Panzerknacker Sidethread

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« Reply #180 on: <09-22-17/0406:47> »
"Oh, I barely know what a square root is" she laughed "I never studied beyond reading, education was mainly about how to solicit people to give me money. Either with pitty, entertainment or with plain stealing, usually a combination of the two.  Tried to avoid prostitution though but it is kind of a touchy subject because I did sleep with people to get food or shelter or to feed my lazy ass brother. If I want something I just get it, right here and right now. Even thinking about the future is dangerous, this is the kind of thinking I grew up into. Not to say that my own emotions are simple, people are complicated but you have this intellect and matrix skill - you are capable of deeper thoughts and have way too much information. Perhaps this is part of why you are like that, not that it matters it is difficult to change.

You probably know it, but I am/was studying 'magic for practitioners' for the last four years.   It is a deeply practical with minimal academic requirements. Still, I am busting my ass and am struggling - I am good in practice but the academic topics are very difficult. Had to hook up with some serious criminals to get a fake, no real SIN so - no real point in graduating and no real hope of decent work.

How old are you by the way? "


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« Reply #181 on: <09-22-17/0525:14> »
"Oh. It's supposed to be a word joke. See, you call any multiple of square root of minus one a 'complex number'. As every number pow 2 is a positive number, there's nothing supposed to be like a complex number. Anyway, there is something like that, apparently. Anyway. Complex? Complex number? You get it? Never mind.

Please don't tell me you were allowed to study in the US without having ever learned 'beyond reading'...

I'm 20 by now. Jeey, I'm growing up, I s'pose. I was 19 when Special K brought me to the US. Meanwhile, I'm some blood mages older. I'm even talking like a grown-up.

So ... I'm going to get to try out that spell of yours for real?"

Since Anna didn't respond to the offer, bnc shrugs, closes the fridge and walks over to her working table.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #182 on: <09-22-17/0638:47> »
Anna takes the second one (meant to write it but then edited away).  She laughs with empressement and says "I got by with some charm and slight of hand... Not the most honest of me - but well I never went to school, to begin with so.
The program itself is pretty much watered down most of the non-essential stuff. Smart people go to study universal magic theory and paths like that. Magic for practitioners is the bottom of the food chain - the approach is to introduce methods 'that work' without any deep reasons as to why. Most of the people there are going to be low-grade wage mages and come from the less privileged background. Offcourse, they seem very much privileged to me. "

"Real impressive the Blood mage thing - seems terrifying. Were you in actual danger - or off-site?"
She took a large sip from her PP can. Anna felt already a bit tipsy.
 About the magic she said "Yes, of course - lets do magic...  I think you will enjoy it... I wouldn't know what to ask."
« Last Edit: <09-22-17/0643:43> by gilga »


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« Reply #183 on: <09-22-17/1614:58> »
"You Americans call really everything an university, huh? In Austria, that would even be a high school..."

bnc rummages around in her laboratory. "You in for a pill or something?"

She opens the lid of a small plastic box, pondering. "No, I was not off-site. You remember what got me that nice nickname of yours? It was when I took out that bastard with a cleaning drone and sprinklers."
She smiles. "It was a nightmare."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #184 on: <09-22-17/1619:51> »
When bnc suggests a pill, Anna replies "m... sure hit me.", then out of the blue she asks "Would you still like me to take my panties off? Or was that calendar entry just a tease.
« Last Edit: <09-26-17/0309:31> by gilga »


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« Reply #185 on: <09-23-17/0404:00> »
bnc smiles a strange smile. You can hardly see it, since she's still turned to her lab. From the chair on, you only perceive bnc's profile.
She then turns towards her. "Ever heard of Ketamine? Or Tussionex?"
She grins a wide smile, although a strange one. You can sense a trace of insecurity in it.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #186 on: <09-23-17/0450:36> »
"I've heard of Ketamine alright - this is why I find the nickname Special K so hilarious - this is how people call Ketamine where I grew up... No idea what the other stuff is... Which is safer and which gives you the courage to kiss me."


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« Reply #187 on: <09-24-17/1634:12> »
"I'm positive that Special K and Special K would give a terrific combination. You gotta try it out once!"
She grins, then answers matter-of-factly. "Why decide? Take 'em both.
We should take a piss before. Ket might lead to incontinence if we're unlucky. I'll prepare it shortly."

bnc vanishes into the bathroom and returns about two minutes later, leaving the door open for you while she leans over her lab.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #188 on: <09-24-17/1700:41> »
"Both it is... you are the expert" she said. Anna enters the bathroom and does what bnc suggests... she is the expert after all. She is disappointed with the soap when she washes her hands. While bnc works Anna approaches her and starts rubbing her shoulders.

« Last Edit: <09-26-17/0309:11> by gilga »


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« Reply #189 on: <09-25-17/0945:16> »
bnc is just about to mix two powders together, when Anna comes closer. bnc is working ostentatively slow.
"I trust you in this regard. Do you understand?", she says without looking up from the powder.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #190 on: <09-25-17/1005:15> »
"My lips are sealed Sprinklers..." she said.
« Last Edit: <09-26-17/0308:53> by gilga »


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« Reply #191 on: <09-26-17/0208:00> »
"That's not what I meant. I meant ... I've never done this before. Make it all right, d'accord?"
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #192 on: <09-26-17/0225:03> »
Anna grinned "I take it you do not mean mixing chemicals." She paused and then said "Come, here sweetie, I will be gentle." She embraced the skinny decker and then leaned in to softly kiss her.

« Last Edit: <09-26-17/0308:39> by gilga »


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« Reply #193 on: <09-26-17/1406:49> »
For an instant, bnc just lets her come closer, then she pushes her away. "Woah, easy. I'm not ready yet. Jeez, hoo..."
She takes a step back. "Uh, sorry. That wasn't meant to be rude. I just..."
bnc hesitates, thinks. "You're just not my type, really. And ... I wanna do it anyway. Jeez, I sound like a pup. And like a chipsie. And maybe I am. Both.

bnc takes up the straw to sniff in the Ket and Tussy.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #194 on: <09-26-17/1420:24> »
Anna's smile widened "Mindfuck it is Sprinklers... Take me to the moon." she augmented bnc's charisma and then took a straw and sniffed the drugs. "Feeling sexier doll?" she asked. She was not certain how long she could sustain the spell but once she drops it both of them will be in a different state of mind.

