[IC] New Beginnings DUSK

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #90 on: <10-03-16/1057:49> »
Returning to her table, Snow finds that the meal is over and people are more or less mingling, some taking advantage of the live band to be on the dance floor.  She sits and sips at her wine, considering her options as she waits for the green light from her team and their responses to her message about the inoculations.  Her reverie is interrupted by the return of her date, who looks quite uncomfortable.  She stands as he approaches, and is ready to make her excuses for the evening when he motions for her to come with him.  Once a bit away from the rest of the diners, he turns to her and says, "I am terribly sorry, my dear, but I am afraid that I have to draw this very enjoyable evening to an early close.  My business has intruded on my pleasure and I am called away for what is probably a very long meeting.  It is quite likely that I will be busy up to my departure tomorrow and may even have to cut my stay in Seattle short.  I am very sorry for this inexcusable lapse in courtesy and hope that you can forgive me.  I have enjoyed very much our short, far too short, time together.  I would hope that you are available the next time I am in the city?"

Snow keeps her feelings inside and puts the proper face on the situation.  "I am disappointed, but I also can understand.  I, too, have enjoyed this very much.  It was quite pleasurable, in several ways.  You have been a true gentleman.  Thank you."

"You made that part easy.  You have a key to the room so you can get your things?  You may, of course, spend the night there if you like, but it is likely that I will be returning only to pack and leave."

Snow understands what he is saying.  "Thank you for the offer, but I think it is best that I just get my things and leave.  I do hope that you can look me up when you are next in Seattle."

He looks like he is about to say something else, when a man comes up to him and whispers something.  He nods and turns back to Snow.  "Thank you for a very memorable experience.  Good luck to you."

With that, he turns and walks off with the other man and Snow smiles as she turns for the door.  She walks sedately down to the ground floor and hails a cab to take her to the other hotel.  On the way she sends a note to her team.  >>Team.  Snow.  I have extricated myself from the date situation.  I am hoping that there are no inconvenient repercussions, but I think all will be OK.  I am making the calls to see about the drugs, so let me know if I need to stop that process.<<
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #91 on: <10-03-16/1104:20> »
Getting her commlink out, Clem said "Alright, let me tell her if she can wait until first light before departure, then we're in. But we need to haul ass: the worst thing would be for the Heaven's Devils to botch their first official job."

Quickly typing her message, Clem wrote <Clem here. If you can give us until dawn to straighten our medical and equipment needs, then we'll be locked and loaded. Consequently, where should we meet?>
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #92 on: <10-03-16/1158:27> »
Snow's second call is to her Vory Contact.  >>Snow here.  The meeting with the foreign investor went very well.  He had to cut the visit short but was quite pleased with the attention he received while he was here so you should have no complaints in that regard.  Thank you for the opportunity to help make a difference.  Coincidentally, my other team has been offered a job that you might have an interest in.  We are being asked to go to Lagos, Nigeria for the job.  Not sure if you have any contacts there or if I will be able to set anything up, but would you like me to try while I am there?  I need to be a hero to my team and the person hiring us, so can you set me up with the list of immunizations I need for five people?  I have attached the list here and need it rather quickly.  I can come to pick them up, but need them as fast as possible.  I am counting on your support.  Please contact me when you have things ready for me.<<

Snow sends the message with confidence.  After all, she has to answer to her superiors, but they in turn are bound by the same laws of honor to assist her in any way possible.  Such are the responsibilities and perks of a person in her position in the organization.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #93 on: <10-03-16/2318:08> »
Clem gets a return text almost immediately

>>>Wonderful! Since we’ll be traveling together, you can call all me Jane, even Stick.  Ms. Johnson is something I’d call my employer.

I’ve put together a list of inoculations that the World Health Organization recommends for travelers to West Africa. Some of these things aren’t in your normal medkit, and a couple are not going to feel real good, but there is nothing to exotic or expensive to lay hands on. There’s some additional information about Lagos in the file, if you’re not already familiar with the city.

To get us to Africa, I’ve arranged for a private flight from here to Cairo, and then on to Accra—the capital of Asante, and the closest real airport to Lagos. That way we don’t have to deal with any airport security or other travel issues. But after that, I’m afraid we’ll be traveling with a bush pilot into Lagos. That is why I am bugging out about the time, the schedule is pretty tight and it isn’t incredibly reliable, but it is the best way to get there fast.

I’ve been told there will be limited room on the plane for us on the final leg, and we’re to pack light. A single carry-on-sized bag and a backpack or dufflebag each, or so I was told, and I’d seriously recommend everyone bring their own medkit.

Here is the thing, I am going to be on the tarmac at midnight, I can’t see a good reason you will need longer than that if you are the pros I think you are, but I leave it to your judgement. <<<

The list you will find is not much different than the one Snow has made, and it includes a specialty code medkit that includes additional food and water purification and antibacterials that will run 10% higher than a standard kit with the same rating. It also gives instructions for finding the plane.

(OOC: I can't attach the handout, I will try and email it to everyone tomorrow, it is basically a cliffnotes of Feral Cities)


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« Reply #94 on: <10-03-16/2345:41> »
Clem forwards the message to the rest of the team, adding <Here is a list of what we need, Snow. I personally should get all of it, so please tell me where to go to get it and how much it will cost us. Let me know about the timeline, as I would also love to make it by midnight if we can.>

With that, Clem asked everyone else "I think it would be better for us to get our stuff ready, if there are no more questions. We'll rendez-vous at whatever place Snow has for the shots once she tells us, meanwhile please get everything you need ready."

Getting up, Clementine also added as an afterthought "And I also think these shots and the medkits should come out of the team fund."
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« Reply #95 on: <10-04-16/0054:26> »
O'Connor drained his whiskey and got up to leave. He returned home and changed out of his new suit. He put on his armored vest and casual clothing consisting of a Thunder Smashers band tee and worn-and-torn denim jeans. He stuffed a duffle bag near to bursting with guns and ammo. He didn't bother packing any clothing. Space was a premium and he could buy clothes when they got to Lagos.

He had the suspicion that the Halloweeners were going to turn his apartment building into a burnt out husk by the time he got back. So he also packed up his remaining weapons and ammunition, plus the new suit and a few other articles of clothing. He took them over to Darrel's shop. O'Connor was a bit surprised that his buddy wasn't in, even on a Saturday evening. He remembered the dwarf mentioning a girl he met a few weeks back, Kendall, Kendra, or something or another. He shrugged it off and let himself in, placing his stuff in a locker. <[Recipient: Darrel | Text]: Got a job, leaving town for a week or so. Halloweeners will probably hit my place soon, so I'm leaving some stuff in my locker at the shop.> A part of him wanted to tell Darrel to watch his back, but forwent it, knowing the dwarf would just be insulted.

From the shop, O'Connor hit the freeway and had his car do loops until Snow got back to him with a meeting place for the shots or he needed to get to the airport on time. To pass the time he read over the information the Johnson gave them on Lagos.
« Last Edit: <10-04-16/0504:01> by Necrogigas »
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~


Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #96 on: <10-04-16/0201:03> »
Snow is at home packing and telling the boys she would be out of town for a week or so.  Tommy takes a look from her as a hint and leaves after wishing her good luck.  Andrew helps Snow pack, touching her every now and then.  He does not have to ask about the previous night, although it is clear that he wants to.  After the medkit is checked and packed, Snow turns to him and leads him to the couch.  What is said between them is personal and private, but Andrew seems very relieved afterwards.  Clem's message comes in during this chat and Snow takes it when they are done.  She nods to her companion and lover and sends a reply.  >>Clem.  Snow.  Thanks for the list.  I see I was well-informed as to the shots needed.  My contacts have already greenlighted me getting the medicnes, but the distributor is a Vory asset but not Vory, if you get my meaning.  I will need to be present to check over what we are given to be certain that we are getting stuff that is still within the use date and not some bottom shelf replacement drek.  Are you certain that you wish to be involved in the transaction?  If so, I am leaving for the location in about ten minutes. We can get the drugs and meet the others at the airport in plenty of time.  Let me know if you are interested and I will wait for you at the attached location coordinates.<<

She turns to Andrew.  "You want to help?  I need to pick up some meds to give everyone shots for where we are going.  Would you like to drive me out in your car and then drop me at the airport?"  He smiles and nods then helps her finish packing.  They pause for a very passionate kiss before leaving the apartment and getting in the car to go meet Clem.
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« Reply #97 on: <10-04-16/0357:41> »
<Ok, I'll see you there> replied Clem as she was finishing packing her things. The ork was astonished she had managed to make her new shotgun, her sub machine gun, her stun baton, her katana, her handgun, and the ammo and magazines fit in her bag, along with some change of clothes (because only the gods know what they are using in Lagos). She hailed one of those self-driving cabs and went straight to the location Snow had given her, but not without an internal farewell to her place.

Arriving, Clem couldn't suppress a surprised "You guys are still together?" when seeing Snow's companion, Andrew. The lack of empathy was a stark contrast to what the ork had displayed earlier in the meeting, but wasn't unusual for Clementine.
« Last Edit: <10-04-16/0402:10> by HydroRaven »
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« Reply #98 on: <10-04-16/0453:53> »
"Sure," Sammy said on Clem's suggestion that the group fund pays for the medkits, "sounds logical.  Well, I'm off to home, I'll see you at the airport."

First she went home.  Marcus was not there, so she started to pack her bags, something which didn't take all that long.  In the meantime, Marcus had come home.  She told him that she had another trip abroad, although this time a bit further then LA.  She told him that he had to continue to go to school and she would check in on him from time to time via commlink or the astral and he could always contact her if needed.  She didn't mind him seeing Cassie, but he had to keep going to school and do his homework.  And use protection, as he was too young to become a father.  And also she didn't want him to turn the house into a party place.  This was one of the advantages of Orcs maturing faster, she thought, as he was clearly not happy about it but she knew he could stay at home alone. 

She promised him that when she got back, they would do something together, just the two of them.

Then it was time to get to the airport, where she arrived a bit after midnight.
"Sorry about that," she said, upon arriving ten minutes late, "some family issues cropped up I had to deal with before leaving.  So we do the shots on the plane?"
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #99 on: <10-04-16/0939:13> »
Snow and Andrew arrive before Clem and sit in the car, talking and holding hands like young lovers.  Within a few minutes, the Ork arrives and joins them in the vehicle.  Snow laughs at her question as Andrew nods.  "Yes, we are together.  And happy.  I wish I were going along on this, just in case your 'links get infected again.  Maybe another time."

Snow squeezes his hand to reassure him and then he drives to the location for the buy, pulling up to a white van with two large men standing near it.  Clem and Snow get out and go over to meet the men and some words are exchanged before a third man steps out of the cab and comes to join them, introducing himself simply as Vlad.  The van box is opened and Snow is shown the equipment, which includes six of the special medkits plus fourteen kit reloads, all of the medicine to inoculate six people, and some extra sets of malaria pills.  Snow looks through everything, talking in Russian to the man, who nods several times.  She discards several items as out of date and has them replaced.  Finally satisfied, the two guards load everything into Andrew's car and Clem authorizes the credit transfer.  Snow and Vlad shake hands and exchange some words in Russian before everyone gets back in their vehicles and drives away.

At the airport, they find the private terminal and note that the plane is already there, along with the J.  Snow, Clem, and Andrew unload the medical supplies and the women's bags near the plane before Snow takes Andrew to the far side of the car and talks softly to him for a couple of minutes before they embrace.  They kiss and the man bids farewell to Clem before climbing into the car and driving away.  Snow watches the tail lights until they disappear then turns to Clem.  "To really answer your question; yes, we are really still together.  And yes, he knows where I was Friday night and Saturday.  It is complicated, but I feel very lucky.  Now, let's pack our kits and sort the others out.  I can give us our shots now but may have to do the others on the flight over."

Snow's bag had been lighter, as all she has in it are a couple of changes of clothes and the ammunition for her pistols.  She stows the special medkit in the bag, along with the refills, keeping the immunization kits out and in a separate bag.  While storing her things, she finds a short note from Andrew and reads it, breaking into a large smile at the contents before carefully folding it and putting it in a pocket to read again later.  She knows that he will find the note she has left for him, but this just makes things so much better.  Snow picks up her bags and walks to the plane and greets the J.  "Hello, Jane.  Two of us are here and the rest are on the way.  I managed to get enough medicine to inoculate six people because I was not sure if your instructions included yourself for the shots.  You did not get back to me about nearby foreign countries, so I looked anyway and found that one requires something Nigeria does not and have got that just in case.  Are you up on your shots or do you need anything?  I am assuming that I can use the plane to have the people sitting down as a couple of these are pretty harsh initially?" 
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« Reply #100 on: <10-04-16/1012:52> »
It didn't take Sam long to get ready; he didn't have a ton of gear to collect like some of the others, and Lyra was very understanding when he told her he'd gotten a job through the Club that would take him out of country for a while. He arrived at the airport in plenty of time for the meet.
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #101 on: <10-04-16/1117:26> »
Sam arrives as Snow is talking to Jane and she waves him over before turning back to the J.  "Correction, there are three of us." 

Snow turns to Sam.  "Let's get on board and I can give you and Clem your shots.  One of these is a bit harsh, so I would advise remaining seated for about an hour or so and you might feel a bit of nausea.  I have inoculation cards for all of us to show if required and can upload the information to your 'link if you want."

She picks up her bags and climbs the stairs to the plane, heading to the rear to stow her things while keeping the immunization kits out.
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« Reply #102 on: <10-05-16/0235:52> »
O'Connor arrived at the airport a few minutes before midnight, "Yo, Boss Lady, how long till we get to Lagos? And you're completely positive security forces aren't an issue?" He unzipped his duffle bag a bit to show Jane its contents.
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #103 on: <10-05-16/0438:32> »
Once everyone was arrived, Clem nodded to Snow and explained that the inoculations would be done in the plane. The group got their luggage inside the plane, but Clem had kept her handgun on her, loaded with S&S ammo, just in case. Clem asked Snow to vaccinate her first and wait for another 20 minutes before starting on the rest of the other members. She left the hacker with the trouble of coming up with an excuse for the delay, since they didn't want to project an image of incompetence to their new boss, but at the same time the ork was adamant on not putting everyone at risk at the same time.
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #104 on: <10-05-16/0930:59> »
Once everyone is on board, Snow stands near the front of the plane and announces that she will begin the inoculations.  "I will begin with Clem then waiting about twenty minutes between people.  I do not know if any of you will have a bad reaction to the drugs and do not want to be in the middle of doing another person if one of you does.  Twenty minutes should give you time enough to develop a negative reaction.  Two of these shots need to be given in the ass, so please remember that I am your physician.  Alright, Clem, you are first."

With that, Snow begins the immunization process, waiting about twenty minutes between people.  She looks at Jane to see if she needs any shots.  Once all of her companions have the shots, she signs off on a physical immunization record and uploads one to their whichever 'link they want her to use.  When that is done, she gives herself her own shots, finishing the process.  Afterwards, she sits in the comfortable seat and relaxes for the trip to Cairo and beyond.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

