Limits on Cyberware

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« on: <10-17-16/1421:09> »

I am just trying to get started with Shadowrun Anarchy but I have a bit of trouble with the rules or lack of rules.

Currently I am trying to figure out the essence cost of implants. The following example of the book is which throws me off:
She wants Sledge to have some
gleaming chrome on him, so she starts with a cyberarm,
which costs 1 point. She wants to be able to reroll two dice
on Close Combat attacks, so she adds that ability, which
costs two points. The cyberarm as a whole costs 3 Amp
Next she adds some cyberspurs to the cyberarm. The
effect she wants is to allow Sledge to do either Physical or
Stun damage in unarmed attacks. This Amp adds an Amp
level and increases the Essence cost of the arm.

Why does it add essence costs to add spurs to the arm? Are spurs not just an additional effect of the cyberarm and this should only cost additional Shadow Amp points? How do I figure out how many effects I can add to one piece of cyber ware?


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« Reply #1 on: <10-17-16/1619:41> »
Yeah, that's a typo. (One I missed no less, I'll get that flagged for you.) As the only reference in the PDF to increased Essence costs for improved Amps I think it's safe to say it's a hold-over from editing. Way too much bookkeeping for Anarchy :)

You are correct about the Cyberspurs. +1AMP for "Advanced Effect" & no additional Essence cost.

A hard limit to the number of things you can cram into ware could help. Then again the text boxes aren't *that* big. Once you have 3 different bonuses on one Amp do you really need any more?

P.s. If you have a Port/Build-a-Ware request or want to double-check your maths, feel free. Finally living the legit Implanted RCC dream. Stick it Cyberdecks :P 
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« Reply #2 on: <10-17-16/1627:45> »
So just by the rules I could do something like: the superchip 1AMP -1ESS and then cram 9 AMP points in there if I just got RAW? Obviously not going to do that because Anarchy is no game for uber-minmaxing but just to understand the rules as they are written.


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« Reply #3 on: <10-17-16/1632:07> »
My understanding is when a Shadow Amp combines different effects like rerolls AND damage, then there is a Shadow Amp discount (ie. You don't have to buy a new Amp) but there is no Essence discount.  It's the same reason Control Rigs are -2 Essence (they combine the VR of a datajack with rerolls).

Of course, not all of the sample characters follow this, because of the time-honored tradition of getting sample characters wrong.  See Navigators notes in the Errata Thread.

I could also be wrong.
« Last Edit: <11-16-16/2045:16> by Gingivitis »
Shadowrun: Anarchy Resources (GM Screens, Character Sheets, New NPCs, House Rules) at:

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #4 on: <10-17-16/1804:17> »
Of course, not all of the sample characters follow this, because of the time-honored tradition of getting sample characters wrong.  See Navigators notes in the Errata Thread.
The vexing thing is, we had them all right when we turned them in. The three of us who wrote up the pregens spent a great deal of time and effort on that...then we'd have to change something somewhere and the change didn't make it to So-and-So. Frustrating as all get-out. There are a lot more moving parts in putting one of these things than I ever imagined before I got into this business.

I'm collating all the stuff in the errata thread. Should be able to start pretty soon.
Former Shadowrun Errata Coordinator


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« Reply #5 on: <10-17-16/2052:44> »
Thanks Patrick.  You are the best.

Agreed about the work that goes into these.  It would have been nice if the people in charge of writing the thing were also in charge of publishing and release dates, etc.  That way this whole thing could have been posted and crowd-proofed 2-3 times before print date.  Players who specialize in, say riggers or Matrix, could then see trouble or vaguery coming and head it off.  Players who look at balance and mechanics specifically could square things that others missed.  And players with fine attention to detail and more time than freelancers could find the things that elude everyone else.
Shadowrun: Anarchy Resources (GM Screens, Character Sheets, New NPCs, House Rules) at:


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« Reply #6 on: <10-18-16/0026:23> »
Well I found the errata I needed

.    103   Kix's Essence should be 5 (6 -2 (Reflexes & Cyberarm) + 1 Biocompatability). And her penalty to magic/healing should be -1.

Since I was trying to make a character somewhat similar to her I looked at Kixfor reference. This errata helps a lot. Thanks all for being so helpful. This was surely not the last Anarchy question I will ask.

Is something wrong with me that I have a better grasp on 5E than Anarchy? Anarchy should be something easy 😏

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #7 on: <10-18-16/0135:10> »
{Yoda} Unlearn, you must. {/Yoda}

It was a huge struggle for me for a while during the writing phase, too, so don't feel bad.
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« Reply #8 on: <10-18-16/0219:16> »
Question to those in the Know
If I want to play a Char with a Cyberwaresuite (one from Boston Lockdown or one from the main Sourcebooks)
What kind of Amp would that be ?
I don't yet own Shadowrun Anarchy 'cause I'm waiting for the German Hardcopy (which might take a while)
But I'm urging to play it

with an anarchistic Dance


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« Reply #9 on: <10-18-16/1024:30> »
A Cyberware Suite or Package or Bundle or Whatever would be a Shadow Amp with multiple bonuses on it. 

Mechanical Advantage is that each Amp costs 1 point so having an Amp with multiple bonuses saves you a couple points.  Mechanical Drawback, very expensive to increase any of the bonuses because the cost to improve a Shadow Amp is based on the total cost of the Amp.

And of course Narratively if a Player sticks a bunch on nonsense together in a single Amp they should get hit with a book.  The GM and the rest of the table should be able to agree on what is or isn't appropriate in stacking multiple bonuses into a single Amp.  The Ares Super Soldier Combat Package probably shouldn't include a Cyberdeck or somesuch, because clearly that would be the Mitsuhamma combat Decker support bundle.   ;D

