Shadowrun Play > Character creation and critique
[SR5] Priority Generation: Math You Really Ought to Know
--- Quote from: Glonthein on ---Another one to correct :
"Adepts are a solid choice, because when they initiate they gain both a Metamagic feat and a Power Point"
Pretty sure it's either one or the other per initiation, not both. Raising magic does give them an auto-Power Point, but as far as Initiation goes, I believe you have to chose.
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You're right. Core book 278-279 and core book 326.
Adepts get free PP whenever their magic rating increases, and when they initiate may choose PP instead of metamagic. If an adept always takes PP instead of metamagic, he could theoretically have up to 2x his magic rating in power points.
And of course, if an adept wants to load up on qi foci (what else is he going to spend his money on?) he can have a little more than that.
--- Quote from: Slipperychicken on ---And of course, if an adept wants to load up on qi foci (what else is he going to spend his money on?) he can have a little more than that.
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A Workshop to make better toys for you and/or your team of course!
Take a Qi Focus with Improved Ability keyed to your favorite downtime vocation: (Armorer, Mechanic, Biotech are good picks)
Thanks guys! I've updated the skills section to better point out the downsides of Skills: A priority.
I've also further fleshed out the Magic, Attributes, and Limits section, and added a legend for Book Codes.
--- Quote from: Hobbes on ---
--- Quote from: gargaM0NK on ---For example, the conversion of 1 karma to 2K NuYen tells us that Resources: A is worth ~255 karma points, whereas optimal skill allocation makes Skills: A worth 477 karma, so generally Skills: A is more karma efficient than Resources: A.
So, why not always just go Skills:A > Magic:B > Metatype: C > Attributes: D > Resources: E?
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That would be a hot mess of a character. Elf Face Shaman, maybe...? : )
The other advise really worth repeating is start with "E". (Hint, it's resources, magic, or metatype)
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Dwarven technomancer with a lot of logic linked skills to partner with diagnostics might work too. :)
I would caveat that dwarves, and sometimes elves/trolls depending on what else they have going on can take Attributes E. And the skillpoints for magic/resonance A/B can allow those characters to go skills E sometimes.
Just wondering if it would make sense to break the magic column up by type (adept / full-mage or mysad / aspected), as surely the net karma and step values values vary depending on what you are building? (granted that there are a lot of columns to cram into the page already, not sure if adding two is actually feasible --- if not, could maybe break that down in the magic section?)
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