[SR6] Returning Gm with some questions

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« on: <05-13-23/2330:43> »
Hey all.  Our small group has dived back into SR with the 6th edition (Seattle ed.)  Played before in 5E, 4E and 3E for reference, and we don't have any other books yet.

We've read the rulebook, created real characters and started our first 'test run'.  However, we came across a few questions / issues that we could not find.  Appreciate any assist the community can give in finding these answers, or at least page numbers to re-read.

1)  Does a character being attacked multiple times reduce your dice pool?  (Holdover from 5E, maybe?)

2)  As a combat goes on, can you gain an additional edge beyond the temporary two, if you already had two from the prior combat round?  (Believe 'yes', but wanted to confirm)

3)  Confirming drain is a damage resistance test. 

4)  Do damage mods on the condition monitor apply to the defense test (INT + Reaction)?  (I think 'no', but wanted to confirm)

5)  Magic & drain:  Was it really meant to be this bad for drain?  (Our mage did more damage to himself than the enemy.)  He cast only a levitate spell and a stunbolt, and ended up with 7 boxes of stun damage.  (No amping)

Thanks in advance!


Michael Chandra

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« Reply #1 on: <05-14-23/0702:49> »
1: You don't lose dice. But most enemies are grouped together, and a group of enemies gets extra Attack Rating and bonus dice. 1 enemy: -/-. 2: +1/-. 3: +2/+1. 4: +3/+1. 5+: +4/+2 (the bonus caps at 5 enemies, though more-efficient folks could get a bigger bonus, such as the special drones).

2: The limit of 2 edge-gain is per combat round, so yes Edge will keep coming and going in combat.

3: It is a 'damage resistance' test of sorts, but I don't know if Toughness applies? In general I think GMs assume it is not penalized by injuries, just like toxic resistance and other rolls against damage.

4: Injury modifiers you mean with damage mods? Or? You do face penalties on defense tests from taking injuries, but weapons only reduce the defensive dicepool when explicitly stated.

5: Magic is indeed tough to cast if you're not as prepared. Increasing your own drain attributes with spells is definitely a useful approach, and Centering also is something to look into in the future.
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« Reply #2 on: <05-14-23/1925:34> »
Thanks for the answers! 
3: It is a 'damage resistance' test of sorts, but I don't know if Toughness applies? In general I think GMs assume it is not penalized by injuries, just like toxic resistance and other rolls against damage.
We assumed it didn't take dice pool modifiers for damage, but couldn't find a ruling on it one way or the other.   
4: Injury modifiers you mean with damage mods? Or? You do face penalties on defense tests from taking injuries, but weapons only reduce the defensive dicepool when explicitly stated.
Facing dice pool penalties from taking damage on the condition monitor when you are defending against an attack, such as a pistol. 


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« Reply #3 on: <05-15-23/0804:21> »
I would agree with the assessment about drain being a test that isn't modified by damage (although not sure I can cite the rule)

Defense tests do get modified by damage... much harder to dodge when your leg is broken (but again not sure I can point you to the RAW text for that)
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« Reply #4 on: <05-15-23/0907:11> »
The blanket rule in SR6 seem to be that "When a row of boxes on a monitor is filled, the character takes a –1 dice pool penalty to all tests except Damage Resistance.

Beyond this there might be tests where applying wound modifiers don't make a lot of sense or tests in the books where wound modifiers explicitly don't apply (like your natural recovery test).

It seems plausible that it is harder to avoid getting hit if you are already hurting while resisting the damage value of drain seem to fall under "Damage Resistance" (and is not affected by wound modifiers).


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« Reply #5 on: <05-16-23/1344:34> »
We rule that Drain is a damage resistance test.  We consider any test where you're going to fill in boxes on your CM to be a damage resistance test.  Defense tests are not damage resistance tests.

1)  Does a character being attacked multiple times reduce your dice pool?  (Holdover from 5E, maybe?)
No, but there is a spiritually similar mechanic in 6th: You can add to your Defense pool with Block and Dodge actions, but doing so costs a Minor action.  In this way, attacking someone multiple times degrades their defenses because they will run out of actions with which to bolster their dice pool.


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« Reply #6 on: <05-17-23/1326:33> »
Thanks to everyone for the answers!  Trying again this weekend, and we'll see if this one goes better.