Panzerknacker Sidethread

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« on: <10-17-16/0527:16> »
Quote from: Anna
>> Should I make Beckie less flirty and more all business?<<

<@Anna <How about less giggly-girlishly? We're not buying a barbie dream palace but a boat house. Also, the target is married. Try not to piss his wife off.>
"normal speech"
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« Reply #1 on: <10-17-16/0541:48> »
>> his wife is hetro-flexible... just saying... I'll tune it down a bit though I do not want to see that face again. Is that German you are speaking? 
So you still want me to dress you up?
« Last Edit: <10-17-16/0544:39> by gilga »


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« Reply #2 on: <10-17-16/0548:35> »
>>u sure u wanna know what you got that face 4?

yah it was. i'm austrian, and he's bavarian. devil knows why we both use german standard.

guess it can't be helped, nestcepas? u think i look chinky in a pantsuite?
"normal speech"
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« Reply #3 on: <10-17-16/0606:19> »
>>I am sure that you will tell me anyhow...  but I use what I have to get what I want.
Austria... You are long way from home Ruth, I am originally from here, never actually left the city.
Schmidt sure has some soft spot for you though...  and I was promised a nova hot decker, so you better look chinky.

My place or yours?

With that Anna walked to Mike that showed her how to scan her measurements, she did so in the conference room and hoped that she was not recorded. Who knows how sophisticate the security was in that place was. Then again... there was so much perv material in the trix that should she even care? With her measurements taken Anna could now select what she likes from a catalog and by the remote familiarity of the rest of the runners, with the life style of SINers she may have the pleasure of clothing many of the rest as well...

"What a day... being hired with so many digits pay day and the first thing that I am needed for is a makeover...  Who would have imagined"

« Last Edit: <10-17-16/0638:13> by gilga »


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« Reply #4 on: <10-17-16/0810:26> »
<<u asked for it. be a good barbie doll and keep ur girly talk to u. if u want sthg ask for it. but keep ur it is nice of u to notice, it will all be soooo fun crap to urself. this is a shadowrun not a fashion party.
that being said i appreciation your superiority in this field. not without some sarcasm if u failed to notice.

ah btw chinky means shitty. so i hope i dont look like crap.>>
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
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« Reply #5 on: <10-17-16/0916:21> »
Anna shrugged as she got dressed and then texted bnc again:

>> You are mocking me again, this is getting frustrating I am not as smart as you and I think you would look good in pants-suit. We are in Be Nice Cutie all over again.

We need to get people to sell us a boathouse at a fixed price. They do not care about money - so why us?

They care about something other than money but what might that be?  You are the smart one I am sure you have some ideas. 

Now if you eliminate all the competition with your matrix magic - then sure no problem. I'll seat by your side and be your hand candy if this is what you like. 

As a backup plan meet Beckie. The flirty and eager to please assistant.  She really wants to make the purchase to impress her boss - the head of purchasing.  If she pleases him, she will not be just an abstractor for long. Her career is moves forward and the sky are the limit. Like many other ambitious cooperate girls Beckie will do ANYTHING to make sure things happens her way. Her career is EVERYTHING to her...

Can you pretend that you are not a criminal at the edge of society but a normative person for just a day?

Existing the conference room she shrugs "I am done, whose next?".  She thinks "They see me as a joke, especially bnc, dammit."

« Last Edit: <10-17-16/1007:18> by gilga »


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« Reply #6 on: <10-17-16/1005:25> »
<<i didnt mean to tell you that. dont ask if u r afraid of the answer.
that being said ive got no intention to fight. just lemme tell u 1 thing honey. u sure have trained smooth talking in some communication workshop or so. i recognize the patterns. concessions, compliments, creation of  a mutual identity. u know all the fancy stuff u learn from psychologists communication trainers and teachers. i learned that stuff too. i guess i had way more to do with psychologists than you ll have to in ur entire life. u know y.
now take an advice. this biz u wont smoothtalk anyone with that. u compell with professionalism and competence. u impressed me with witty answers yesterday. bit kinky. bit nasty. bit nice. well balanced. today its too chocolate and icecream. to sweet, i cant stomach that. cuz itn not real and i had a stomach full of fake bullshit. instead impress me with competence.
i ll take a shower then cum to ur room. there u can undress & redress me like the barbie dolls u seem to love so much.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #7 on: <10-17-16/1019:05> »
">> Well you make it sound like a drug deal but fine. I hope that my grooming skills impress you more than my sweet tongue" She texts and then leave to her room.  Anna is a bit pissed off, she will wait for bnc and play her guitar in the meanwhile as it always relaxes her.  "Yo can do it, Yael" she thinks.


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« Reply #8 on: <10-17-16/1200:20> »
<<old habits die hard i guess>>

Roughly half an hour later there's a knock-knock on Anna's door.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #9 on: <10-17-16/1216:59> »
Anna gets up from her bed and opens the door, It kind of feels like an odd date for her.
"Ruty nice of you to come by... " she said.


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« Reply #10 on: <10-17-16/1253:50> »
As bnc enters, her mood seems a bit better then before. She's still wearing occasional clothes (though she changed): tight pants, some shirt (you guess) and a hoodie over it. Her hair is still damp and she smells of shampoo. In her hands, she holds two tins.
"Sorry 'bout earlier. I brought Pepper Plus. May I...?"
She enters the room and looks around. "Can we stick to bnc while we're her? Ruth is among the chi- ugliest names I've ever heard of..."

[spoiler]Has she already begun decorating the room? What's she wearing?
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« Reply #11 on: <10-17-16/1324:03> »
Anna was wearing the same clothes she wore since morning, she showered just two hours ago so she did not feel the need to shower again. She was wearing a black shirt of a local rock band and a tight jeans and her hair was braided into a clean braid. The neck of her shirt is hand cut to make the shirt more comfortable and it hints a black bra underneath. If at the heat of the night Anna appeared rich and successful right now she is dressed modestly.

Anna's room is already set up and she even decorated the walls with some posters that were clearly moved and removed more than once. Her cloths are neatly stored in the closet and her professional cosmetic kit is already deployed by the mirror in some improvised manner. On the bed there is an average guitar that is clearly worn out due to extensive use.

"Sure thing bnc, I was just practicing so that I remember all the names. I've never crossed an international border before."  She took the pepper plus sat on the bed and invited bnc to do the same, there were a couple of chairs in the apartment by the 'kitchen' area so she could also seat there. Anna added  " Besides... Roberta also  seems kind of a chinky name. It is like someone forced that name to be feminine with a gun to its head." she said grinning and shortly after added  "cheers... !"
« Last Edit: <10-17-16/1453:50> by gilga »


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« Reply #12 on: <10-18-16/0852:21> »
"Neither have I...", bnc answers somewhat dryly, knowing that she had already introduced herself an Austrian. She threw her the can of Pepper Plus and opened up her own.

" Besides... Roberta also  seems kind of a chinky name. It is like someone forced that name to be feminine with a gun to its head." she said grinning and shortly after added  "cheers... !"

"Damn right you are. Santé, honey."

bnc takes a sip of the coke and synthahol, then lets herself fall on Anna's bed without waiting for an invitation (let alone asking for it).
"Now, how does this work. I never did something like this. Do I have to undress? Or do you just analyze me with those stylist eyes of yours?"
"normal speech"
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« Reply #13 on: <10-18-16/1319:18> »
Anna was happy to notice that bnc felt comfortable and she took a large sip from the alcoholic drink, trying to feel its buz.  "Oh, definitely strip baby... it will fit you so much better like that.". She felt excited, she knew that it was all a business but yet there was the anticipation of getting the young decker out of her street clothes (and into something stylish?)
She took out her glasses and asked " Do you need some device for AR? Silly of me to worry for the decker to see AR right?" she smiled a silly inviting smile and donned her glasses.

« Last Edit: <10-18-16/1522:28> by gilga »


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« Reply #14 on: <10-18-16/1542:55> »
bnc raises an eyebrow.
"Is this a professional necessity?" She can't quite fight down a grin, but then her look trails over Anna's almost perfect body. Her own body is scrawny: Her cheeks are hollow, her arms boney and thin, her hips stand forth. Anna doesn't need to be a fashion expert to see that she's wearing push-ups. Otherwise, she'd be flat as a board.
"Uhm, is it..?"

bnc casts an uncertain glance at her Pepper Plus.

(She doesn't answer to the question regarding her AR sight since she's already told Anna yesterday that she's got a DNI. Only if she asks again, will she confirm with a remarkable botch of sarcasm.)
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"

