor girl who offers to do it painfully.  An obese ork, who is reluctant to hurt the female elf. A ghoul who keeps picking at scabs at eating them.

I am interested in any other Ideas to make this encounter more fun or bizarre.  Anything better than an ear? What else could the Halloweeners be looking for on their scavenger hunt, or have already collected. Any other ideas for gangers in the group.

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions are always appreciated.

« Last Edit: <03-05-17/1430:59> by Bushw4cker »
"Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate." -Terry Pratchett


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« Reply #1 on: <03-06-17/1104:22> »
A massive troll, who makes other trolls seem dainty, has an extremely high voice and squees at everything. Wears a crown of daisies and offers to rip them apart if they don't cooperate. He's the decker.

A grinning loon who holds a bag of sweets. Completely silent, he just said keeps handing out sweets to everyone. He's genuinely nice.

An 6 year old with an automatic weapon bigger than she is, totally unable to control the recoil. Spinning round with rounds pinging off in all directions, heedless of ally and enemy alike.


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« Reply #2 on: <03-06-17/1249:50> »
A class III changeling Samurabbit who offers to take both ears and the head as a set.

A mentally challenged ork who carries a sparkly stuffed unicorn. He was beaten horribly by Humanis thugs and left with permanent brain damage. Sweet kid, but very prone to suggestion.
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.


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« Reply #3 on: <03-06-17/1612:26> »
I think the ear is perfect, and perfect for the Halloweeners :)   

And depending what you want out of the encounter, you could either just leave the players to talk/bluff/intimidate/fight their way out of it ("does the list say it has to be cut off?  No?  Fine, I'll come with you, you show them my ear, but you promise I walk out afterward")

... or you could have the gangers eventually say "We're taking one of your fragging ears, like it or not.  It isn't like you would have ..." (something exotic enough, hard for the halloweeners to get, but that the runners have or could get -- although possibly valuabe enough that they would want to go with the thing to guard it)

... " a fragging working laser pistol."
... " an authentic '2063 Dunkhelzhein for president' poster"
... " a dragon who would come to the judging for our team."
... " a Hermes Chariot cyberdeck being pulled in a chariot by guys dressed up as Hermes, whoever the frag that is.  Who comes up with drek these lists?"
... " an entire band, complete with amps and speakers, to cover Concrete Dreams greatest hits."


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« Reply #4 on: <03-07-17/1942:49> »
A massive troll, who makes other trolls seem dainty, has an extremely high voice and squees at everything. Wears a crown of daisies and offers to rip them apart if they don't cooperate. He's the decker.

A grinning loon who holds a bag of sweets. Completely silent, he just said keeps handing out sweets to everyone. He's genuinely nice.

An 6 year old with an automatic weapon bigger than she is, totally unable to control the recoil. Spinning round with rounds pinging off in all directions, heedless of ally and enemy alike.

Like the Decker idea. Squees?

Team already had experience with kids with guns. The leader had fully automatic shotgun. 3 dice pool, rolled all ones, blew his own head off.

A class III changeling Samurabbit who offers to take both ears and the head as a set.

A mentally challenged ork who carries a sparkly stuffed unicorn. He was beaten horribly by Humanis thugs and left with permanent brain damage. Sweet kid, but very prone to suggestion


Ork with Unicorn. (Keep thinking about Despicable Me..) like idea though.

I think the ear is perfect, and perfect for the Halloweeners :)   

And depending what you want out of the encounter, you could either just leave the players to talk/bluff/intimidate/fight their way out of it ("does the list say it has to be cut off?  No?  Fine, I'll come with you, you show them my ear, but you promise I walk out afterward")

... or you could have the gangers eventually say "We're taking one of your fragging ears, like it or not.  It isn't like you would have ..." (something exotic enough, hard for the halloweeners to get, but that the runners have or could get -- although possibly valuabe enough that they would want to go with the thing to guard it)


Really like the "I'll come with you and show you my ear idea." . I've been trying to encourage players to think outside the box. I would definitely reward extra karma to the team that pulled that off.

... " a fragging working laser pistol."
... " an authentic '2063 Dunkhelzhein for president' poster"
... " a dragon who would come to the judging for our team."
... " a Hermes Chariot cyberdeck being pulled in a chariot by guys dressed up as Hermes, whoever the frag that is.  Who comes up with drek these lists?"
... " an entire band, complete with amps and speakers, to cover Concrete Dreams greatest hits."

Poster seems plausible, rest...

Couple more Ganger Ideas I have..

Identical Twins dressed up like clowns.

Changeling who looks like a Muppet.
« Last Edit: <03-07-17/1948:50> by Bushw4cker »
"Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate." -Terry Pratchett


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« Reply #5 on: <03-08-17/0446:13> »
Squee is a high pitched excitable giddy squeal. It's easy to demonstrate....

It could be an Britishism.


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« Reply #6 on: <03-08-17/1550:33> »

A class III changeling Samurabbit who offers to take both ears and the head as a set.

A mentally challenged ork who carries a sparkly stuffed unicorn. He was beaten horribly by Humanis thugs and left with permanent brain damage. Sweet kid, but very prone to suggestion


Ork with Unicorn. (Keep thinking about Despicable Me..) like idea though.


Musashi! He's a street sam who looks like a rabbit, thanks to being a Class III Changeling. Hence, Samurabbit. I actually have stats rolled up for him and posted in Character Creation.
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.

Ghost Rigger

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« Reply #7 on: <03-08-17/1713:05> »
Team already had experience with kids with guns. The leader had fully automatic shotgun. 3 dice pool, rolled all ones, blew his own head off.
That's both hilarious and horrific. You should include it again just to see how your players react.
After all you don't send an electrician to fix your leaking toilet.

A Guide to Gridguide


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« Reply #8 on: <03-09-17/1541:35> »
Team already had experience with kids with guns. The leader had fully automatic shotgun. 3 dice pool, rolled all ones, blew his own head off.
That's both hilarious and horrific. You should include it again just to see how your players react.

Well I try to not script my campaigns too much. I've been trying to leave things more open and not take the game in direction I want. Some of the best moments for me GMing, have been when the players do something completely unexpected and ruin all my plans.

This particular run I'm doing with group already has enough crazy.  The team is infiltrating a Bunraku Parlor. More then likely, the team is going to be fighting some naked Bunraku dolls, loaded with Martial Art Softs, and a Dominatrix with a Monofilament Whip.

 The team's Face is a master of disguise, and his alternate personality is an Redneck Company Man strait out of the CAS, complete with 10 gallon hat. The player is quite good at roleplaying, so group was having a lot of fun, even without any combat. The Technomancer hacked the Karaoke Machine at the Japanese Restaurant to play Country Music when the Face made his entrance. All the players at table started singing country music songs, which if someone would have told me that was what was going to happen in that game....  (I had no idea what the teams Face was going to do for his alternate identity before the game started.) 

Musashi! He's a street sam who looks like a rabbit, thanks to being a Class III Changeling. Hence, Samurabbit. I actually have stats rolled up for him and posted in Character Creation.

So a literal Gun Bunny.

I will use if you don't mind.
« Last Edit: <03-09-17/1545:58> by Bushw4cker »
"Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate." -Terry Pratchett


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« Reply #9 on: <03-09-17/1604:42> »
Musashi! He's a street sam who looks like a rabbit, thanks to being a Class III Changeling. Hence, Samurabbit. I actually have stats rolled up for him and posted in Character Creation.

So a literal Gun Bunny.

I will use if you don't mind.

Go right ahead!
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.

