Shadowrun Anarchy Errata discussion

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« Reply #15 on: <10-03-16/2345:09> »
Pg. 65 says  you can add, improve, or replace Shadow Amps.
But pg 71 says if you do not have an open Shadow Amp slot, you cannot buy one.  Nothing about replacing them.

Pg 71 says, if you want to add a level 2 Shadow Amp, you have to buy the first level and then the second (for 3 points).
But the next paragraph says you can pull them from other character sheets for the level listed and pay the level.  Why would it be cheaper to rip a SA than to create one.

Pg 29 says you can add Cues to Scenes/Contracts.  But none of the contracts have Cues, they only have Tags.
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« Reply #16 on: <10-05-16/0747:48> »
Some thing else that would help is an extended example of play. Using a selection of the pregens with examples of how various skills & amps are used e.g. spells, conjuring, spirits, drives, sprites etc
« Last Edit: <10-05-16/0749:57> by kla060365 »


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« Reply #17 on: <10-05-16/1707:20> »
p. 47 Banishing.  Spirits defend with what dice pool?  Unspecified but I would suggest Cha + Will as those are the only stats that stay the same for each type.

Same question for sprites... But I don't even know what stats a sprite has, let alone different types.

[Edit] For Banishing Spirits, I now suggest Willpower + Edge.  Cha + Will is too high IMO; for decompiling Sprites, I now suggest Logic + Edge.
« Last Edit: <03-22-17/0326:42> by Gingivitis »
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« Reply #18 on: <10-06-16/0351:18> »
p. 77 "shucked"  should be "should"

p 136 Ganger Close Combat is 3+W s/b 3+A

Hell Hound has Heavy Weapons, s/b Projectile Weapons (according to p. 32)

Spirit of Beast, Vampire, Dragon Animal Control entry has a superfluous ")"

p. 137 Soldier's AR has wrong stats.
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« Reply #19 on: <10-06-16/0700:28> »
Big one:

P3. Table of contents has both references to "Anarchy and 5th Edition" and "Anarchy and Shadowrun, 5E", both linked to page 197.


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« Reply #20 on: <10-06-16/2007:50> »
"Cyberware. May reroll 2 dice on Agility-related rolls, Unarmed attacks may do physical or stun damage, may reroll 2
dice with Unarmed attacks. –3 Essence."

Increased Essence cost isn't specified anywhere for higher ranked Amps.  Makes sense but isn't spelled out in the Character Creation rules that I saw.  And reroll 2 dice on Unarmed is superfluous with reroll 2 dice with Agility.  Unless being on the same Amp lets them stack, although that doesn't seem the intention. 


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« Reply #21 on: <10-07-16/0516:56> »
p. 65 The Shadow Amp Added Effect table has "Additional dice pips (adding numbers to dice rolls)" as an effect.  This is misleading for 2 reasons:

-"Pips" are the dots on dice that make a 4 a 4 and a 5 a 5.  Adding a pip to a die could turn a rolled 4 into a 5, which could be game breaking.
-There are no examples of adding pips to a die in sample characters, nor in Anarchy Catalog.

I think this effect actually means "Additional dice to a dice pool" like "+2 dice to Stealth" not "+2 pips to dice to Stealth."
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« Reply #22 on: <10-07-16/0846:31> »
Some spelling errors (still wrong in the updated pdf):
p. 17 (left column, 1st paragraph): "heart of Area." Area should be "Ares".
p. 21 (left column, 3rd paragraph: it says "over- [new line] do- ing". Next line "uni-  versal".
p. 22 (right column, 1st paragraph): "man- power".
p. 23 (the blue box "Major Powers"): In the last column it says "parts".
p. 31 (under Specializations, 2nd paragraph): Pistols Skill should be Firearms Skill.
p. 38 (right column, Untrained section): It says "..see Skills list.." The 'S' in skills should be bold.
p. 77 (Quality Codeslinger): "+2 dice when for Hacking tests". when/for

Also, some good points from a reviewer over at DriveThruRPG:
« Last Edit: <10-09-16/0342:59> by claes »


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« Reply #23 on: <10-08-16/0228:46> »
The updated pdf has addressed at least some of the issues raised - there are now stats for a basic sprite, drones have their armor and damage in brackets after their names in the shadowamp lists, and there is now a spell-cost table which makes more sense given how the spells are costed - although it states that the base damage of a combat spell is 6P or 5S+AA, and that extra damage is +1 per point. Which means that either the 5S is a typo, or the Stunbolt amp is wrong everywhere in the book (8S/AA for Amp level 2).

EDIT: cross posting from, Critias has confirmed that 5S/AA is correct. It would be great if that could be corrected in the rest of the text before it goes to the printer.
« Last Edit: <10-08-16/0441:26> by zcthu3 »

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #24 on: <10-08-16/0754:06> »
It almost certainly can't, but we'll be ready for it.
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« Reply #25 on: <10-08-16/1122:04> »
Page 16 typo on Ares name- "but as time as past it has become clear that there is a rot at the heart of Area" should be "but as time as past it has become clear that there is a rot at the heart of Ares"


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« Reply #26 on: <10-08-16/1137:41> »
Speaking of Cyberdecks, they are not consistant:

p. 65 Base Cost Cyberdeck (Amp 2): no reroll?, FW 2, CM 8, ? programs.

p. 203 Cyberdeck 1 (Amp 2): reroll 1, FW 1, CM 6, 1 program.

p. 203 Cyberdeck 2 (Amp 3): reroll 1, FW 2, CM 9, 1 program.  (Bit-Bucket's Cyber-4 matches this, though his Ares Predator V is weaker than most. LOL.)

p. 101 Jinn's Cyber-4 (Amp 2): reroll 1, FW 2, CM 9, 1 program.

p. 203 Cyberdeck 3 (Amp 4): reroll 2, FW 3, CM 12, 2 programs.

p. 77 Gentry's Cyber-5 (Amp 5): reroll 2, FW 3, CM 12, 2 programs.

New PDF is up  P.65 Base Cyberdeck and P. 203 Cyberdeck 1 (Amp 2) are both re-roll 1; FW 1; CM 6; 1 Program.  Jinn's deck looks like it now matches p. 203 Cyberdeck 3 (Amp 4).  Gentry's Deck also now matches with p. 203 Cyberdeck 4 (Amp 5) however it is labeled as Cyberdeck 3 on the Character sheet.  Also, no programs when he could have two?  Room for growth I guess.   


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« Reply #27 on: <10-08-16/1529:30> »
Apologies for the ugly post, the text box barely resembles the preview. More to come later. My word these Captchas are illegible!

Page No:         Detail                                              Correction

Preface II    "indie-style RPG game play"      should be "gameplay"?
2                   "KEEPING IT CIVIL:"              Other headers don't include the ":"
2                    ENEMY DRONE (MEDIUM)      Missing Hyperlink
2                    ENEMY DRONE (SMALL)      Missing Hyperlink
2                    ENEMY MAGE                         Missing Hyperlink
2                    HELL HOUND                      Missing Hyperlink
2                    MR. JOHNSON (CORPORATE)    Missing Hyperlink
3                   CHARACTER SHEET              Missing Hyperlink
2                   TECHNO SPRITE (BASIC)      Not on Table of Contents (seeing as it was just added in the first errata)
22                   "Know where the go-gangs in whatever sprawl you’re in and avoid them"      
                                                                                Add "are" or "ride" or "run" after "go-gangs"
23                   "new-anarchist"      Change "new" to "neo"
24                   "On the darker side is Ordo Maximus."      Bold the group name "Ordo Maximus"
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"I said Pilot-Navigator. I'm not some amateur playing with drones."


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« Reply #28 on: <10-08-16/1650:24> »
At /u/ockbald's suggestion, I am posting this here as well...

Because the book never states how cybercombat damage is calculated (either with a damage code or a statement of net hits = damage), I am doing the following in my games:

Hacking + Logic vs. Logic + Firewall; Damage = [Logic/2]S It's like cyber-punching!

This makes it more in line with melee attacks, ranged attacks, spell attacks, resonant attacks (Resonance Spike), even banishing spirits and decompiling sprites. This normalizes the rules (because no other attack delivers 1 damage per hit), and puts hacking more on par with tasking damage. There is an issue of defense though, so there is one more step:

Double all cyberdeck Firewall stats

That way a +3 (now 6) Firewall will have a similar dice pool (Logic + 6 dice) for defense as a Logic 6 Technomancer (12 dice). It also makes IC (with 15 defense dice!) a less insurmountable obstacle. Ever try to burn down IC one net success at a time? It doesn't work. One should also invest in defensive programs too, like damage reduction (which must exist because p. 46 has this, "Any Shadow Amps that reduce cybercombat damage can be used to lower the damage received.")

[Edit] I no longer recommend this.  Lower Firewall but extra Condition Monitor (Matrix) is a good balance against the TM's higher defense dice but taking Matrix damage straight to Stun.


Sprites should have 3 stats, Firewall, Logic, and Edge; and 3 skills, Hacking, Tasking, Tracking.

The stats they threw up on the PDF update make no sense: They have no Firewall (so have no defense), no Tasking skill (so they cannot use their Technomancer Amps), waste stats on WIL/CHA (never had them before and cannot use them), and their stats are too low compared to spirits/IC/small children, especially considering you can only have one.

[Edit] I now think that sprites should not have Firewall; they should use LOG x2 like TMs.  But their LOG needs to be boosted dramatically.

So... that's me. Let the math-hammering begin!
« Last Edit: <03-22-17/0329:54> by Gingivitis »
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« Reply #29 on: <10-09-16/0339:40> »
The rules regarding Shadow Amp Effects on dice rolls should really be more detailed, preferably along with an example. On page 38 is says "Only one Shadow Amp can affect a roll’s outcome; if two or more could apply to the Test, you must choose one effect to apply." The same is stated in the combat chapter on page 40. It's quite unclear, especially when reading this thread:
« Last Edit: <10-09-16/0341:19> by claes »

