Split this off, since it's discussion and not necessarily an FAQ point. And something I'm planning to address anyway!
Yes. For a couple reasons...
First off, Season 4 will be much more tightly contained. You shouldn;t count on new contacts every mission, as we plan tor reuse contacts throughout the season. If you play teh season in order (Which is HIGHLY recommended), you'll get a whole bunch of contacts right off, but then you won't get that many afterward. But if you work with your contacts, you should be able to build up their loyalty.
That said...
First off...There are an infinite amount of contact types out there, and they all have uses. In my current group, my fellow players all looked at me like I was on crack when I wanted to get a Taxi Driver contact... Until they realized I basically had a vehicle on demand, and taxi drivers are a great source of street rumors and info. So contacts you buy can still be very useful in game.
Second... I plan to do something like the old Commando Quarterly for Missions, and one thing we'll be releasing is a list of some of the contacts you can get in game. So that you can buy them at character creation if you like. Meaning you can get a jump start on things like Loyalty Scores and the like.
Contacts are a fantastic resource, and players are encouraged to bring their own to guarantee they have certain niches covered and the like.