Shadowrun Anarchy Errata discussion

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« Reply #30 on: <10-10-16/1403:16> »
Patrick, are you looking for more or is it pretty much cooked?
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« Reply #31 on: <10-10-16/1607:49> »
Bit confused over where the Lined Coat Gear Amp (Pages 107, 111 & 204) gets its Armour Rating of 10 from. Also it looks like I can take Business Clothes (Armour 6 and an extra skill point) and add them as an Amp for zero points gaining 3 extra armour as long as I have a spare Amp slot?

Pg 67 - "Some armor might be selected as Shadow Amps to give bonuses besides straight protection.....These pieces of armor should be selected as Shadow Amps, with a base armor value of 9. In these cases, the armor value may be increased by 3 for an additional Shadow Amp point, to a maximum of 12."

Pg 29   "sagging to the grind"                                                      Change "grind" to "ground"
Pg 32   Knowledges linked to Logic despite having no rating      Remove from list?
Pg 34   "starts a serious Negotiation and Intimidation"                Replace "and" with "or"
Pg 45   Technomancers are listed under optional Matrix rules      
Pg 48   "When Shadow Amp drone lose all of their armor"              Change "drone " to "drones"
Pg 50   "natural abilities (a dwarf or troll with thermographic vision)"      No mention made of these or Elf/Ork Low-light vision in the PDF.
Pg 54   "Plot Point generation during game play."                      Remove extra space between "game" and "play"
« Last Edit: <10-10-16/1643:24> by Navigator »
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« Reply #32 on: <10-11-16/1633:56> »
58   "when someone starts a serious Negotiation and Intimidation"      Change "and" to "or"
33 & 40   Missile Parry adept power not included in Adept Amps on Pg 202      
75   Coydog's Survival Knife has a Near Rating of -2 instead of "N/A"      
75   Coydog's Mentor Spirit refers to "illusion and control" spells instead of "effect" spells      
77   Gentry's Datajack and Headware costs 2 Amps and adds "1d6 to Matrix Actions".       
       It should cost 1 Amp (leaving an Amp Point for Edge 3) per Pg 203 and read "1 die" not "1d6" like it does elsewhere in the PDF.
77   Gentry's Unarmed Damage should be 2S      
77   Gentry should have 10 boxes on his Stun Monitor      
79   Hardpoint's Ingram has a Near Rating of -2 instead of "OK"      
81   Myth's Ingram has a Near Rating of -2 instead of "OK"      
62   Street Runner Chargen gives 2 weapons (one ranged, one melee), but Pg 68 states "We recommend each player take one ranged weapon and one melee weapon"      
        Also the Characters in "Street People" sometimes take 2 ranged weapons. Should Pg 62 be corrected to give players the choice like at Gang-Level & Prime Runner?
83   Sledge's Katana should do 7P damage (8/2 +3)
83   Sledge's Custom Cyberarm Suite should only cost 1 Essence not 3.
83   Sledge's Essence should be 4. (6 Essence - 3 Cyber + 1 Biocompatability)
83   Sledge Unarmed details are off-centre.
85   Alyosha's Mentor Spirit (Bear) is different from the one presented on Pg 205
85   Alyosha only has 15 Attribute Points spent. Dwarf gets Str+1 & Will+1 per Pg 63
85   Alyosha's Gnarled Staff (Polearm) should do Stun Damage instead of Physical. Perhaps the Boomerang as well.
        From Pg 41 " Some of them, particularly blunt weapons, do Stun damage"

202   "Invisibility (Spell) (Amp Level 2):" Should be bolded like other Magical Amps      
203   Should the Control Rig really cost 2 Essence? Compare to Datajack and Headware Amp (Pg 203) for what 1 Amp point gets you.      
« Last Edit: <10-11-16/1702:11> by Navigator »
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« Reply #33 on: <10-12-16/0847:12> »
Up to Page 94 and breathe  :D

77   Gentry's Cyberdeck should omit "Cyberdeck 3" to match the formatting on Bit-Bucket (Pg87) & Jinn's (Pg101) Cyberdecks or vice-versa
87   Bit-Bucket's Datajack and Headware costs 2 Amps instead of 1 per Pg 203, so he should have a spare Amp for Edge 2
87   Bit-Bucket's Ares Predator should have 6P for damage
87   Bit-Bucket's Survival Knife should have 4P for damage
89   Borderline's Wired Reflexes should only cost 1 Essence.
89   Borderline's Essence should be 3.5 and she should only take a -1 penalty to magic/healing tests.
91   Chrome Bison's Smartlink and Skill Wires are mislabelled  "3" instead of "2" Amps each per Pg 203. Her Amp total is otherwise correct.
93   Daktari's Sustaining Focus has "Talisman" in it's description instead of "Focus".
93   Daktari's Narcojet Tranquilizer has a Near Rating of "-2" instead of "-4".
93   Daktari's Stun Baton should do 8S damage (thanks to Bear).
93   Daktari's Heal Spell omits healing Stun damage in it's description. See Pg 202.

95   Fourth's Datajack and Headware costs 2 Amps instead of 1 per Pg 203, so she should have another spare Amp for Edge 3
101   Jinn's Datajack and Headware costs 2 Amps instead of 1 per Pg 203, so he should have a spare Amp for Edge 2
133   Wheezer's Bruiser Quality is different (and much better) than the one presented on Pg  205
202   For clarity the Anarchy Catalogue Shadow Amps section could do with a bolded reference to Pg 65 re the table for building custom amps.
203   Should the example Audio Analyzer be replaced with Fourth's Cyberears (Pg 95) in the Cyberware Amps section? This would bring it into line with Cybereyes.
203   (Retractable) Cyberspurs should only cost 1 Shadow Amp and shouldn't be able to inflict Stun damage when used. Compare to Retractable Hand Razors on Pg 203.
   Or the entries for Cyberspurs and Hand Razors could be combined e.g. "Cyberspurs/Hand Razors"
203   Cyberlimb Armor Plating is misleading if you don't refer to Pg 65. It's effect costs 1 Amp and no extra Essence when added to an existing cyberlimb, but a novice might only see Pg 203 and come away with the idea that they have to get Cyberlimbs and this separately wasting a full slot for awesome goodies.
   It could be shown as "Alternate Cyberlimbs (Amp Level 2/3/4): Inflict physical or stun, reduce damage taken by 1/2/3, -1 Essence." to highlight the difference
203   Cyberarms are missing "may inflict either Stun or Physical damage" in the description
203   Synthlink should be limited to performance-related rolls and or be renamed to something that makes more sense. Playing a guitar wirelessly doesn't improve my table manners.
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« Reply #34 on: <10-12-16/1610:43> »
97   Fusion's Control Rig 3 should be "Control Rig 2" and cost 3 Amps not 4.
97   Fusion's Harley-Davidson should cost 2 Amps not 1.
99   Hawk's Wired Reflexes have an extra "or movement" that shouldn't be there.
99   Hawk's "More Where That Came From" costs 2 Amps instead of 1 Amp per Pg 204. He should have an extra Amp for Edge 3.
99   Hawk's Custom Cybereyes cost 4 Amps, while Sledge's version (Pg 83) costs 3 Amps. Could have another extra Amp point for Edge
99   Hawk's Retractable Cyberspur is missing "add 1 damage" from it's description. Or it should cost 1 Amp and have a damage code of 3P. Even more Edge!
99   Hawk's Cougar Fineblade should do 3P damage
101   Jinn's "Go Big or Go Home" and Distinctive Style are in the wrong places on his character sheet.
101   Jinn's Hammer Program should cost 3 Amps not 2 Amps
103   Kix's Defiance-T250 is missing "*" after "OK"on the Close. Otherwise it looks like you can split the shot at Near range as well.
103   Kix's Defiance-T250 should also read "-2" under Near not "-4"
103   Kix's Unarmed damage code is off-centre.
103   Kix's Physical and Stun Monitors are the wrong way around.
103   Kix only has 14 Attribute Points spent. Elf gets +1 Agility & +1 Charisma. She's currently wasting Exceptional Attribute (Agility).
103   Kix's Essence should be 5 (6 -2 (Reflexes & Cyberarm) + 1 Biocompatability). And her penalty to magic/healing should be -1.
103   Kix's Wired Reflexes 3 should only cost 1 Essence. It also has an extra "/movement" in its description.
103   Kix's Cyberarm is a mess. Refer to Pg 83. It should cost 1 Essence not 3 and cost 5 Amps not 6. So she should have a spare Amp for Edge 2.
   It should also refer to Close Combat rolls not "unarmed" rolls.
   Amp 1 - Base Effect - deals Phys/Stun Damage, Amp 2&3 - reroll 2 dice on Agility rolls, Amp 4&5 - reroll 2 dice with Close Combat rolls.
105   Knox has 12 spent Amp Points (2 Awakened, 1 Edge, 9 Adept Powers). If Critical Strike 2 doesn't stack with Attribute Boost (Agility) she should drop that and gain another point of Edge.
105/117   Knox's & Roses Close Combat weapons show a second set of figures in brackets. Other characters with boosts (Mentor Spirit - Bear) only state the final codes.
105/117   So Knox's Unarmed should just read 4S (and not be off-centre) and her knuckles should just read 5P.
105/117   Similarly Rose's Unarmed damage is off-centre and should just read 3S, her Sword should just read 6P
107   Ninetails has done the trick of selecting Armour 6 to get an extra skill point, then selecting a Gear Amp (Lined Coat) to circumvent the downsides.
   If this isn't rules as intended then she has 1 skill point too many.
107, 111 & 204   Custom Lined Coat has Armour 10 instead of Amour 9 as stated on Pg 67.
   "These pieces of armor should be selected as Shadow Amps, with a base armor value of 9"
107   Nine's B&E Kit Gear Amp should only cost 1 Amp per Pg 65.  She should have a spare Amp point for Edge 3.
107   Nine's Unarmed damage is off-centre and should be 2S only. She has no cyberweapons.
107   Nine should have 10 boxes on her Physical Monitor not 8.
111   Raspberry's "More Where That Came From" costs 2 Amps instead of 1 Amp per Pg 204. That means has has a spare Amp point, but already has max Edge.
113   Razzle's Phobia is different from the format set out on Pg 205
113   Razzle's Improved Invisibility has a cap on targets unlike the Amp on Pg 202
113   Razzle's Stunbolt has a "-" in the damage code instead of a second "A"
113   Razzle's Taser should have a Near penalty of "-4" not "-2".
115   Frenzy has 4 Skill points unspent. His extra knowledges have overwritten hat ever he had there.
115   Frenzy's Handprint and Tattoo Amps should both cost 2.
115   Frenzy's Guitar (Club) has the (thematically-fitting) damage code of an axe. Change the decription from "Club" to "Axe" and the damage to 6S for blunt weapons.

119   Ruckus only has 15 Attribute points spent.
119   Ruckus' Cosmo (Club) should be 7S and have the "-4" under Near deleted.
119   It looks like Ruckus' ranged weapon (Rocks) is duplicated in his Gear section. No need to have spare clips and ammunition as Gear and all that.
121   Shades' Shock Glove does 6S. This is in line with Gloves doing one less damage than Staves, but should it be 7S like the other electrical weapons on Pg 206?
123/202   Strider's Light Body Amp costs 3 while it only costs 2 on Pg 202. Should the Power refer to "Athletics" instead of "jumping" and cost 3? It's hardly overpowering as it is. If the version on Pg 202 is correct  Strider needs an extra point of Edge.
123   Strider's Throwing Knives should do 4P damage.
123/133   Strider's Improved Reflexes & Wheezer's Wired Reflexes both have an extra "or movement"
125   Thunder has 17 Attribute Points spent. Something needs to be reduced.
127/136   Tommy and Johnson (Corp)'s Synaptic Boosters should say "attack" not "action"
127   Tommy should only have an Edge of 2. He had no spare amp points.
127   Tommy's Knife should have the "-2" under Near deleted.
129   Vector's Baton should be 4S.
129   Vector's Pulse Storm is has a sustaining clause the one on Pg 203 doesn't.
131   Wagon should have 10 Boxes on his Physical Monitor
131   Wagon's Unarmed should deal 2S.
134   Corporate Suit's Unarmed damage should be 1S. And their Yamaha Pulsar should deal 6S and and read Near "-4".
137   Johnson (Street) should only have 10 boxes on their stun Monitor.
137   Johnson (Street)'s Ruger should deal 6P.
137   Security Spider should have an Essence of 5 and a -1 penalty to magic/healing tests.
137   Soldier's Ares Alpha should have a Far penalty of "-2".

139   Spirit of Earth's Unarmed damage should be 5S.
139   Spirit of Fire's Unarmed damage should be 3S.
140   Vampire's Unarmed damage should be 3S.
140   Vampire is missing the Natural Weapons Critter Power on it's long list of Amps.
140   It's really, really obvious why, but Young Dragon doesn't explicitly have an Amp granting it's Close Combat an "OK" at Near Ranges.
   Maybe change "Natural Weapons" into "Dragon Weapons" and add a range clause to highlight the difference?
158   Onto the Path's Objectives have ">" markings instead of bullet-points.
161   Hong Kong Cannon's 3rd objective is misaligned with the others.
161   Scene 1 - "just down an ally" - Change "ally" to "alley"

Deleted comment re Spirits of Beasts. Body slams and constrictions FTW >.<
« Last Edit: <10-14-16/1530:13> by Navigator »
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« Reply #35 on: <10-14-16/0852:43> »
119   Ruckus' Indomitable (Clubs) should read "When attacking with Clubs, may reroll exactly 2 dice" as per Pg 205
154-195   Inconsistent use of full stops in the Objectives sections.
158   Onto the Path's Objectives look like they're in a different font?
181   "warchests" should have a space between "war" and "chests".
192   Extra space after "pukwudgies" in the Un-seeled Fate Pt. 2 Objectives.
193   "renumerate" is a misspelling. The "n" and the "m" should be swapped.
204   Mist Form's description is bolded as well as it's "Name (Type)".
204   Under QUALITIES - maybe add a reference to the Qualities guidelines on Pg 67 so people don't forget they have other options?
       "You can get more creative if you want (see listed qualities on p. 204 for other examples), but adding or subtracting two dice is the most straightforward way to make a quality."
205   Add Hawk & Wagon's Expert Shot Quality to the sample list. Because looking at Ambidextrous, Indomitable and Spirit Affinity it gives the impression that "offensive" qualities shouldn't get a straight 2-dice bonus (even though they can per Pg 67).
204/205   Ace Pilot and Combat Pilot are redundant. Should Combat Pilot refer to Vehicle Weapons?
204/205   Iron Will and Spirit Whisperer are redundant. Perhaps Iron Will should refer to Sorcery or add 2 dice to Conjuring pools?
205   Add Razzle's Focused Concentration (Pg 113) to the list of sample Qualities? It is equivalent to 2 Amp Points. See Sustaining Focus Pg 202.
205   Add Strider's Quick Healer (Pg 123) to the list of sample Qualities?
205   Add Thunder's Mentor Spirit (Dragonslayer) (Pg 125) to the list of sample Qualities? Her's is a bit different than the other options.
205   Mentor Spirit (Raven)'s "+1 die for knowledge tests" does nothing. Should this part grant one additional Knowledge Skill instead?
207   "Enhanced Vision Goggles" look boring next to "Goggles/Glasses (Image Link, Thermo, Vis Mag). Are they supposed to have Low-light or Smartlink Systems?
207   Plastic and Metal Restraints could probably go on one line to save space "Plastic or Metal Restraints"

And that's your lot. I know a lot of these are nit-picking, but I like the idea of Anarchy and want it to be at it's best, especially for those of us who've been put off by the mess the other books were in (Ta, Patrick).
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« Reply #36 on: <10-14-16/0918:21> »
Thanks Navigator for those extensive feedbacks!
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« Reply #37 on: <10-14-16/1723:20> »
I was planning on going page by page like this but I saw you start and knew you would do an exceptional job! Thanks! 

I know what you mean when you say you like the idea of Anarchy and want it to be its best!  This has the potential to be a perfect game and it deserves a perfect book.
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« Reply #38 on: <10-17-16/1626:17> »
Lord Grizzle flagged the following in a rules query:

Pg 66 - Larger example - "This Amp adds an Amp level and increases the Essence cost of the arm."

Also another pair I missed:
Pg 38    "resisting torture, Willpower + Body" - Obviously Body is no longer a stat in Anarchy.
Pg 196  "mirror make a Willpower + Body test"
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« Reply #39 on: <10-26-16/0138:10> »
Might have been already mentioned; based on Valiant briefs, a suggested list of Cues are not in the Anarchy briefs.


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« Reply #40 on: <11-07-16/1046:17> »
Page 31 states "NPC CHARACTER SHEET"  mentions sheets that "take up a third of a page" yet they are simply not present. It's a leftover from Valiant Universe I guess, you either should include missing sheets or rewrite that section to reflect the fact that only regular SR-style stat tables are provided. (do the sheets please, they're useful)

Page 31 - " the Specialization text on the Pistols Skill is “Pistols +2.”" should be " the Specialization text on the Firearms Skill is “Pistols +2.”"


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« Reply #41 on: <11-11-16/1356:36> »
Was it intended to have wound modifiers to death tests? (Edge + Edge). I am not sure there should be modifiers to that.  Here is why:

Coydog with 2 Strength has 9 Physical damage boxes.  At capacity, a full Physical track would give her a -3. With an Edge of 1, she would get no dice.  That's bad but it gets worse.

Sledge with 8 Strength has 12 Physical damage boxes.  At capacity, a full Physical track would give him a -4. 

Even if they both had 2 Edge, the stronger, tougher character is more likely to die.

Others have pointed out that damage/soak tests do not take wound modifiers.  This is not stated in Anarchy though.
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« Reply #42 on: <11-13-16/0912:40> »
I've seen some serious concerns about awakened status being needed for adept amps not stated clearly enough in the rules.

Compare Awakened info:

Page 32 "Spells: Magicians can manipulate mana to cast spells. Characters must be Awakened (see p. 63) to cast spells."

Page 136 Enemy Mage, Page 140 Vampire "Awakened: Has access to magical amps. "

Page 202 SPECIAL AMPS "Awakened (Amp Level 2): Has access to magical amps"

To mentions of Adept Powers:

Page 33 "Adept Powers: Instead of casting spells, adepts use mana to perform physical magic" (no info about awakened requirement)

Page 63 "If you’re not Awakened, you can’t access mana to do amazing things like cast spells, summon spirits, or enhance your physical abilities." (enhancing physical abilities doesn't use "Adept Powers" keyword)

page 134 "Critter Powers work similar to Spells, Adept Powers, and Technomancer Amps in that they can only be used by characters specifically designated as critters, in the same way that spellcasters and adepts are Awakened and technomancers are Emerged. (that's a information hidden deep in bestiary section trivia)

page 202 Adept Amps are a separate category, not a sub-category od Magical Amps, like "Spells" and "Other" are.

I suggest change "Awakened" amp description (Pages 136, 140 and 202) to "Has access to magical and adept amps", include awakened requirement on page 33, and change "enhance your physical abilities" to "use adept powers" on page 63.


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« Reply #43 on: <11-13-16/1030:40> »
Some characters and npc have incorrectly assigned attributes to their skills:

RUCKUS have incorrectly assigned Willpower attribute to Athletics skill
REESE FRENZY have incorrectly assigned Agility attribute to Biotech skill
GANGER have incorrectly assigned Willpower attribute to Close Combat skill (I guess it's not "When attacking spirits only." use)
NINETAILS have incorrectly assigned Agility attribute to Con skill
WHEEZER have incorrectly assigned Strength (sic!) attribute to Intimidation skill
YOUNG DRAGON have incorrectly assigned Willpower attribute to Projectile Weapons skill
COYDOG have incorrectly assigned Logic attribute to Survival skill

One character have incorrectly named skill:

KIX have skill named "PILOT (GROUND)" instead of "Piloting (Ground)"

Some npcs have too many skills:

ENEMY MAGE have 7 skills
MR. JOHNSON (CORPORATE) have 8 skills
MR. JOHNSON (STREET) have 8 skills
VAMPIRE have 9 skills

I would assume that it's on purpose, if not the fact that YOUNG DRAGON have only 6, and SOLDIER/ELITE SOLDIER goes with "choose from" approach to avoid having too many skills. Even if this is intended, then you should remember about maximum of 9 skills (extra row needed) while designing NPC sheet.


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« Reply #44 on: <11-15-16/0957:31> »

RAZZLE DAZZLE have FOCUSED CONCENTRATION positive quality "May sustain two spells during a narration instead of just one." that is missing from Catalog.

WAGON have DON’T YOU DIE ON ME! positive quality "+2 dice with Biotech." that is missing from Catalog and should be added there.

HAWK and WAGON have EXPERT SHOT positive quality that is missing from Catalog.
- "+2 dice for Firearms tests." (HAWK)
- "+2 dice with Firearms." (WAGON)

WAGON have negative quality MEDIC! "Must spend a Plot Point to keep from healing friendlies if they’re injured (as long as active combat has ceased)." that is missing from Catalog.

STRIDER have QUICK HEALER positive quality "+2 dice to any test to heal this character" that is not present in catalog.


THUNDER have "DEPENDENT (SOPHIE)" quality, which is not available in Catalog, that probably should be renamed to "Emotional Attachment (Sophie)" because they're essentially the same.
- "Must spend a Plot Point to avoid prioritizing (Specify) above anything else." (Catalog)
- "Must spend a Plot Point to avoid prioritizing her sister Sophie above anything else." (Catalog)
- "At GM discretion, must spend a Plot Point to avoid prioritizing her custom bike above anything else." (Fusion)
I would suggest removal of "At GM discretion" from Fusion entry as it seem to be out of place in the context.

TOMMY Q have "FORMAL EDUCATION" -  quality "Gain two additional knowledge skills." that should be replaced with "College Education" - "May choose 2 additional Knowledge skills." used in two other instances (Catalog and REESE FRENZY)

STRIDER have THRILL-SEEKER negative quality that is missing from catalog. It's similar to Combat Junkie quality present on KIX, KNOX and in Catalog, and probably should be replaced by it. The "Average W+L test" especially look like some kind of leftover.
- "Must succeed at an Average W+L test or take the most dangerous course of action" (STRIDER)
- "Must use a Plot Point to avoid using violence as first response to any given problem." (Catalog and KNOX)
- "Must spend a Plot Point to avoid using violence as a first response to most problems." (KIX)
Also "any given" and "most" are quite different in meaning.

SPEED RACER (HARDPOINT) vs Street Racer (Catalog). They have exactly the same description though.

Depending on place, different spelling is used "Elf Poser" in Catalog, "ELF POSEUR" on Gentry character sheet. Also, the description varies:
- "When making social tests about/with elves, always add a Glitch Die that cannot roll an Exploit." (Catalog)
- "When making social tests with elves, always add a Glitch Die that cannot roll an Exploit." (GENTRY)
I would say that having or not having "about" makes difference for a range of situations when it could be used.

Biocompatibility is written as Biocompatability on all three uses (Catalog, Kix, Sledge)


Bruiser quality:
- "+2 dice to Intimidation tests." in Catalog and on Sledge
- "+2 dice for Intimidation tests; may link Intimidation to Strength instead of Charisma." on Wheezer.
That puts my remark about incorrect assigment of stat on Wheezer in new light. But then you have to notice, that Sledge also have Intimidation Skill, that is connected to the Charisma (which is correct for his, weaker version of this quality). Anyway, you should pick one and change it in all three places.

Distinctive Style on all characters (SLEDGE, RASPBERRY JAM, JINN, ROSE RED) is missing most important thing from the catalog description, which is test modifier  "Opposition is at +2 dice to recognize or remember you in Perception tests." that should be added after flavour text in all four instances. Also, JINN "DISTINCTIVE STYLE (HIGH FASHION)" is incorrectly stated to be a positive quality, with "GO BIG OR GO HOME" incorrectly stated to be negative one. Their places should be switched.

- "May reroll 2 dice when resisting fear or intimidation." (Catalog, WHEEZER, THUNDER, ROSE RED, RAIDER, DAKTARI, CHROME BISON)
- "You may reroll 2 dice when resisting fear or intimidation." (SHADES)
- "+2 dice to resist fear and Intimidation attempts." (HAWK)
While SHADES case is only a wording difference, HAWK is actually using totally different rules.

Mentor Spirit (Bear):
- "Add 1 damage to melee combat damage; heal two points of Physical or Stun damage when using Plot Points to heal (does not work for gear)." (ALYOSHA DUSKA)
- "+1 to melee combat damage; using First Aid doesn’t cost a Plot Point." (DAKTARI)
- "+ 1 damage to melee combat damage, using First Aid does not cost a Plot Point." (Catalog)
ALYOSHA version is twice as strong.

STUBBORN (HARDPOINT) vs Stubborn Loyalty (specific, Choose Corp) (Catalog).
- "–2 dice when using a drone/vehicle that isn’t MCT-crafted or that Hardpoint hasn’t customized." (HARDPOINT)
- "–1 die when using a drone/vehicle that isn’t (Choose Corp)-crafted or that you haven’t customized." (Catalog)
-1/-2 dice difference, also HARDPOINT ability should probably be named Stubborn Loyalty (MCT)

- "When in the presence of (Phobia Source, GM decision), –2 to all dice rolls." (Catalog)
- "When in the presence of any Law Enforcement, –2 to all dice rolls." (RUCKUS)
- "Has an irrational fear of insects. When confronted by them, must succeed at an Average W+L test or suffer a –2 dice penalty to all rolls." (RAZZLE DAZZLE)
The test part really stands out.


- "When attacking with (Choose Combat Skill), may reroll exactly 2 dice." (Catalog)
- "When attacking with Blades, may reroll exactly 2 dice." (ROSE RED)
- "When attacking with the Clubs Skill, may reroll 2 dice." (RUCKUS)
"Exactly" does make a difference. Also, the Catalog version is named "Indomitable (Selected Combat Skill)" when Anarchy does not have multiple combat skills, and "Blades" and "Clubs" are not skills. Should be replaced with "Selected Close Combat Weapon" or something like that.

Mentor Spirit (Raven):
- "+1 die for knowledge tests, using Live Dangerously does not cost a Plot Point."
Knowledge test don't exist in Anarchy, as knowledge skills have no rating.


Lifelong Thief:
- "At times, you must spend a Plot Point to avoid prioritizing petty (or grand) larceny over other concerns." (Catalog)
- "At GM discretion, you must spend a Plot Point to avoid prioritizing petty (or grand) larceny over other concerns." (NINETAILS)
Looking how Emotional Attachment is handled, probably both "At times" and "At GM discretion" should be removed.

Distaste for Violence:
- "Player attacks do 2 less damage." (Catalog)
- "Player attacks do 2 circles less damage. " (ALYOSHA DUSKA)
Maybe the "circles" were meant to clarify something, but they actually confuse me more.

Mentor Spirit (Cat):
- "+1 die for Athletics or Stealth tests, may reroll 1 die when casting effect spells." (RAZZLE DAZZLE)
- "+1 die for Athletics or Stealth tests; may reroll one failed Sorcery die when using effect spells." (Catalog)
"Failed" is present in one version and missing in the other, but it's "when using" vs. "when casting". "Using" may imply that you can sustain effect spell getting a bonus to all sorcery rolls.

Mentor Spirit (Coyote):
- "+1 die for Con tests, may reroll 1 die when casting effect spells." (Catalog)
- "+1 die for Con tests, may reroll 1 die when casting illusion or control spells." (COYDOG)

- "All damage taken is reduced by 1." (Catalog)
- "All damage taken is reduced by 1 point per attack" (BIT-BUCKET)

Natural Hardening:
- "Reduce Matrix damage taken by 2." (Catalog)
- "Matrix damage taken is reduced by 2 points per attack." (VECTOR)

Spirit Affinity:
- "+2 dice with (Chosen Spirit Type)." (COYDOG)
- "+2 dice summoning Air Spirits." (Catalog)
"with" have a broader area of use than "summoning"


Negative Quality "ALLERGY (SEAFOOD)" on CHROME BISON have uncustomized description taken from "Allergy (Specify)". It says "When affected by allergy (GM decision), -4 to all dice rolls." when it should have "(GM decision)" removed and include Seafood in description text.

CHROME BISON have High Pain Tolerance quality "Does not take dice penalties for damage until second row of damage boxes is filled." yet still have -1 modifiers on the sheet for both tracks. Also, there is nothing stopping people from taking both "High Pain Tolerance" and "Low Pain Tolerance" which would be weird.


- "+2 dice to Hacking tests." (Catalog)
- "+2 dice for Hacking tests." (BIT-BUCKET and VECTOR)
- "+2 dice when for Hacking tests." (GENTRY)

Combat Paralysis:
- "Act last on the first round of any combat (that isn’t you specifically initiating an ambush)." (Catalog and MS. MYTH)
- "Act last on the first round of any combat (that wasn’t specifically you initiating an ambush)." (DAKTARI)
- "Act last on the first round of any combat (which wasn’t specifically you initiating an ambush)." (FOURTH)

- "When pushing the limits of vehicles or performing difficult maneuvers, +2 dice to roll." (Catalog)
- "When pushing the limits of vehicles or performing difficult maneuvers, add +2 dice to roll." (Fusion)
it's funny that the longer version is actually on character sheet, where space could be more of a problem.

Iron Will:
- "May reroll two dice during Conjuring tests." (TOMMY Q)
- "May reroll 2 dice during Conjuring tests." (Catalog)

Silver Tongue:
- "May reroll 2 dice on Charisma tests." (Catalog)
- "May reroll 2 failed dice on Charisma-related tests." (FOURTH)
- "May reroll two dice on Charisma tests." (MS. MYTH)
« Last Edit: <11-15-16/1004:09> by imaginaari »

