[IC] New Beginnings DUSK

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« Reply #60 on: <09-28-16/0231:03> »
>>Con, Snow.  That is not convenient just now.  How important is it that I be there?  If it is critical, I will try to think of something, but I cannot really risk pissing on my bosses shoes.  Let me think.  I will be back to you.<<

>>Con.  Snow.  I have worked things out, sort of.  In any case I have probably a couple of hours to meet the J and talk to her.  Not sure how long I can stay but I am on the way to you now.  Will you be waiting outside for me?<<

With that, Clementine stood up and motioned for the rest of the team to follow her out of the room. Once outside she says to O'Connor "Can you reach Snow?" After a slight pause, she turns back to the human, asking "And what the drek is wrong with you?!? Do you need a fix?"

<[Recipient: Snow | Commcall]: "It's super important. If you don't show, the Jay will find another team. We're looking at twenty grand a head here. Yeah, I'll meet you out front to make sure you can get it hassle free."> O'Connor turned to Clem, "She's on her way now." When she asked her second question an offended look crossed O'Connor's face, "Do you really think so little of me that you believe I'd risk a job by showing up to the meet jonesing, or high for that matter? If that's the case, maybe we should think about splitting ways after this run. I doubt you want to work with people you think are unreliable, and I won't work with people that question my commitment to the team. Loyalty is one of the only things I value." He wouldn't admit that he was off tonight, especially to himself. He turned away from Clem, "I'm gonna wait here for Snow. Go tell the Jay she's on her way."
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~


Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #61 on: <09-28-16/0317:35> »
Snow sees Con waiting for her as the taxi pulls up to the curb.  She pays the fare and adds a tip before opening the door and sliding out in her evening gown.  She smiles at Con and turns around.  "You think I can get in?  I guess we had better go find our J.  Before we go in, though, can you give me any information on what I am walking into?"
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« Reply #62 on: <09-28-16/0422:46> »
"Just a moment," Sammy said to the Johnson, following Clem outside.  There it quickly became clear that Snow would show up.
"That's one problem solved," she said to the rest of the group, "now, about the job.  I'm a bit reluctant, but that's due to private reasons.  If the group decides to take this job, I'll follow you and do my utmost to have things resolved as quickly as possible.  One thing we have to check with Ms. Johnson, is what she will take in the way of supplies.  Everything I've heard about Lagos is that it's a shit hole without even basic sanitation, so things like water purification tablets, good antibiotics and stuff like that I would like to take from here.  If needed, we will need a quick shopping trip to provide those."
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #63 on: <09-28-16/0621:20> »
"Alright, calm down" answered Clem to O'Connor. Invoking the thermonuclear option from the onset of a problem was a signature move for the human, so Clementine knew not to take it too seriously. Nevertheless, she was concerned for her teammate. "I don't know what makes you so fidgety about the Johnson or the room, but pull yourself together, omae. If loyalty is high on your list, then tell me what has you spooked."

Turning to Sammy, Clem said "I don't know anything about Lagos. Where is that place? Can we find ammo easily there, or should we bring all that we need?"
« Last Edit: <09-28-16/0625:58> by HydroRaven »
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« Reply #64 on: <09-28-16/0637:28> »
"I don't know all that much either," Sammy said, "I used to date a guy who was stationed there for a couple of months.  It's in Africa somewhere, give me a second."
She did a quick search on her commlink to come up with a location.
"There it is," she said, "and from what little I know, I don't think ammo will be a huge problem.  Getting drinking water is a bigger issue than getting ammo.  I guess I'll have to try and find the 'purify water' spell somewhere."

She made a mental note to ask James if he had the spell formula, or otherwise the Club might have it.  She could get the formula and then learn it later.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #65 on: <09-28-16/0702:41> »
"The Johnson is some high class elf. I got paranoid and thought she was Tir at the start. We still don't know what we did on that run, or what enemies we made. Excuse me for getting twitchy when she has home field advantage and we're unarmed." He was deflecting, he knew it, she probably did too. Fear was a weakness to be loathed and shameful about. He was barely even beginning to admit to himself that his newly developed aversion to fire existed at all. To others, it was utterly impossible to do so. He tried to derail Clem's line of questioning, "Speaking of enemies, my war with the Azure Fists has taken a turn. It may place the rest of you in greater danger. We'll talk about it with everyone once this meeting's over."
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #66 on: <09-28-16/0732:32> »
Recognizing O'Connor didn't want to talk about his issues any further, Clem backed down. She did, however, add "Yes, I think one of your friends paid me a visit, but we'll discuss this later. For now, let's just get Snow inside the room." With that, Clem waved at Snow to come closer. "Alright, so here's the situation: this elven Johnson wants us to accompany her to somewhere in Africa to retrieve some artifacts someone else has commissioned her to retrieve. She is running against the clock because there is a rival also looking for the same things, so she needs an answer immediately. Pay is ¥20k + a daily rate, and she's firm on the price. I don't have any issues with the job, Con seems to be on board as well, but Starlet and Torley have their reservations. So you are the swing vote, here. Meet with her and see how she rubs you, pun unintended."
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« Reply #67 on: <09-28-16/0809:58> »
"I don't have issues with the job itself," Sammy interjected, "I just rather not leave my brother alone again, as he's too young to be alone and he'll probably turn my apartment into a frat house."
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #68 on: <09-30-16/0206:28> »
Snow watches as the rest of the Devils exit the club to join her and Con on the street.  She listens to the conversation then gives a start.  "My, Con, you do clean up really well.  Now, that sort of suit will get you some action from some socially elite women.  Very nice, indeed."

She turns to the others and says, "I gather this is important, but it seems that Starlet is a bit iffy on leaving just now.  I am still tangled up until sometime tomorrow, but I may have an out that will not cost me any face with my superiors.  Where exactly are we going and when are we leaving and I suppose I need to get inside to meet the J?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #69 on: <09-30-16/0249:51> »
O'Connor led Snow into the club, "We'll be heading to Lagos and it sounds like we're leaving as soon a possible." As they closed in on the room, O'Connor slowed down, "Actually I'm gonna to the bar and grabbing another drink. Anyone else need one?" He turned on his heels and walked away.
« Last Edit: <09-30-16/0257:11> by Necrogigas »
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~


Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #70 on: <09-30-16/1014:23> »
Snow enters the club and allows the man at the door to run his hands across her body as he frisks her for weapons.  When he is satisfied, she walks in with Con and watches as he leaves for the bar.  She is a bit surprised at his actions but shrugs and proceeds to the meeting room.  Entering she walks to a respectful distance from the woman and nods.  "Good evening.  My name is Snow.  I am the hacker and medical support for the team.  I understand that you wanted to meet me."
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« Reply #71 on: <09-30-16/1259:45> »
The Johnson gets up from where she is sitting and moves to shake Snow's hand.

"I did, and I am truly sorry to pull you away from your negotiations, but..." she took in the overall effect of the other elf and nodded appreciatively, then smiled "...I assume you getting a satisfying arrangement.  Please." She indicated O'Conner's recently vacated chair.

Once seated she spoke again, "I assume you have been briefed,a but just to make sure you understand the offer, it was 2000 nuyen per day with a 250 per diem to provide me with security and resources in the field.  We are tracking down a man named Samriel Lockwood and very important item for my employer and my search has led me to Lagos.  The item is important enough that it will be worth 50k for your team."

"Do you have any questions?"


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« Reply #72 on: <10-01-16/0942:15> »
"Not for me," Sammy said to O'Connor before following Snow to the Johnson.
"I have two more, if you don't mind," she said, "One, you said you took care of the immunizations we need.  Where will that be?  And two: if we accept, when do we have to leave?"
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #73 on: <10-01-16/1342:52> »
Snow takes the offered seat.  She sits quietly and nods her head in agreement when Sammy asks her questions, but is polite enough not to interrupt with questions of her own until those are answered.
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« Reply #74 on: <10-01-16/1452:48> »
O'Connor went and sat at the bar. He ordered a whiskey and nursed it heavily to delay having to return to that damnable room. A fireplace, it just had to have a roaring fireplace. Staying away so long probably wouldn't look good to the Johnson, but at the moment he didn't really care. He idly observed the room, taking in the decadence of the people. He spent an obscene amount on his new threads out of spite, but wondered why the people here did.
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~


