"Oh, I barely know what a square root is" she laughed "I never studied beyond reading, education was mainly about how to solicit people to give me money. Either with pitty, entertainment or with plain stealing, usually a combination of the two. Tried to avoid prostitution though but it is kind of a touchy subject because I did sleep with people to get food or shelter or to feed my lazy ass brother. If I want something I just get it, right here and right now. Even thinking about the future is dangerous, this is the kind of thinking I grew up into. Not to say that my own emotions are simple, people are complicated but you have this intellect and matrix skill - you are capable of deeper thoughts and have way too much information. Perhaps this is part of why you are like that, not that it matters it is difficult to change.
You probably know it, but I am/was studying 'magic for practitioners' for the last four years. It is a deeply practical with minimal academic requirements. Still, I am busting my ass and am struggling - I am good in practice but the academic topics are very difficult. Had to hook up with some serious criminals to get a fake, no real SIN so - no real point in graduating and no real hope of decent work.
How old are you by the way? "