question about Shadowrun: Anarchy

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« on: <10-19-16/1649:16> »
I've been reading this and it's interesting but...

...when do NPCs actually get to do something in this game? How do I keep the players from just punking them out?



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« Reply #1 on: <10-19-16/1657:35> »
I haven't played it yet. And I don't have a firm grasp on it yet. But as far as I understand: The players are mostly responsible for the NPCs reactions to their characters. That also means that like many other storytelling games this game needs players who want to tell an interesting story and not just to steamroll their oponents


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« Reply #2 on: <10-19-16/1707:13> »
Thanks. That was kind of my issue. I have one player who, if given the chance, will never let anything bad happen to his chaaracter. I'm not sure how this will go over. I suppose I could use one of the alternate initiative systems, but I kind of wanted to try the game in it's intended form first.



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« Reply #3 on: <10-19-16/1710:52> »
GM has Plot Points to spend on Moar Obstacles and such as reactions to players.  Also the GM determines when a Player has a chance of failure and asks for a skill check.  So it's not like a Player can Narrate complete victory in a single go, the GM can and should ask for a dice roll at some point.

Plus the GM gets a turn too.  The NPCs should be narrated as reacting to what the players are doing, not as passive bystanders. 


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« Reply #4 on: <10-19-16/1715:53> »
GM has Plot Points to spend on Moar Obstacles and such as reactions to players.  Also the GM determines when a Player has a chance of failure and asks for a skill check.  So it's not like a Player can Narrate complete victory in a single go, the GM can and should ask for a dice roll at some point.

Plus the GM gets a turn too.  The NPCs should be narrated as reacting to what the players are doing, not as passive bystanders.

So the GM does get a turn as well? I thought the GM just described things and away you go. That would solve a lot of the issues.



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« Reply #5 on: <10-19-16/1717:26> »
Thanks. That was kind of my issue. I have one player who, if given the chance, will never let anything bad happen to his chaaracter. I'm not sure how this will go over. I suppose I could use one of the alternate initiative systems, but I kind of wanted to try the game in it's intended form first.


Player: I tumble and sprint across the open ground between the guard towers to bunker's door.

GM: Sounds like a dodge check, roll Agility plus Logic.  *GM rolls NPC to hits, Player Rolls Dodge*

At that point the Narration may end if you're trying to keep all the players involved in a fast action combat.  Otherwise the Players Narration could continue.  All depends.


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« Reply #6 on: <10-19-16/1719:26> »
GM has Plot Points to spend on Moar Obstacles and such as reactions to players.  Also the GM determines when a Player has a chance of failure and asks for a skill check.  So it's not like a Player can Narrate complete victory in a single go, the GM can and should ask for a dice roll at some point.

Plus the GM gets a turn too.  The NPCs should be narrated as reacting to what the players are doing, not as passive bystanders.

So the GM does get a turn as well? I thought the GM just described things and away you go. That would solve a lot of the issues.


Everyone playing takes a turn at Narration, including the GM.  NPCs need a chance to soliloquy  ;  ) 


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« Reply #7 on: <10-19-16/1720:20> »
Thanks for your help with this. I think I will run this for my group on Friday, see how it goes.



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« Reply #8 on: <10-19-16/2041:44> »
In fact, the GM's Narration is generally the first of the turn. So they do the set up the scene but they also describe the actions of the NPCs first (which could be hostile).  Remember that you, as GM do not have to spend a Plot Point on your turn just to narrate the NPC's natural reactions to the PC's actions. 

You can spend a Plot Point to "shake things up" or "dish best served cold" (can we just call that "get revenge"? Lol), or glitch dice on THEIR turn.  But if security guards would naturally show up (someone tripped the alarm, etc.), they can show up on your Narration without spending a Plot Point.
Shadowrun: Anarchy Resources (GM Screens, Character Sheets, New NPCs, House Rules) at: