just collecting and posting these without edit or comment...
For example the link to the official Shadowrun website is wrong on page 61. The link points to
A version of the character sheet which doesn't make the stat boxes black! If you are meant to write your character stats into those boxes, a black background is rather problematic.
Page 201 says physical limits should be calculated using Resonance. Also the Audio Analyzer doesn't have stats? Also are there even rules for sprites? Also there's a spell to remove toxins but no rules for toxins.
Is it just me or is the relation character creation / character development totally broken? Let's say as a human: I have 4 points for Shadow Amps left. Now I could take Combat Reflexes 3 and raise my Edge from 2 to 6 with Karma for 36 KP or I transform my Shadow Amp Points to raise my Edge from 2 to 6 and buy the Wired Reflexes later for 10 KP.
Muscle Toner 1 and Synthacardium do the same thing (1 reroll on athletics). Synthacardium costs 3 SAPs, Muscle toner 1 2SAPs.
Critical Strike increases my melee damage. Attribute boost (Agility) does the same plus imprives my driving, my athletics, my dodging and my ranged attack damage. When it comes to attacks ic an choose if I take the +3 dice to improve my chance to hit or to improve my damage by 3 provided I do hit. It's like Short Burst Mode.
If anyone can tell me how drone riggers are meant to work that would be really good.
Can someone tell me how the Decks were built using the Shadow Amp values?
Edit: And also how to build drones
You summon spirits by making a Conjuring Test. But rolling against what? In SR5e it's against spirit's Force, in SRA? I don't know. And the book tells me I can summon more powerful spirits, and in the stats section it tells me how some greater spirit should look like, yet again, I don't know against what I'm supposed to roll to summon a greater spirit. (Tbh, I find spirit stats derived from Force and rolling against Force to conjure spirits much more intuitive and easier than some free-form-ish approach where I just don't know what to do and how Conjuring Test ties to spirits overall power.)
What's the difference between an Event Brief and Contract Brief? Also, Tiny is referred to as "Timy" in the story.
Also, it states that players may not spend more than one Plot Point to maximize a twist, but then states they can spend any number of Plot Points.