Al and Alyce - Second Chapter

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #45 on: <01-17-17/1424:11> »
Wednesday July 23rd 2076

Alyce pants just a little bit to get her breathing back to normal and her voice is barely above a whisper.  "I thought you did bloody good just then, but I am game if you want to try for better.  And just so you know, I loved the way your hand felt on my ass.  You can do that anywhere and anytime you want."

Her senses are telling her that the security man has walked off.  She gives Al a big smile.  "Too bad that man left.  I was rather enjoying the way you were avoiding him."
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« Reply #46 on: <01-17-17/1716:57> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

Al smiled cockily in response. Hers was the typical female reaction to his touch. But since he didn't say so, he congratulated himself on his modesty and decorum.

Taking her arm, they resumed their stroll towards the venue. As they got within a block or so, Alyce noticed that she was perceiving a lot more people than usual in fashions similar to her own. By no means everyone, but a significantly greater proportion of the passersby also seemed to be going for the same niche look she favored. And by the time the theater was close, nearly a third of the women and more than a few of the men were attired in velvets and laces blended with exotic 19th century-looking gadgetry.

The marquis said Murder on the Orient Express, the Agatha Christie stand-by. With barely a thought, she accessed the program with her headware to find that this revival had taken the scene of the action - an old-fashioned coal-fired train - as a springboard for a steampunk-styled rendition of the classic.

"After you," Al said, ushering her into the foyer.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #47 on: <01-18-17/0746:17> »
Wednesday. July 23rd 2076

The number of people that are dressed in steampunk style clothing is the first clue that something is up, but Alyce remains quiet until they approach the theatre, where she grasps Al's arm and smiles.  "Oh, Al, I have heard of this show.  Thank you for thinking of it."

Upon leaving the theatre, Alyce is grinning.  "Thank you so very much, Al, I thoroughly enjoyed that.  What is next on your list of surprises?"
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« Reply #48 on: <01-18-17/0805:09> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

Their next stop wasn't exactly a surprise, but Al had hoped it would be nice. There was still plenty of London's long summer afternoon left, and he drove his beauty (the girl, not the car....but yeah....the car too) north into London's Village district where they walked hand-in-hand for a few hours around Hampstead Heath before settling into a patio seat at La Canard on Hampstead Avenue. It was supposed to be the best French cuisine in London. Al had no idea if that was true, but he thought the fod was good, and he hoped Alyce did, too. He even broke down and drank wine instead of beer. When Alyce commented on it, he admitted, "Well, an easy sacrifice, really, since they gon' be plenty o' beer where we's goin' next. Ya ready?"

Evening shadows were lengthening as Al took them up to The Ridgeway above Mill HIll - a leafy road winding among walled estates and elite private schools. Situated about midway along the exclusive road was the Adam & Eve. Like the place they'd gone the previous week, it was another gastro-pub catering to the upscale local residents. And like the place the previous week, it had a chalkboard out on the pavement announcing a quiz night, due to start in the next half hour.

"Hope yer feelin' on top o' yer game, toots, cuz the folks in this here locality tend ta have quite a few letters after they names."
« Last Edit: <01-18-17/1441:45> by adamu »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #49 on: <01-18-17/1426:44> »
Wednesday July 23rd 2076

Alyce has been very impressed with Al's choices so far and the pub is no exception.  She leans close to him and takes his arm.  "You are bloody amazing, do you know that?  And you are right, we will have to be on our best game to beat some of the people that we are likely to see here."

Alyce is greeted by several people when she and Al enter the pub.  At least four couples wave them over to their tables and two others groan out loud.  "Bloody hell, Robyn Lysander.  Well, there go our chances tonight."

Alyce leads Al to one of the tables and introduces him to Doctor and Mrs Albert Carson.  They heartily welcome Al to the table and prove to be a lot of fun and very competitive during the game.  Quiz Night is a huge success and the table walks away with the top prize.  There is lots of fun and several rounds of beer.  Al is hailed as a hero for knowing the answers to several tough questions that had stumped the others.  All in all,it was a very good night.
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« Reply #50 on: <01-18-17/1627:10> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

Al also had found the evening quite enjoyable, and the Carson's were indeed excellent company and keen quiz partners, not to mention Mrs. Carson was quite fetching. He had not expected Alyce, or Robyn, to know so many - or any - people here, and had had to remind himself how long she'd lived in London, and the sorts of acquaintances she must make in the course of her various pursuits. Indeed, her interactions with a number of the men and women here, while quite friendly and normal on the surface, seemed to have a certain undercurrent of familiarity he couldn't put his finger on.

As people continued to drink and converse in the aftermath of their victory, in a rare moment when Dr. Carson had gone to fetch another round and Mrs. Carson had turned to chat with a woman at another table, Al whispered to Alyce, "So where ya know these folk from? Doctorin' world? Or they got boxes at yer opera?"
« Last Edit: <01-18-17/1639:44> by adamu »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #51 on: <01-19-17/0814:49> »
Alyce nods and takes a deep breath.  "Both, actually.............and more.  I don't want to spoil any of your surprises if you have anything else planned, and my surprise should be told in private. Can we go somewhere?"
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« Reply #52 on: <01-19-17/0931:58> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

"Your surprise? Sure, toots, I'm all ears. Reckon my own little agenda's all tapped out fer the day, so anywhere ya'd like ta go...This's the Village,'s a warm night, or if'n ya wanna sit they's any number o' quiet cafe's down Hampstead way...."

He stood and offered his arm. They made their excuses - everyone was damned nice - and in moments the Porsche Aguilar was on the road.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #53 on: <01-19-17/1550:56> »
Wednesday July 23rd 2076

At the cafe, Alyce orders two pints and takes them out to a small table outside.  She sits down next to Al and puts one of the mugs down in front of him.  She takes a deep breath and leans close to him.  "Before I get into my surprise, I want to tell you how bloody marvelous today has been.  Thank you so very much."

She sips at her beer and says, "Al, I want is to spend my life making you happy.  But I need to be completely honest with you about something that is very much a part of my life.  I am a sharer.  And I don't mean sharing stuff.  I am a sharer of intimacy.  I get together with like-minded people to share sexual experiences.  Sometimes it is with one other person, but it can also be with several people at a time.  That's pretty much what I had to say.  I can give you more details if you like, but this is the basic gist of it."

Alyce sits back and waits for his reaction.
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« Reply #54 on: <01-19-17/1833:31> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

Al let out a low whistle and chuckled. This explained what he'd noticed in the pub. Several thoughts came to his mind, and he spoke unguardedly. "Well, I'll allow as I'm surprised, but also that I shouldn't o' been. Ya made yer easy virtue clear from our first gittin' acquainted. Reckon I jist took some o' what ya said as hyperbolization. I'll learn ta take ya at yer word." He grinned. "But the way ya carried on with that Chinagirl, an' the circumstances thereof...well that din't bother me so much as...well, led me to some incorrect conclusions. An' I s'pose I shoulda taken it as my cue ta let my imaginations run a bit wilder. So I appurciate yer settin' ol' Al straight onna matter, afore I misapprehend anythin' else important."

He drained his stein. "Hey, Camden Stalls is open all night. Wanna go git some ink?" 

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #55 on: <01-19-17/2333:21> »
Wednesday July 23rd, 2076

Alyce smiles, a little surprised by Al's response, as she had expected something different.  "You are taking this rather well.  Is there even the slightest chance that you really want to hear more about this?  I can talk to you as you drive."

As she walks with you, she giggles.  "Do you really think that I have much room to add any more ink to my body?"

Once on the road, Alyce looks over at Al.  "Alright, a bit of information on my sharing.  There is usually a party invite sent out to the members of the local group.  Those who are planning on attending send a response and show up at the designated place and time.  Participants usually disrobe and wear masks.  Of course,wearing usually does not make me invisible due to my tattoos, but it does add a bit of mystery to the party.  People walk around the house, mingling as they want.  No one is ever expected to do anything that they are not comfortable with.......nothing.  Sometimes I will pair up with one other person and sometimes with multiple people at once, changing partners as desired.  It is a great time, with lots of fun sex for everyone involved.  Some of these parties are just for one night and others an entire weekend."

Alyce pauses.  "Too much information or are you ready for more?"

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« Reply #56 on: <01-20-17/0642:23> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

Al reached over to turn off the car's heater, but was surprised to find it wasn't on.

"Well, heh, that's an earful already."

He did have some questions, but wouldn't even know how to phrase them. And it sounded as though they might be answered momentarily in any case.

"But hey, that's the whole point o' this courtship thing, right? Git more properly acquainted? So shoot."

Still, he picked up the pace in a bid to more quickly reach the relative safety of the seedy line of tattoo parlors stretching south from Camden Locks.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #57 on: <01-20-17/0911:20> »
Wednesday July 23rd 2076

Alyce could have waited or could have just stopped, but the flood gates were opened and she kept going.  It would not do to just parcel the information out.  "When I first came to London, I was seeking revenge for the deaths of my parents, my fiancé, my friends, and my eyesight.  I cared for nothing else.  I managed to track one of the men to the LCZ and followed him into that cesspool of humanity.  I was completely unprepared for what I would find there but was determined to do anything to get my revenge.  At a particularly low point, I was left with few options and took the path offered to other pretty girls and went to work in a club.  Al, I was a stripper and a whore, getting paid for sex........for a lot of sex.  I was shagging people in a dirty back room and sometimes on the stage in front of a crowd of appreciative men.  I was introduced to sex with other women and to bestiality."

"In the end it was all worth it.  It got me into the bed of the man I was after and what he told me as I slowly killed him led me to the next man on my list.  A side effect of this period is that I developed a real liking for sex, which eventually brought me to my first sharing circle and I have never looked back.  So there you are, you know my secrets.  I am not the sort of girl any normal man would want to admit knowing, much less want to take home to meet his family.  But you are far from a normal man and I am hoping that you will give me a chance to be your girl and your lover."

Alyce remains quiet for the rest of the trip, letting Al digest what she has told him.
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« Reply #58 on: <01-20-17/1012:43> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

And it was indeed a lot to digest, with revelation round two a decidedly different flavor. He'd just about hit a delivery scooter at one particular disclosure, but had been careful to show no reaction - everyone had a past, everyone, and he'd not betray her trust by scorning hers.

Her pronouncements about her current lifestyle had not initially bothered him. He could easily picture her in such a setting - in fact, there was a certain innocent brand of dignified mischief about her that intrinsically defied the associated taboos, so that picturing her at that sort of gathering lost the sense of scandal it might carry for anyone else.

But this now about her past struck him as tragic - and knowing the past he couldn't help but assume that ugliness was a precursor to her supposed pleasures of the present. But she was a big girl, and didn't need him psychoanalyzing her or second-guessing the way she chose to live.

So once again, as always, she had his mind going in three or four different directions about her.

She'd been pretty straight with him - maybe straighter than he'd ever be with her - and when he parked the car he was direct. "I'm damned sorry ta hear 'bout yer past. Maybe sorry's not the word you'd use, but it's how I feel. An' while I'll be glad ta know all I can about ya, never think ya owe me any explication 'bout anything happened afore us."

He tilted his seat back a bit, slouched down, and bent his knees to put his boots up on the dash to either side of the steering wheel. Lit a cigarette, handed it to her, and then lit another for himself. "On t'other hand, as opposed ta' sad-Alyce-past, ya done got me keenly innerested in naughty-Alyce-present. Got 'bout a million-an'-one questions aswirl in my noggin', an' long as we's tryin' out this courtship thing, then yeah, reckon ya do owe me answers. Jist so's I don't feel like a sucker, ya unnerstand."

He blew smoke out through the sunroof, and said, "Like, when was the last one o' these little misadventures ya had? I mean, if it was since our little reunion. An' when exactly were ya thinkin' on attendin' the next?"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #59 on: <01-20-17/1211:26> »
Wednesday July 23rd 2076

Alyce is very glad that Al seems to be taking her revelations in stride and is doubly so that he shows little interest in her past while seeming to be curious about her present.  Smiling, she nods.  "Thank you, Al.  The last time I went to a sharing party was two weeks before you came back into my life.  I have received an invitation to a party for this weekend but have not accepted yet.  I was not going to accept at all until I talked to you about it.  I would love to take you with me so you can see for yourself what I am talking about."  She reaches out to put a hand on Al's arm.  "Al, I am completely willing to give that part of my life up if you would prefer.  I would give everything else up if you want, although I would hope that you allow me my music and my medicine."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>