Hey all. Our small group has dived back into SR with the 6th edition (Seattle ed.) Played before in 5E, 4E and 3E for reference, and we don't have any other books yet.
We've read the rulebook, created real characters and started our first 'test run'. However, we came across a few questions / issues that we could not find. Appreciate any assist the community can give in finding these answers, or at least page numbers to re-read.
1) Does a character being attacked multiple times reduce your dice pool? (Holdover from 5E, maybe?)
2) As a combat goes on, can you gain an additional edge beyond the temporary two, if you already had two from the prior combat round? (Believe 'yes', but wanted to confirm)
3) Confirming drain is a damage resistance test.
4) Do damage mods on the condition monitor apply to the defense test (INT + Reaction)? (I think 'no', but wanted to confirm)
5) Magic & drain: Was it really meant to be this bad for drain? (Our mage did more damage to himself than the enemy.) He cast only a levitate spell and a stunbolt, and ended up with 7 boxes of stun damage. (No amping)
Thanks in advance!