[IC] New Beginnings DUSK

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« Reply #75 on: <10-01-16/1947:02> »
"I said that I had hoped she..." indicating Snow, "...would handle your immunizations, regardless that part is on you.  As for leaving, I want to leave as soon as possible, if could be leaving straight from here that would be great, but obviously we all need to change and get our gear together.  I would love to be in the air by midnight."  looking to the hacker, "...and you?"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #76 on: <10-01-16/2020:36> »
Snow nods.  "I can certainly do the immunizations.  I will check with the medical institutions and find out what is required for the country.  Is there a chance that we will be leaving Lagos for any neighboring countries?  And I have a contact that should be able to provide me with the drugs, but things might be hard at this time of night.  I will try to work miracles, but there could be a delay we cannot avoid.  As for my other job, I do need to go back and put certain things into place to make sure that my obligations are met.  I am sure that a businesswoman such as yourself can understand that.  Do we have a com code for you so we can keep in touch?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #77 on: <10-02-16/0724:10> »
Having stayed behind, Clem decided to go have a drink with O'Connor. She wanted to ask him a few questions, and if there was only one team member missing from the negotiation room, it would sound suspicious. Having the two grunts stay out made it look as if they had nothing else to add to the negotiations, which helped to disguise O'Connor's malaise with reentering the room.

Once she was sat down with a scotch in her hand (*why not splurge while I'm here*), the ork asked nonchalantly the adept "I caught someone in my apartment last week, and I believe he was looking for you. Any chance you might know why they tracked me if they're looking for you?"
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« Reply #78 on: <10-02-16/1738:38> »
Ms Johnson sighed, "I am beginning to understand why every why everyone I worked for always seemed so pissed off.  I was on my way out the door to get another team fifteen minutes ago, and that is fifteen minutes I don't have."

"Here's my comm, why don't you have your people, call my people and maybe we can set up a coffee date a week from next Saturday.  I will let you know then exactly how much money and street cred you part-timers left on the table."  She walks out without another word.

As she passes Clem and O'Conner at the bar, she speaks to the ork.  "You seem to have some sense about you and about biz, if you can get this team of yours on the same page in the next few minutes let me know, I have to go make arrangements in case you don't."  She heads out.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #79 on: <10-02-16/2018:44> »
Snow leaves the room in the woman's wake.  She is confused at the woman's reaction and bites her tongue to keep from saying something unprofessional.  She sends a note to her team.  >>Sorry team.  I may have scotched the play, even though I fail to see how.  In any case, I am not sure I can work with her just for the money.  Count me out unless she changes her tune.  I do not like her and I would be thinking that someone who offers a lot of money but cares nothing about the people on the team she is hiring, does not really care if we come home to be paid.  Can I join you for a drink, or am I persona non grata now?<<
« Last Edit: <10-02-16/2117:45> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #80 on: <10-02-16/2150:14> »
O'Connor's eyes widened in surprise at Clem's statement, "Drek, they must've peg you when you scoped out my apartment. The Azure Fists are now a part of the Halloweeners. You might really want to rethink working with me. I'm a crazy ass psycho, but the Halloweeners take things to a whole other level. They're probably looking for all the ways they can come at me." After the Johnson made her spiel and left, O'Connor looked at Clem confused, "The frag just happened in there?" He then got Snow's message, "Seriously, what the frag?"
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #81 on: <10-02-16/2349:22> »
"It's the second time in 20 minutes you suggest we stop working together, is the suit cutting circulation to your head?" asked Clem to O'Connor.

Before the man had time to answer, the Johnson had already set her ultimatum. Turning to her teammate, she echoed his confusion, and added "If she thinks I was the voice of reason in the group, then something really went wrong."

After getting Snow's message, she sent a message to the whole team. <Yes, I think we should all get together for a chat about this. We're at the bar.>
Self thought

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #82 on: <10-03-16/0019:50> »
Snow walks into the bar in her fancy dinner dress, the slit on her left thigh showing lots of leg as she moves.  She spies Con and Clem in the room and heads over to join them.  She looks at the man who comes over and orders a vodka, neat, as she sits down.  Her frown momentarily goes away when she looks at the others.  "Boy, I do not know what I said, but I thought I was telling her that I could make my part of this all come together.  She just seemed to take it all wrong and stormed out as if she had already made up her mind and nothing I was going to say would change it.  What a Четверг утро, sorry, what a bitch.  Anyway. I guess I shot our chances for that payday in the ass and I am sorry.  Just thought I would get a drink and explain myself before going back to work."
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« Reply #83 on: <10-03-16/0252:25> »
Clem shrugged. "Seems this is off to a bad start all over. But the question still stands: do you want to take the job? And if we do end up on this gig, how fast can you get ready? She stormed out, but I think I can still talk her into hiring us if we can get everyone on board."

Clem then turned to Torley and Sammy. "If we decide to take this, how much time do you guys need to prepare? I'm sure she will give us some leeway for inoculations, but the sooner the better. I personally don't feel like waiting for months for another Johnson to show up at our doorstep. I think we should ride this wave of popularity we are on now and build the biggest resume we can, so that we can refuse the drek assignments later on."
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« Reply #84 on: <10-03-16/0438:10> »
"I just need to get my stuff from my apartment," Sammy said, "but for me the problem isn't there.  I don't have problems with the job as such, although I'd rather stay in Seattle, even with the fact that it's a rush job.  But if it's a rush job, she might have told us in advance, maybe put the meeting a bit earlier and she definitely should have arranged for the immunizations we need.  We didn't know where we were going until ten minutes ago, so we couldn't know what we would need.  And yes, maybe we could have handled this better, but a Johnson who can't deal with those small issues, has no business in the shadows.  So unless we get the time we need to get all that stuff done, for me it ends here."
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #85 on: <10-03-16/0611:41> »
"Alright, would you have enough time to get everything taken care of tonight? What if we set the departure time at first light tomorrow morning, would that be enough for everyone to get their things in order?" On that, Clem turned to Snow and asked her "What do you need to do for everyone to get their immunization done by then?"
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« Reply #86 on: <10-03-16/0735:15> »
"Look, I really want to go on this run. What's not to like about visiting a new place, taking in the culture, meeting the locals, and then murdering them in the face? But this Johnson is super pissed and has rub both of our people persons the wrong way." He turned to Torley and Snow, "Even if we can salvage this, how petty and vindictive do you think she is? What are the odds of her trying to ice us instead of pay us when everything is said and done?"
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #87 on: <10-03-16/0923:40> »
Clem interjected. "The more appropriate question would be, how do you know her? I don't think it's someone you met at a place this one time, since she made it a point to tell us she was a person you met at a place this one time. The question is, how good of a relationship do you have with the fixer, Torley? Would it be a scandal for your guy if the Johnson offed the team, or would that bring consequences?"
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« Reply #88 on: <10-03-16/1022:00> »
Sam sighed, idly stirring his latest martini with its olive. "You're right, though I can't go into details. She's not going to off us, but the reasons behind that also put pressure on me to accept the job, even if she is a bitch. Not saying she wouldn't stiff us on this promised 'finders fee'; that's on her. But if we let this job walk--much as I'd like to--there will be repercussions. At the very least, we likely won't be getting jobs from the same source in the future." Sam had no clue what the Club would do to him or Sammy, but he was sure they'd do something. And there was Lyra to think about as well.

He looked over at Snow. "You really think you can line up immunizations in the middle of the night on a weekend? I know a doc, but I don't think she could pull through as fast as the J wants. And your...other commitment. You need any help extracting from that?"
Colors: Speech Thoughts Matrix Astral

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #89 on: <10-03-16/1032:00> »
Snow shakes her head.  "As soon as I get out of the club, I will go to the public sites for Nigeria and surrounding countries and download what we need for immunizations and pass the list out to you.  You each need to tell me if you have any of these already.  If you do not have them or are not sure if they are current, then you get a shot.  I will reach out to my contacts as soon as we know we have the job as I do not want to go through what it will take if this is not happening.  But yes, I think I can get the medicines quickly.  No guarantees, though.  And I also have a thought on extricating myself from my date.  It is not optimum, but I can manage.....I hope.  Thank you very much for offering to help"  She finishes her drink and stands.  "Sorry to run, but I have several things to do before I can really be ready, including ditching a date set up by my Vory superiors without pissing them off.  I have a plan, but need to leave to get working on it.  Calling the J and making peace with her is your call and I will go along with the group decision.  I do not like her nor am I convinced that she is willing to work with us on any aspect of this job, but that is my opinion and liking the J has never been a requirement, right?  OK, I am off.  Call me.  Remember that you cannot receive my messages from inside the building."

Snow leaves the bar and leaves the building, hailing a taxi from the several that are waiting near the club.  She is already on the public sites for Nigeria and several of the surrounding countries and is downloading the list of current required and recommended immunizations.  She has the list before the cab arrives back at the hotel where she is eating dinner and sends it off to the team.  She exits the cab and heads into the building, returning to the banquette hall well before her date does. 
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>