[5e IC] Storm Force Whisper [2076 Game Thread]

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« Reply #195 on: <04-26-17/1040:58> »
Isaint had gone to bed early, doing a bit more of VR work, but removed the trodes before midnight. Well rested and ready for the day he replied: <<@Team: You heard the lady. Let's get that box ready and lean on the HR guy. I'll meet you at breakfast.>>
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #196 on: <04-26-17/1307:54> »
Al felt considerably better after walking an hour or so back to his own hotel. The breakfast buffet was looking - and smelling - mighty inviting as he passed through the lobby and he was about to stake out a big table for himself and his coworkers when he realized they would probably meet for breakfast in one of their rooms - they'd be making plans, and someone was bound to have some fool notion about people listening in on them. It was an island paradise, for pity's sake. Who could possibly be thinking about working against them here?

But he resigned himself to room service, found his way to Isaint's room, and plopped down on the sofa, where he proceeded to order two of everything greasy.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #197 on: <04-27-17/0035:13> »
Robyn walks from her room to ISaint's and knocks on the door.  Her enhanced olfactory sensors give her a pretty good idea who is already in the room.  She walks over to the small table and sits down.  "Good morning to everyone.  I got the message and think we can move on this, but I don't like the rush work.  Still, the storm moving in might make it easier to slip in.  I am monitoring traffic relayed up from the aquacology to the personnel on shore, telling them to cut their stay here short and be ready to return to the transports.  I have blocked Greg's message so far, but it might be time for me to go lay out the situation for him.  I have pics of his amorous activities as well as a recording of some of the quite bloody unkind words he had to say about his wife.  The man is a right turd and I am that glad that we can use him.  So what is my play here?  The man is deep in the loo here on three counts.  He owes a tidy sum to the casino here.  He has been running a line of credit against his wife's name without her knowing it.  He has been seducing women and his wife is the very jealous sort and has a pretty iron-clad prenup that cuts him off with nothing if he strays from the marital bed.  And I have him on tape saying a lot of very unflattering things about his wife.  I think we can pander to all three of his boo-boos by showing him the pics from his amorous adventure with your truly, letting him listen to the tape and threatening to let his wife know about his gambling, unless he plays along with us.  As a reward we destroy the pics, wipe the tape, and give him enough money to clean his debt with the locals.  Sound about right?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #198 on: <04-27-17/0355:55> »
Meditating instead of sleeping carried the added bonus that you didn't have to worry about making your bed or disrobing. But the heat had necessitated a quick shower. Having granted his team mates access to his rooms beforehand, Isaint found Al waiting/eating with Robyn shortly thereafter appearing. For Rick's benefit and for basic security, he kept the conversation online while he also got clothed:

<<Sounds like we have him good and proper by the short and curlies. Make your move Robyn. The rest of us will accompany you - as insurance and so the guy can get our mugshots for our visitor passes. We put our stuff in the crate and make our way down.>>
He stole one of the breakfast sausages from Al and began cutting a Papaya for his breakfast. <<Since we are in a hurry, we'll have to do this by ear. We'll appear to be as respectable as possible and keep a low profile while we are down there. Once that fails we'll try to use maintenance tunnels and airshafts or whatever they use down there. For that Robyn will likely have to do some hacking but for the start we'll rely on the official evacuation maps so that we can hijack an escape pod if we need to.>>
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #199 on: <04-29-17/1645:47> »
"Second that, toots. What say ya dig us up some proper schematics? That or squeeze yer new friend for 'em. All my time in this sorta place's been on Proteus rigs - no tellin' how them Evo hippies done built theirs. Goin' in without a plan's one thing, but we'll improvise a helluva lot better, we got they files at our fingertips. Pre-plan an exfil or to, at any rate."

He picked up his empty bone china plate and began licking the mixture of egg yolk and maple syrup off ot it. Then he lowered it, a spot of the cloudy-golden mixture on the tip of his broken nose, and said, "Hell, now that we's on a first-name basis with Mr. Maintenance, he should have access ta freakin' ever'thin'. Little extra cred might go a long way there..."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #200 on: <04-29-17/1730:40> »
Robyn nods.  "Got it.  I can go there now if we are ready.  Maybe you can wait here or out in the hallway there and let me break the news to him or do you want to actually be in the room with me when I bust him?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #201 on: <05-02-17/1035:47> »
"Whatever lessens the feeling of betrayal for him. Just leave the door open for a quick access in case he isn't deserving of your consideration."
Isaint nodded, made sure the taser was in its holster and got ready to move to the hotel.

As promised he waited outside the room, listening to Robyn's feed.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #202 on: <05-02-17/1307:16> »
With Robyn and Isaint off to put the squeeze on her squeeze for personnel access, Al figuredit was his job  - since it had been his idea - to contact his new best friend Vernie to buy some deep schematics on the aqualogy. The guy was already letting them smuggle weapons into his home for a price, Al didn't figure he'd balk at selling the plans.

Then he realized the guy hadn't given them a commcode, just a drop-off point and an account number. The account was blind, natch - Al didn't even try to backtrack it for contact details. A quick data search turned up several work and home numbers for Vernie, but using those could just get the turncoat arrested, and that wouldn't bode well for their crate.

So it was back to the Bunga Bunga - a nice enough walk that took Al out of the shiny resort area and onto the hot, dry, and dusty roads connecting the patchwork of commerce and habitation that supported the rest of the island's small population. On the way there, Al thought of three other ways to use his commlink to ferret out a private number for the guy, but none of them were as fun as spending the day drinking and looking at ass.

He didn't have to wait this time - Vernie was already there, talking to a trio of natives. Al didn't acknowledge him and the man returned the favor. From across the room, Al waited for the three large men to take their leave, at which point his contact held up his 'link. It took Al a moment to guess that the guy was flashing him a contact ARO. Unwilling to go into the nauseating nightmare that was AR, he picked it up on his own commlink. Gave the guy a call.

On answering, the man was not nearly as convivial as on their first meeting.

<<I overestimated your professionalism, it seems. Why are you here again?>>

<<Folks I work with, they's pros. Me, reckon i jist hang around, keep 'em in line. Need the plans fer yer little sea monkey village. Other guy, he got greedy. Din't work out.>>

<<Afraid that takes things a little further than I'm prepared to go.>>

<<No it don't. In fer a penny, in fer a pound, jefe. Things gon' happen, an' yer already part of it. This jist lets us be a lot more surgical. Better fer ever'one. Flash me the specs when ya git 'em, I'll send the cred fer this an' the other thing.>>

<<The way you've handled this makes me nervous. I don't like dealing with amateurs.>>

<<Who's the amateur - the amateur, or the amateur already done got in bed with the amateur? It's all good, amigo. Yer not sellin' pharmas ta two-bit dealers no more. Whole 'nother league. Now jist send the plans so what happens can happen clean, git' don't be like the other guy we had a deal with.>>

By the time Al got tired of looking at girls and had made his way back to the hotel, the plans were in his 'link. They made good reading over an early surf & turf by the clothing-optional pool.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #203 on: <05-03-17/0124:36> »
Robyn grabs up the shopping bag she had brought with her and pops a slice of chewing gum into her mouth as she and ISaint leave the room, offering him a piece.  Her timed text had been delivered just as specified, and now she follows that message up with another.  >>Greg.  I am heading back to your room.  I have been shopping at the resort shop for a new bikini that I think you might like.  You don't need to get decent if you aren't already.<<  She delays their arrival to give the man time to remove his clothes if had already gotten dressed.  After knocking at the door, she smiles at the peephole and he opens it with a large grin on his face.  She holds up the shopping bag she had gotten from the resort shop the previous evening. "Been shopping.  It is amazing how it seems that the less there is of something, the more it costs.  Want to have me model it for you?"

Greg's eyes are hungrily scanning up and down her frame already and he is almost drooling at the thought of the payday this woman is going to net him.  He smiles broadly and steps aside, heading off to the bar as Robyn enters the room.  She leans against the door and shuts it after placing a bit of gum in the lock to keep it from engaging.  She moves to the small table in the room and puts her bag on it while shaking her head at his offer of a drink.  without saying a word, she motions for him to go sit on the bed and rummages about in the bag, pretending to be looking for something there.  When he is sitting on the bed, she sends him a prepared message.  He looks at the caller ID and frowns before putting the 'link back in the pocket of his mostly open robe.  Robyn shakes her head. "You really should answer that call, Greg.  It is from me and it could be the answer to your prayers or something else entirely.  I recommend looking at the attachments, too, as they give a story more completely than I can tell you."

Greg has an expression on his face that says he is not really amused at the change in tone from the woman he is planning on blackmailing for a ton of money..  She seems a bit more sure of herself this morning, and that is not normally a good sign in this sort of transaction, but he is pretty sure that will change soon and in the meantime he can humor her.  He opens the first attachment and his eyes widen as he is treated to several stills and a couple of short videos of the two of them having sex.  The time stamp on the pics indicates that they were indeed taken earlier in the morning.  The stupid part of him smiles at the sight; after all, the stupid bitch has played right into his hands by sending stills and even video of her marital infidelity.  Then the somewhat smarter part of him begins to wonder how she got the photos and he finally notices that her face is never visible but his is.  His heart begins to grow cold as he.....almost.....puts it all together.  But his mind is moving too slowly for Robyn and she speeds things up a bit.

"I see that you are still on attachment 1.  I have to admit that I like the enthusiasm you displayed in the bed and I do think that you are a talented lover.  However, this is only the beginning so let me help you by pushing on to the second attachment.  This, in case you have not seen it before, is the balance ledger for your account at the casino.  Before you go all ballistic about how dare they make this information available to me, let me assure you that they have no idea that I am in possession of this data." She notices the look on the man's face and nods.  "Yes, Greg, I stole it.  I am quite sure that they would not want you to see the remark on the final page that indicates that they are about to close your line of credit and call your wife to get payment.  Enough of this for now., let's move on to the third attachment, shall we?  Oh, this one is an audio file.  Let's listen, why don't we?"

Greg sits on the bed as he listens to himself berate his wife for any number of failings.  Belatedly, he comes to the conclusion Robyn is leading him to and he does not know if he should jump up and strangle the woman in front of him or..........................or collapse in defeat.  He knows exactly what he would do with this sort of information, after all he has done this very thing a number of times and was looking forward to doing it again with whatever her name is.  He is certain that the one she gave him is not real.  There is bound to be a copy of everything set to be sent to his wife and perhaps even the authorities if she does not show up somewhere by some time.  His shoulders slump a bit then he looks up at her. "You said something about the answer to my prayers.  Was that part of the shtick or is there something more than that to this?"

Robyn nods. "Smart.  I like that.  Just a wee bit not smart enough, though, right?  So here is the rest of it.  Some friends of mine and I need to get onto the aquacology today.  I want you to get us genuine passes onto the site, the kind that do not excite too much attention from security guards or drones.  I promise that we only want to do some industrial espionage and that we are not going to sabotage anything or blow anything up.  I have a real distaste for killing anyone, especially myself.  If you cooperate, I will make sure that attachments 1 and 3 get lost and I will give you enough cash to allow you to pay off the casino debt.  If you are smart, that is exactly what you will do with the money, but that is entirely up to you.  Now, I have a friend out in the hall that I would like to invite in so that he does not attract too much attention from the cleaning staff coming down into your corridor in just about fifteen seconds.  What do you say?"

Greg might be a lot of things, but he knows when someone has him by the short and curlies and he nods but he puts up a hand.  "No one dies and nothing is sabotaged, right?"

Robyn nods.  "Right.  Of course, any precipitate action on your part could change some of that and then where would we all be?  My friend?"

Greg nods and Robyn goes to the door and opens it to let ISaint in.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #204 on: <05-03-17/0336:31> »
Isaint had listened to the feed and prepared: His face resembled that of a professional boxer with a crooked nose, broken and re-healed cheekbones that looked like a troll's dermal plate. In addition he had grown his eye brows giving him a pretty intimidating look, not offset at all by his expensive suit.
"Hello Greg. Pleased to make your acquaintance. My friend already brought you up to speed, so listen carefully:
You organize 10 security badges for five people: Five will be of a high enough clearance to get us into all public and the executive places + the transit areas. The other five will be a reserve that allow us to exit the aquacology smoothly and quietly should the first identity be compromised somehow. It's in your best interest to let nobody know about us having been there. If everything goes right, no-one will ever know that we were there and the money on your account will be the only reminder in existence for you. Should we fail... well, my friend already told you the parts with your wife, but you'll likely also get a visit from a few locals. You blackmailed quite a few women who all would have a motive to see you get hurt. Really, it's a seller's market.
Now get up and get dressed. A storm is coming and you don't want to miss your ship back to work."

<<Team, time to assemble in the marina. Our friend Greg is about to work his magic.>>
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #205 on: <05-03-17/0848:54> »
After finishing up his late lunch, Al noticed a text from Isaint...and that it was several hours old. Well, he couldn't be expected to pay attention to every little thing.

He paid for the meal, re-encrypted the aquacology schematics, and sent the file to each of his coworkers. Then he left the hotel - there was a high-end dive shop next door, and he wanted to pick up a few things to put in their crate. He texted Isaint that he'd be back and ready to top off their shipment for Vernie within an hour.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #206 on: <05-03-17/1029:55> »
Robyn smiles at the defeated man. "Don't take it too hard, Greg.  I would recommend being a bit more careful next time you pick a mark.  You have our faces for your IDs and I am sending you those of the other three now.  I'll hang out here for a few minutes, just until you send me the IDs we are using.  But my friend is right about one thing; there is a big storm coming and they are already recalling the personnel.  You should be getting that message right"  Indeed, Greg's face turns a bit ashen as his 'link begins to go off with several messages and he is busy for a couple of minutes answering them and explaining to people that his 'link had been accidentally turned off.

After sending his replies, he looks up and nods. "So who are you, anyway?  I suppose that you even conjured up the convenient storm." He sighs.  "Alright, I get it.  I am working on your IDs and passes now.  I need to get dressed and be back at the marina to catch one of the barges.  One of you can hang about and I will let you have what I can get done."  His eyes turn a bit calculated.  "How much am I getting paid for this?"

Robyn nods. "That's the spirit, Greg.  Shall we say enough to cover your debt at the casino and another 20K?"

"How about 50?"

Robyn shakes her head. "I like you, Greg, but not that much, and my friends would disagree with going so far into the profit for this.  I can authorize as much as 30."

Greg smiles. "I can do with plus 30." Robyn nods to ISaint, who leaves the room to finish coordinating other last minute details while Robyn remains to take delivery of the IDs.

The man gets dressed and gets to work on his 'link, eventually getting two IDs and passes for each of the group. "Alright, sending you the data.  These are as good as they need to be, but please be careful.  I would rather spend the money you are paying me than spend years in jail or worse if you get caught."

Robyn accepts the IDs and does a detailed matrix sniff of them to be sure they are not tainted.  When she is done, she lets the rest of the group know.  >>Team [Robyn]:  I have the IDs and am passing them out now.  I did a check and they should hold up to inspection so I guess our boy is good for this.  I am leaving his room now and will join all of you at the marina in thirty.<<
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #207 on: <05-03-17/1700:05> »
Isaint had prepared the box with his usual thoroughness: He had used a tube of silicone to waterproof all edges and corners, layered it with a sturdy heat-shrink-wrap and greased the seal area. His guns resided inside a hard shell case together with his ammo. His FBA had a filled up air-tank and two spares. The shield was folded up, leaving only a little bit of space for the rest of his smaller gadgets.

With worry he watched the darkening sky and the growing gusts of wind. Silk had been right: Soon there would be a storm and it would be a nasty one...

« Last Edit: <05-03-17/1702:06> by Jack_Spade »
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #208 on: <05-03-17/1958:21> »
The rain was already pouring down when Al arrived at the marina. The last barge to the aqualogy was about to leave, and that also meant they were pushing the deadline on the crate delivery pretty hard. He discreetly added a canvas bag to the crate's contents, then handed out small, pocket-sized packages to his companions.

"Collapsible face masks. Jist for if the show goes all tits up an' things start gittin' wet fast. Tear off the wrapper and give this baby a hard crack against a wall or somethin', it'll unfold inta its shape. Pull it over yer face, yer good fer five minutes, ya can talk, an' it'll boost yer transceiver signal a bit. Tap the side fer a light, though if'n we's far enough down ta need it, well, ya better get somewhere ya can depressurize rather than try fer the surface."


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« Reply #209 on: <05-04-17/1224:44> »
[Tuesday September 15th, 2076; Corp Barge headed for CTec Aquaology, Tonga Trench]

Silk pushed down the feelings of exposure on the crowded barge surrounded by worried corpers.  She had no problem with small spaces, hours of crawling though impossibly tight vent ducts had cured her of any claustrophobia, but small spaces full of people had a tendency to overwhelm her with impressions, readings and swirls in the Pattern that could be downright uncomfortable.

She settled in next to a ten year old and his dad who were more interested in their shared computer game than they were in the passengers around them or the increasingly choppy water and Silk was glad of the anonymity they gave her.  The other runners were deliberately separated in to smaller groups to avoid attracting undue attention to themselves…even Al seemed to have made some sort of effort to blend in…

With the aid of a microdrone in the crew compartment over their heads Silk did a little judicious eavesdropping and wasn’t overly surprised to learn that they didn’t seem to be able to raise the aquaology on comms.  The storm overhead would inhibit sat comms and nobody seemed overly concerned for now… at least until they were in los of the surface platform and there was still no response…

Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36

