Panzerknacker [IC]

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« Reply #255 on: <11-07-16/0326:40> »
One Con (Seduction)+Charisma test vs. 3
so you can get him for a date this evening instead of sometime else this week

Whitman smiled charmingly: "Oh, don't be to harsh with you work. I know from experience that everything one did yesterday looks like crap, but somehow a month or a year later it's an indispensable part of you and your history.
But getting inspiration - well I just know the place in this city. How long are you staying."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #256 on: <11-07-16/0403:25> »
Anna grins, and then says "I stay for just a few days, perhaps you can inspire me tonight ?" she says and adds "oh and I did not get your name, handsome".

The con roll kind of surprised me and I did not even have her wear the improve charisma.
seduction: 9d6t5 6
but that is a good roll, so she did not need it.


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« Reply #257 on: <11-07-16/0426:05> »
"Charles. Charles Whitman. Well in that case I think we should meet up this evening. I have a standing reservation at Enzo's - a great Italian restaurant in Downtown. Are you free around 1900h?

Great. I fear I have to leave you now, the company needs me."

Whitman got up and headed towards the showers.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #258 on: <11-07-16/0510:53> »
bnc clears her overwatch score by rebooting the deck, then just silently accesses all feeds she gets offered from her teammates.

<@team <what do u think? should we sent an invite to the real anna t to come to whitmans place? this way, she can't have an alibi, investigators will find it in her regular schedule. we make sure she never arrives at the place and all our troubles will evaporate into tiny pink shrouds of mist. poof.>>
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #259 on: <11-07-16/0721:04> »
Anna said "It will be a pleasure Charles, enjoy your work." the date was set, now she needed a concrete plan by that evening. One that prevents handsome Charles from attending the boathouse sale and incriminates Tschernenko for some crime - probably vandalism, perhaps to his lovely car.  "What if I Anna's next creation is actually vandalizing that lovely car of his? That got to be something." she thought, Anna then headed back to the safehouse allowing her thoughts to drift along the way.

Once there Anna subvocally communicated bnc from her own room. "Sweet meat, I am afraid of people like you so I did not answer from the burner... I have a fancy date with Whitman tonight at some place called Enzo's it is an Italian place downtown. Please check out for me what kind of security they have and if I need some of your magic to maintain my ruse. 

I was thinking of Taking Charles to his own place, drug him and then vandalize his car. Perhaps one of us can call the police about it. Charles is convinced that I am the other Anna because I sent him to her website when we met. So vandalizing his car should definitely incriminate the other Anna.
« Last Edit: <11-07-16/0738:45> by gilga »


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« Reply #260 on: <11-07-16/0953:36> »
Krestov kept his face expressionless as the door flew off, his magically cone ales body looking not unlike some great hulking spectre in the doorway.  Wrapped gun in hand, he didn't even waste a second confirming his suspect before dashing in.  His legs propelled him forward as he maneuvered around and through the house..and as he passed a side table, he deftly unfurled the cloth, depositing the gun uncovered on the top of it before hurtling through the back of the house...

[Spoiler] Initiative: 10+3d6 23

Action is to dash through the house while placing the gun and exiting before this pass is over.  Krestov has an Agility of 6 so I would think this is plausible.  Please advise if rolls are required [/spoiler]


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« Reply #261 on: <11-07-16/1023:58> »
From the owners perspective all of a sudden his door exploded, a huge troll steam rolled through his entrance, living room and kitchen only to leave it through the once closed panorama window - all in the space of about two seconds.

Going out through the back garden, Krestov had no problem to get picked up by Kite. While they sped away, they managed to see a KE cruiser that had suddenly materialized on the scene with two police men entering the house.
With some satisfaction, Krestov could see that the house owner had in fact picked up the gun and was holding it as the police men entered the house.
Faintly Krestov heard the discharge of the KE standard issue tasers and the howling of the owner being tazed.

Not five minutes later Krestov got the message from Sanchez: <<Seems to be our lucky day. Our suspect had the murder weapon in his possession after a patrol encountered the scene of a domestic disturbance. Believe it or not, he really tried to defend himself with the story, that a huge troll broke into his house dropped the weapon and ran away.
I'm sure prosecutor Coleman wouldn't want to miss that case even for the funeral of his mother.>>
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #262 on: <11-09-16/0905:36> »
<@anna good job. im right there.>
<@team <no opinion@all? jeez. talk about youths having no opinion. right then ill do it on my own. pseudo grown up tought talkers -.->>

Before bnc starts forging Whitman's message, she checks out Enzo's first.

[spoiler]What can you tell me about the security and surveillance there?

What do I need to spoof a message? Can I just use a burner link and register it to one Charles Whitman? Do I have to hack his real link, send a message from there and constantly oversee that no answer from Tschernenko arrives at the wrong link? Can I just create a message with a false sender? Do I need to roll on Computer or something?
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #263 on: <11-09-16/0921:40> »
Anna replied >> I think it is a wonderful idea, I am not sure if we need so much one of the perks of being a felon is that you are assumed guilty until proven innocent and we only need to delay her for a day or so. If you overdo it she will actually do time.


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« Reply #264 on: <11-09-16/0933:51> »
For the fake message you have two options:

You can either hack Whitman's link and use the Command Device Action to send a message from his link, or you can hack Tschernenko's link and use an Edit File action to create a fake message than and there.

Info on Enzo's what you get with a bunch of bought hits


Finding out about Enzo's wasn't hard: The place had direct connection to the Italian Mob. Consequently there wasn't much security advertised, but a lot of rumors about the mob using the place to launder money and therefore using extreme prejudice against anyone who was caught anywhere where he didn't belong. On the plus side there would be no police involved - on the negative side a new pair of cement shoes might very well be.
The restaurant had a small host (R3) and no wireless security cameras - likely because they didn't want any recordings of anyone entering the back rooms.
This was compensated by the constant presence of at least six mafia soldiers. Two of which showed presence at the Restaurant itself, while the others patrolled the back rooms  or took a break.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #265 on: <11-11-16/0248:48> »
"Anna. There's no technical surveillance to speak of. Seems the club is Mob bound. There's an ass load of mafiosi with bastante poco sense of humor. Once you get there, I'll keep you updated about their rough positions on an ARO map. Don't rely on these, however, since I can't afford to actually track down each and every one of them simultaneously.
Gimme a sign 'fore you get there. I'll accompany you and roast their guns if need be. Ah, and one more thing. It involves a bit of trust, but you'd make my work a lot easier if you sent me invites to mark your commlink. Strategy already saved one o' our beloved comrade's ass. There's no real risk involved, you know, as I can access it anyway if I want, but it can save time when we don't have it. Good girl.
So, and now I'll take care of Tschernenko.
Hey, special K, you wanna take care of her? Wouldn't that be a golden opportunity to speak a chunk of Russian? If you do it right, she can't even fight it"
She says the last with a grin in her voice.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #266 on: <11-11-16/0329:07> »
Anna said >> Thanks bnc.  I just did not want to pass a SIN scanner or anything that I cannot fool with a smile.  If there is no technology to bypass  then we are alright. Do not hack the systems of dangerous criminals, there is nothing wrong with what I do. I take a rich guy for a date and then after a lovely dinner I am going to slot him.  Plain, simple and working since the dawn of time. 

My comlink will be turned off most of the time, but I can wear a stealth tag so that you can track me. 

These mafiosi, have no reason to mess with me, and even if they do I am capable of fending for myself. I'll have a spirit protecting me, perhaps even two of them if Flatline feels like watching my ass. He seemed fond of it already.
If you feel that I underestimate it, have Slobber or Krestov nearby.

My plan is to slot him after a good dinner and some drinks, and to plant some bliss in his wallet to make sure that he is detained by border control. To top it all, when I leave I am going to trash his car, and make it Anna's next piece of art - that girl is really fond of vandalism. I hope that he is going to report me when he wakes up,  and see what I did to his very expensive and very loved car. How is that for a plan? "

She then contacted Mike to see if he could get some forbidden Bliss so that Whitman is detained in customs.

« Last Edit: <11-11-16/0344:51> by gilga »


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« Reply #267 on: <11-11-16/0349:51> »
Mike replied: <<I've got all the Bliss you need ready at the safe house. Just don't get caught with the stuff .>>
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #268 on: <11-11-16/0752:50> »
"Fry. Uhm, that means awesome. I feel it to be my moral responsibility to inform you that you don't actually need to perform sexual intercourse in order to carry out your job. Not that it's any of my business.
Fine, than all I need is some nasty tusker to deal with Anna T. Volunteers?"

"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #269 on: <11-11-16/0824:45> »
Anna scoffed to herself "Her moral responsibility... ?! after she just left hanging to dry? The slitch is teasing me for two freaking days. Gosh, it could have been amazing." She texted >> Thanks for keeping my chastity, Sprinklers... Do not worry, I only slot people I like, if he is a creepster I'll tie him up to the bed and leave him to dry.
With that in mind Anna had some hours to kill until her date - she planned to spend them by trying to talk with the rest. Anna was pretty nervous about her little date but with the way bnc treated her it was clear for her that any admission of doubt will be seen as a weakness, so Anna kept her cheerful time until it was time to date.

Going to the date, Anna packed in her purse some 'between the sheets' toys that could perhaps be used in the night before, and should take a lot of attention out of the small amount of bliss in that bag. Afterall, can you really spot the bliss when the purse contained a black dildo, pink restraints, lubricant and edible underwear? Anna was wearing a furry black dress with a generous cleavage, she tried to go for elegance but to also give the impression that anything is off the table.

Being honest with herself, perhaps getting laid was not such a bad idea with her unlucky streak, then again if she can NOT fuck him leave him tied to the bed trash his car and text him the picture - the guy is going to be furious and will call the police for certain...  If she gives him an epic slot, and then trash his car... Whitman may feel generous in the morning and forgive her... People tend to be cheerful post sex, and artists are known to be a bit crazy. "Perhaps that plan is better with me being a total asshole about it... It seems that getting myself slotted is just never the professional choice..."

Anna punctually arrived at Enzo's, and looked for Charles.

Anna will 'wear' her improve charisma spell as seduction seems in her cards for tonight:
Improve charisma F5: 15d6t5 5
drain: 10d6t5 4
+4 Charisma, no drain.

« Last Edit: <11-11-16/0851:04> by gilga »

