[SR5] Priority Generation: Math You Really Ought to Know

  • 46 Replies


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  • Newb
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  • Posts: 10
  • With Ardent Cutting-Globes
« Reply #45 on: <04-11-17/1200:12> »
You have peacemaker listed as providing cool resovle, but it gives 2 ranks of improved perception.


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  • Newb
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  • Posts: 90
« Reply #46 on: <04-20-17/2224:23> »
You have peacemaker listed as providing cool resolve, but it gives 2 ranks of improved perception.

In other news: I've also done a pass for internal links and page numbers for non-BBB items, added a sub-section on cyberware, and a whole section on Character Advancement / Progression.

That's basically everything I was hoping to cover in the guide.

Let me know if there are:
  • Mechanical Errors
  • Syntax/Spelling/Formatting Errors
  • Confusing explanations
  • Topics I missed that you'd like me to cover
and I'll try to fix them.

Also, thanks so much for the Sticky! It may sound silly, but it made my day to see that =)

