The prison in Puyallup is McMillan Correctional Facilities (
Seattle 2072, p.129). It's a minimum security facility, out of date, understaffed, and badly maintained. Remember that Knight Errant has the law enforcement contract for the metroplex, but Lone Star still runs Seattle's prisons, and the two organizations do NOT get along. If you make Knight Errant a convenient scapegoat, Lone Star might not pursue as aggressively. And vice versa.
Some prison break strategies:
- Pose as UCAS federal marshals, escorting a prisoner to the Puyallup District Courthouse to give a deposition on a brutality charge against Knight Errant. Lone Star would practically fall over themselves handing over a witness who'll make Knight Errant look bad. Forge the transfer order, and have a hacker standing by to intercept in case they call in to check.
- Have a lawyer (or the team face acting as one) smuggle a dose of tetrodotoxin in to the prisoner to fake a cardiac arrest. Have the team standing by in DocWagon gear to to whisk him away for "emergency medical treatment."
- Hack the prison host and get the prisoner assigned to an outdoor work crew, cleaning up roads, parks, etc. Take out the relative handful of guards, grab your guy, and vanish. Work crews might be shackled and/or lowjacked; be ready to deal with that.
- Arrange a last-minute distraction for the prison security mage (food poisoning, fender bender, dream job interview), then take advantage of the hole in astral security to levitate invisibly into the exercise yard, grab your prisoner, and fly out again. Have an air spirit whip up a dust storm to cover your retreat.
Other prisons in the sprawl: Metroplex Prison downtown (a.k.a. "The Tower"), Bellevue Correctional Facility ("The Brickyard"), Silcox Island in Tacoma, Darrington in Everett, Shadow Lake in Renton, Wynaco in Auburn, Thrasher's in Snohomish, Fort Lewis Stockades, Hollywood in Redmond, and McNeil Island in Outremer.