Custom Anarchy Character Sheets

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« on: <10-24-16/1033:00> »
For a good start, I tried to make printer friendly, black and white version of original character sheet, because many people wanted it, but if anyone created something else, please share.


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« Reply #1 on: <10-28-16/0110:04> »
Thanks for putting that up! Now that's very usable.


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« Reply #2 on: <11-18-16/1622:51> »
Hi! First post.

Someone on Reddit recommended I post my character sheet here.

Link to Imgur album

Generally, I found the official sheet to have divided up the space on the sheet strangely. Firstly, there is a large amount of room for skills, but at the same time the attributes and linked skills are not displayed. There's a tiny amount of room for gear and contacts, and while I understand that the idea was to make it very narrative, I still found that to be insufficient room. There is also very little room given to qualities, which can require quite a fair amount of room to describe.

I tried to counteract those issues and also add more to the sheet. I added a description of Edge and Plot Points onto the front sheet, as I found players often forgetting what exactly are their options and ending up sticking to one they could remember, rather than utilising the whole range. The reverse contains room for more role-specific information that a player might often end up using—vehicle information, cyberdeck, stats, that spirit of fire you keep summoning every combat. My idea was that the front page is all a new player needs and once they feel more comfortable with the system and world, they can utilise what's on the back.

I'd love to hear your comments.


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« Reply #3 on: <11-18-16/1850:07> »
Welcome to the boards. Thanks for the contribution.

Overall, looks good. A few questions/comments:

1) What are the boxes next to Knowledge Skills? It looks like a box for ratings, which don't apply to Knowledge Skills.

2) I wouldn't mind more space for Contacts, especially for characters with the I Know Everybody shadow amp.
2a) Personally I might have Contacts push up into Cues, and Cues push down into Weapons (which would shrink) but I grant that character will need different amounts of space. Or just swap Contacts with Gear, since Gear can often be described more concisely than Contacts.

3) Maybe X out Near and Far for Unarmed Combat instead of using dashes, since the dashes are visually similar to the underlined spaces.


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« Reply #4 on: <11-19-16/0518:43> »
1) That's just a brain fart! Yes, they are meant for ratings, because I'm clearly still too deep in SR5 thinking. I'll remove those for the next iteration of the sheet.

2) There is additional space on the back of the sheet for contacts, but I see what you mean. I'll try and reshuffle these around to get a bit more room for contacts. Might make a variant where there's fewer cues and more room for contacts (basically bring up the contacts up to the shadow amps.

3) Good idea. I was thinking that the dashes don't really make it clear, but didn't think to use X's! Thanks


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« Reply #5 on: <12-04-16/0721:37> »

Bit of a hack job, but I always preferred the SR5 sheet (literally just chopped it up and put it together in a Anarchy-friendly fashion) - feels less... blobby, for whatever reason. Obviously also has more space than would be called for by the core rules - the table I'm sitting in at is feeling a bit cramped with the normal limitations on skills and amps.
« Last Edit: <12-04-16/0724:00> by Jheral »


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« Reply #6 on: <12-05-16/1750:31> »
This guy on G+ "TheChaosGrenade" made a nice looking old school sheet that is pretty sweet. I feel it needs a few tweaks, but it's a good starting point.


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« Reply #7 on: <02-09-17/0928:56> »
I've been messing around with SR:A's character sheet tonight.  In case I never get back to it, I thought I'd post it.  It is absolutely a work-in-progress.  I built it in Excel to start with.  If you want the original to mess around with, email me.


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« Reply #8 on: <02-12-17/1053:39> »
I continued to work on it.  This is version .9.  I need to go back in and align the form fields, but it is functional as is.  Let me know if anyone finds any form errors like repeating fields, scrolling text, text that doesn't dynamically resize, etc.

It also isn't pretty yet.  I'll be adding fonts and maybe a graphic at some point.



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« Reply #9 on: <02-13-18/1057:05> »
I'm resurrecting the thread because I got info that the download of my printer-friendly sheet edit is not working anymore after the forums were down for so long, so just in case anyone is looking for that, here's a mirror -