Panzerknacker [IC]

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« Reply #30 on: <10-04-16/1310:40> »
Slobbertooth would have speak over the noise and interference of his respirator or speak over the noise of him stuffing steak into his mouth. Recognizing that, he did his best to keep things simple.

"I'm Slobbertooth. I dust people. Usually with guns. Sometimes I sneak up on people before I dust 'em. I like to take long walks on the beach with my dog."
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #31 on: <10-04-16/1435:39> »
"Yeah, like I'm gonna do a big impression the way I am right now. You know, Big Un, it's never about what you are. It's what people want you to be."
For an instant, an image of her gruesome matrix persona appears in front of her regular icon, reminding him of that particular part of her view of the world. The mask smiles a wry smile, the robotic head behind it motionless.
"They want me to work, honey. Not to be myself. I'm coming, you can already go and make yourself comfortable. No need to taint your image as well... Krestov."
Her voice turns ever so slightly strange as she utters his name, then she cuts the connection.

Looks into the mirror.
And decides to wash away Bianca.

As promised, she cuts the silvery patch in her hands in two. One she puts on her neck, then carefully covers it with one green spike of hair. The other half she puts again into her boot. From a small bag stuffed into the concealable holster, bnc retreives a bit of yellow powder. She shapes the small crystals into a short, thin line, then snuffs it in. A moment she considers to sit down to enjoy the bizarre mixtures of the calming effects of Whoom and the agitating effects of bananadust, but then decides against it. She can't allow herself to relax and give in to the substances. She's in charge. This she can control. It's a petty trick. Just an illusion of control. Luckily, it works anyway.

Slowly beginning to feel calm again, regaining control over herself, her body, her mood, she straightens up. Let's see what he's more attracted to, wizzie slitch, wits or tits.

After quickly storing away the drugs, washing her face and talking a gulp of water, she slams open the door and heads up to the rest of the party...
« Last Edit: <10-04-16/1452:23> by Volker »
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #32 on: <10-04-16/1505:44> »
When Krestov and bnc joined the little party, Schmitt visibly lit up: "Ah, Bi... bnc. How lovely to see you again. Alright, seems like we are complete for now. As I am informed, Torrent wasn't available right now. I hope he'll join this group at a later time.
You already introduced yourself to each other, but let me say a few words to this too:
Flatline, Yael, Kite, I'm afraid I am adding you to an existing team - bnc, Krestov, Slobbertooth and the currently absent Torrent have helped me a year ago with a very difficult and dangerous mission, that ultimately saved my life. I don't forget that kind of service. But for the coming operation - should you choose to be part of it - I think it prudent to add the abilities of a dedicated rigger and two mages to your number.

I have to admit that I followed your exploits since that fateful mission - keeping an eye on promising talent is part of being a successful Johnson.
Therefore I was more than impressed regarding your latest... actions. Luckily, I think I can help you with your current... predicament. But more on that at a more opportune time."

He stopped as the desserts were carted in by Mike. Without so much as a glance he placed a bowl of what smelled and looked suspiciously like some kind of muesli-yogurt in front of bnc.

While Schmitt took a piece of tiramisu he continued: "I like to think that I take good care of my employees. This particular run will be a very high paying job - we are talking 6 to 7 figures, but with a corresponding challenge.
It also requires that you commit to it once I divulge the details. So all I can tell you now is: It is a run against a well secured target. And it happens to be part of Aztechnologies assets."

He made a pause. "On the plus side, you won't have to travel far and there is a generous time frame in which you can complete this mission.
So, if you want out, I welcome you to take some of this exquisite dessert with you, but anything more requires you to commit."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #33 on: <10-04-16/1536:46> »
Jeez, he is one charming fella. He even remembered my, well, eating habits. If only I had met him in a techno bar, and not as my Johnson. Who knows...

bnc takes a small spoon of the muesli. She didn't have fresh, real fruits in a while, and the milk seemed to be real, not soymilk. She hopes it won't make her belly ache - she had not eaten lactose in a while. On the other hand, it might well be lactose-free. bnc again concentrates on Dr. Schmitt, this time in a more professional matter. I'm my old me again. Clear. Focussed.

Before Gerhard completed speaking, bnc has already put up a text-based invisible teamspeak channel. She sends a text message to Krestov and Slobbertooth, waiting for them to reply without rising suspision.

<@team <money sounds neat but the important thing is he might clear us. i trust him - he didnt pull us over last time. aztec's evil but we ran against them already. i'd be in. what do the professionals say?>>
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #34 on: <10-04-16/1736:43> »
Slobbertooth would have speak over the noise and interference of his respirator or speak over the noise of him stuffing steak into his mouth. Recognizing that, he did his best to keep things simple.

"I'm Slobbertooth. I dust people. Usually with guns. Sometimes I sneak up on people before I dust 'em. I like to take long walks on the beach with my dog."

A chill goes down Yael's spine as Slobertooth speaks so casually about 'dusting' people. It is not that Yael has not used violence before, and frankly she is good at sneaking as well, most street kids should be. She was never casual with a kill, she usually tried to avoid it if she could, her gun was for self defense, not for 'dusting'.

"I wonder what kind of gig this is going to be, with an initiated adept that kill's people for a living." The realization that Slober does not even try to be nice - or worse he tries and does not even realize how terrifying he is. Perhaps part of it is because he does not take the respirator even to talk, and well everyone sound creepy with a respirator - especially if that particular one is an assassin nothing more nothing less.  "Now I get it why I should use a handle rather than my name dammit, what am doing in this room."  She thinks - Yael has to admit that the world seems darker now that Slobertooth knows her name.

When bnc and Krestov enter she thinks.
"Then come the drug addict chic and the troll the way that chic looked she must have had a breakdown. So fragile and yet part of a core team of professionals. Of hardcore runners, I wander what triggered her so badly - she is eating musli perhaps she is vegetarian or even vegan. Otherwise why not have some delicious meat?!  Poor unstable beautiful soul."

When she sees Krestov she thinks
"The troll, whats his story - well he is a troll a big and strong one - perhaps in the shadows being a troll is a profession. Yet, he seems sort of handsome, delicious... He could probably lift me with a single hand...

Focus Yael...
Clearly the alpha male.
I think, grr... "

She almost feels bad when she assenses him as it distracts her from his big blue eyes. 
Assense Krestov: 13d6t5 4
Yael knows that staring is not polite so she just do it a little and then move to focus on the Johnson reminding herself that this is not T-date but a dangerous gig - with a scary orc assassin.

She feels overwhelmed when the Johnson speak of so many digits and such a high profile target, going against a triple A is incomprehensible - of course it is just a single facility a theft probably if he pays so much... Yael loves stealing stuff - it reminds her of her childhood. She remains silent, and look around her to see what the others are thinking.
« Last Edit: <10-04-16/1739:02> by gilga »


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« Reply #35 on: <10-04-16/2259:53> »
*six to SEVEN digit payday?*

Devon almost didn't hear the rest of the spiel, a payday like that would let him end this life a lot sooner than he had planned to, he could hire someone to help his father at the clinic and go to school full time!

Word of who the target was brought him out of the clouds, he wasn't afraid of the Pyramid People, in fact they were a frequent target of the groups that his mother, and him, supported.  But you had to be careful with the Azzies, they played dirty. and they played for keeps.

Another issue occurred to him, and before he could stop himself he gave voice to it.

"Is that an individual payoff or for the group as a whole?"

He tried to shut his stupid mouth with apple crumble, before he could shine his newbie hoop for more public display.  He dared not look at anyone but the Johnson, fairly sure he would crawl under the table under the disapproving gaze of these professionals.


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« Reply #36 on: <10-04-16/2337:34> »
If Slobbertooth was a bit more aware he might have felt the need to give a "Don't fuck teammates or employers" speech. But he was distracted by his steak and and Schmidt's discussion of work. The prospect of real work that didn't relate to drug wars between tinmen and naturals in the barrens would have been hard to pass up on before the Dr. laid out the carrot that he could go back home. The tidbit about Azzies being part of the opposition cooled his rockets, though. He sent Krestov a quick text >>How is bnc holding up? Last time we dealt with blood mages she nearly fragged herself out of fear."

Talk of specifics could wait, first Slobbertooth needed to gauge the newbies. He fought through his own stench to make sure he spoke clearly.

"While I respect the Doctor's ability to find good talent, he did hire us, I'd like do so some last minute vetting myself. I've got two questions for you. Have any of you fought, ideally incapacitated, a blood magic user or a blood elemental? What about a Corp's HTR Team?"

Slobber would have been impressed if any said yes to both as he didn't expect most runners to make it out of either situation in one-piece and also willing to take on the same type of job. The question was more a way to "enlighten" the 3 as to what their worst case scenario was.

While they mulled it over he looked to Schmidt with a question clarifying the job. "You said no details, but you only said we're going after a target. I think it's fair to ask if this is wetwork."

"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #37 on: <10-05-16/0326:12> »
Schmitt smiled at Flatline: "Per individual.
And no, ideally there won't be any deaths."

bnc noticed that the yogurt was made from real milk but the sweetness hinted at the fact that it didn't have lactose in it. This reminded her of the fact that Schmitt was in fact a medical doctor and a bio-engineer to boot... and that he had had access to their medical data during the hibernation in the Jonas pods.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #38 on: <10-05-16/0620:56> »
bnc swallows inaudibly. 6 to 7 digits per head? This ... Schmitt ain't gonna spend several million nuyens on monkey business. This might be my way into a proper life. Or out of life entirely...

Focussing on the soothing effects of the drug in her system, she slowly dips the spoon into the muesli, waiting for the others to respond and thus tear the sullen silence. She's still the cup, she won't make any decision or blurt out any stupid questions. Instead, she casts Gerhard genuine warm smile intermingled with admiration. This extend of attentiveness, coupled with sheer intelligence, turns her on to no extent. Another reason you should shut the fuck up. Life-and-death-decisions can't be made with a clouded mind.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #39 on: <10-05-16/0808:26> »
"Maybe some don't care for face put on..."  Krestov muttered after bnc cut their connection.  Leaning against the wall, he let out a sigh before following her suggestion, ambling up the steps and adjusting his Sleeping Tiger and Longcoat on his person.  Activating his pheremones, he opened the door and re-entered, seeing the familiar and not-so-familiar faces.  Seeing a plate of halibut and steak, he gave a nod to Slobbertooth in thanks before taking a seat, placed strategically so that Schmidt would face directly at the big guy while facing forward.

Sitting down, he straightened his coat as he fired a quick text to Slobbertooth.  <<What did I miss?  Intros?>>  before digging in, hearing the small human girl enter in behind her, decidedly more peppy in her step.  I guess she chose he shrugged a bit as he looked to each of the new people in turn, the ork adept's response logged into memory as he viewed each one with a respectful nod.

Pulling his blonde mane back, the troll put his fork and knife down once the Johnson got into the brass tacks.  Like always, he was not the first to respond...letting Flatline give his impulsive response (not unexpected) and Slobbertooth to go into brunt queries.  Aztech...not unfamiliar.  But unless they've evolved their tech, they are not impossible.  And if so, we have improved too...  Bringing his hands up to his face, his elbows rested gently on the table as the behemoth of a troll looked Schmidt over.

"For such big price, Schmidt must desire target much...if not wetwork, then it is retrieval, da, mix with heavy resistance?"  His thick Russian accent rolled off his tongue, a brow raised as he waited for the answer.

<<Say what will, I trust Schmidt to not screwing us on this.  Might be worth it>>

[spoiler]@Yael's assensing:

The biggest and most prominent aspect of this troll is his emotional state, which one might sum up to be some state of melancholy.  There is a protective nature about him, as well as a longing need to be of use, to help.  At the moment, weariness seems to pervade him as well, and his health is a bit of a far cry from optimal.

With that roll, it is clear that he has undergone some extensive augmentation, showing signs of moderate-to-high essence loss.  However, much of it must be in bioware, as she can only see that his blue eyes are cybernetic, as well as the datajack on him.  I'm not sure what else would be covered, but I think that sums it up[/spoiler]


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« Reply #40 on: <10-05-16/0946:05> »
Kite sat quietly, eating her dinner and listening carefully to the others around the table. She noted that the two most put-together were also the newest, along with herself.

"I go by the handle of Flatline, a razor that I worked with decided it was appropriate given my medical skills.”

I wonder if that’s a joke, she thought, smiling slightly as she took a sip of her pilsner. I would not trust a doctor named “Flatline” any more than I would a rigger named “Carfire” or a fighter named… she shrugged a little. I don’t know. “Spineless”, maybe.

When the time came to make introductions, she waited and followed Slobbertooth’s example of brevity: “I am called Kite,” she said. Then, after a beat, added “because I fly.” Her South American accent is noticeable.

Kite studied the troll and the thin girl when they arrived. They looked as experienced as Slobbertooth, and based on the way they reacted toward one another, she assumed they had all worked together before. Schmitt then gave his pitch, and Kite did her very best to contain her reaction not only to the price tag, but also the target. Back home, most of her smuggling runs had been in and out of Amazonia, but she’d taken more than a few trips into Azzie territory. This was as close to her wheelhouse as she felt she might ever get. The money was just a bonus, really. She could repay some of Delaney’s generosity in helping her start a new life.

“I have faced Aztech before and lived,” she offered carefully, “I am not afraid to do it again.”


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« Reply #41 on: <10-05-16/1418:30> »
Yael thought "Face a blood mage?!  HTR team?! We are criminals not soldiers."  She feels uneasy about the direction the conversation is going so she decides to speak her mind. Hoping that Slobbertooth is not going to veto her for her big mouth.
She said: "No mr. Slobbertooth I have never faced a cooperate HTR team and have never been in combat with a blood mage."

"Stupid girl, you admitted being green and clueless... " She thought.

Yet she continued - and an even the intimidating Orc was not so intimidating when Yael figured that now she has nothing to hide. 
"I am green but I am a perceptive person and can identify a blood mage before it is obvious and I can protect you from his magic"
She paused shortly and as she gained some confidence she took a step toward Slobbertooth and even directly looked at him, right to the eyes of her monster.
"I am no liability even in a gunfight, but I prefer to solve problems with subterfuge rather than with direct confrontation."

After a short break she continued:

"I am good with disguises and can bullshit my way into many places through the front door.
With a triple A, I would not dare to do it without a nova hot decker on my side, one that can bullshit cooperate level systems. These are difficult to come by. "

She shakes her head and continue
"What I am saying is that I want to be rich as much as the next guy, but I need to be convinced that we can pull this job without leaving a trail of bodies, and surviving an encounter with an HTR team and with Blood mages, money becomes worthless if we die."

"That's right girl - bring the initiative to this intimidating Slobber guy, let him convince YOU that this team has the necessary skills to pull off something like that. " She thought.

Needless to mention, Yael has never faced this kind of high profile target - but if they got all the skill needed then she'll want in on that job. Especially with this kind of pay check.  Yes, Yael is green and inexperienced - but she is a mage and well these are difficult to come by. If magic is a concern then Yael can do things that few others can. Perhaps the super mage Flatline can do them, but he is just one person and might as well die of a random bullet, such an expensive operation justifies redundancy.  She hopped that Slobber would not veto her for disagreeing with him or for being completely green with regards to the levels of danger and violence he anticipates. 
« Last Edit: <10-05-16/1504:55> by gilga »


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« Reply #42 on: <10-05-16/1502:42> »
Slobbertooth blinked and shrugged. "I didn't ask for your resume, and I'm not the person hiring you, but good answer I guess."

"We hadn't seen a blood mage before we shot it in the head after puking our guts out. Confidence will get you a long way in this drek profession."
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #43 on: <10-05-16/1507:02> »
bnc fixes her, then smiles. Yael, if still perceiving astrally, can now clearly perceive that her aura is ... changed. If not, a very keen eye might see the slightly too big pupils lying on her.
"I am a decker", she says firmly, "but ya got to get me out of 'em clothes if ya wanna see whether I'm hot."

I do hope that boobie doll has at least enough wits to get simple word plays. Better point out clearly, I guess...

"At least hot enough to bring down a heavily armed blood mage using a fire sprinkler system, a couple of low-energy light-bulbs and a cleaning drone."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #44 on: <10-05-16/1533:29> »
Yael nodded at Slobber, she was in - at least she thought she was and if the professionals thought they could pull it off, then who was Yael to disagree.  She scoffed at bnc's joke and just said "Careful what you wish for decker girl..."