[SRA OoC] Depths of Anarchy [2075 Game Thread]

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« Reply #105 on: <01-09-17/1827:36> »
@Beta - you're a diplomat and a gentleman.

Yeah, we're a high-post-rate group, that is for sure.

Glad you recognize it as a good problem!

Possible solutions...

In the IC thread, throw up a place-holder, which if you want could include a couple of lines saying when you plan to fill it and what you'll basically be doing.

Or, a bit more elegant, in the OOC thread just give a shout out - hey guys, typing in response to XXX right now, give me an hour. Or whatever.

Also, what you did recently in letting me know you had a two-step/post plan for how Vish was going to help was awesome play/teamwork/game management. I then made sure to toss some Role-playing color in but no actual actions.


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« Reply #106 on: <01-11-17/0929:48> »
So … are we about good to declare 'victory' and wrap this one up?


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« Reply #107 on: <01-11-17/0937:04> »
The final say is Aria's, of course, but seems like the rules experiment and the main storyline have wound up.

That said, there are lots of other story leads here, and/or if anyone wants to pursue the relationships with any PC/NPCs this would be the place to do it....


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« Reply #108 on: <01-11-17/0952:30> »
I'm certainly open for Kynos to appear in further stories with Al, but I really prefer the SR Core version of him - the Anarchy version doesn't do him justice.

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #109 on: <01-11-17/1044:21> »
I'm certainly open for Kynos to appear in further stories with Al, but I really prefer the SR Core version of him - the Anarchy version doesn't do him justice.

Oh yeah, happy to continue any of these relationships/stories.

But in SR5 or else just totally diceless.
Guess I'm an all-or-nothing boy.


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« Reply #110 on: <01-11-17/1340:03> »
Anarchy may have potential around a table, but I don't feel that it is a particularly good system for PbP, so pretty much agreeing with Adam.  I'll  get a wrap up IC post up for Vish then he can retire (at least for now)


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« Reply #111 on: <01-11-17/1810:03> »
Seems we are more or less in agreement, Anarchy would be good round a table but it isn't done justice by pbp...still, a useful experiment which I've enjoyed. Feel free to use the thread for whatever you like! Now I need to go and busy myself with Run! and SFW! :)
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« Reply #112 on: <01-27-17/2008:58> »
Just to interject a side comment... I rather liked Ice.... hey, if a 12 year old girl with a funky eye and the plague can prophesize the death of Zero Wolf and the end of the Mayan civilization... well, an elf with the strength and looks of a 12 year old anorectic girl can be on my team any time.